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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2022   #601
You are always banging

Sorry, mate, it was you who started this exchange here, not me. :):) Conclusion is simple - you are a racist. Be a man for a while and admit it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Dec 2022   #602
You are the one always banging on about diversity and I just happened to notice in your pictures that you have no diversity at all when it comes to colored people ie: Blacks, Muslims, Indians, Asians, Latino's..... your school just ain't got none.

Conclusion is simple enough - you talk the talk but you don't walk your talk.
The facts speak for themselves.
Perhaps that is why people keep telling you that you are an authority on subjects you know nothing about. Simple
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2022   #603
when it comes to colored people ie: Blacks, Muslims, Indians, Asians, Latino's..

Amasing racism! Where did you learn it? In America???
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Dec 2022   #605
You see and hear things, then. :))

Everyone, keep to the topic please
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2022   #606
Whenever my students complain they will have to take very difficult exams next year and later on, after the curriculum and requirements were changed a few years ago by our current rulers, I always explain calmly: Are you 18? Yes, you are. So you can vote. Go to the elections and express your dissatisfaction with the situation in the country.

I never tell them which party they should vote for or against coz I am apolitical in my school. I only strongly recommend taking part in elections like every decent citizen should. I add: Don`t you like the changes in the exam formula? Check who introduced them and show them your opinion at the ballot.

That`s all.
In our school all teachers hold such apolitical agenda. And we are proud of it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2022   #607
Apart from Class Christmas suppers, students also prepare nativity plays, usually directed by the school priest(s).
Two first photos - primary school
Two last - high school

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2022   #608
students also prepare nativity plays,

Some cause scandals, like this recent one in Gdańsk. Bare chested Jesus was riding in the wheelbarrow,, Mary had pink hair, the gifts from the Three Magi were consumer goods and 500 plus benefit.

Unfortunately, some people didn`t understand the deep message in the play. Strange.

Critics ask: why did the teachers allow such obscenities??
The reply is simple - the current gov has done their best to diminish the position of teachers in Poland. Now it is students who rule in schools, not teachers. So, as you educated them, now you have to put up with the results.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Dec 2022   #609
Some cause scandals, like this recent one in Gdańsk

Check it out
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Dec 2022   #610
Critics ask: why did the teachers allow such obscenities??

The students in that school didn`t go too far. Did they stage the nativity scene just like it happens every year in every school? Yes, they did. So the tradition was maintained. Their performance only contained allusions to the current political and social issues. What is wrong with it? Priests do it all the time in churches during Sunday masses and students took the example.

It is much better when students still retain engagement and stage controvercial plays than when they do nothing coz they don`t care. All those who today critizise the students and teachers will recall their silly annoyance in a decade or two when most schools don`t hold nativity scenes coz students won`t be interested. The times of religious indifference are right around the corner.

Bare chested Jesus riding in the wheelbarrow is still the same Jesus we have learnt about for hundreds of years. When students become disinterested one day, there won`t be any Jesus in their lives - neither on the cross nor in a wheelbarrow. Simple.

That is why - let`s enjoy the fact students are still engaged and care.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2023   #611
The pandemics generation is exempt from certain requirements at final exams. E.g, in primary schools, the use of Reported Speech and Past Perfect tense have been suspended for the last and this year`s exam.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Jan 2023   #612
pandemics generation is

This generation will be dumber.?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2023   #613
Yes. It already is. Online education badly affected students , in multiple dimensions - I mean their learning habits, skills, knowledge, mental health etc.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jan 2023   #614
mental health

The number of depression cases among students has become a real problem. We, teachers, are truly appalled. Never before did we have to deal with such a surge - two, three students in each class. In the past it was 2, 3 in the whole school.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #615
On 22 January there was the 160th anniversary of the January Uprising against Russian occupiers (which Poles lost). Some schools celebrate the event, students stage artistic performances, sometimes with historical costumes etc.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #616
More pics of January Uprising school celebrations

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #617
One last pic of a celebration.

In our school we didn`t hold a performance, but students were asked to come dressed in black (surprisingly most of them did). Black was the colour of clothes worn by patriotic Poles after the lost Uprising. Soon, the Russian regime forbade black. So, Poles started to wear grey. This colour was also banned. In result, Poles turned to purple. :):):)

PS. And our students made a corridor display about the Uprising.

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Alien  26 | 6527
27 Jan 2023   #618
Black was the colour of clothes worn by patriotic Poles

And now they wear rainbow colors.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Jan 2023   #619
rainbow colors.

I won`t comment on it coz I am still in the January Uprising mode. I can only say - those heroic insurgents fought for free Poland. Free not only of Russians, but of all oppression, including the oppression of LGBT.

They lost in 1863 but their noble deeds gave the inspiration to next generations of Poles. When Poland eventually regained independence in 1918, still living January insurgents were revered as national heroes.

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Paulina  19 | 4556
28 Jan 2023   #620
Soon, the Russian regime forbade black. So, Poles started to wear grey. This colour was also banned. In result, Poles turned to purple. :):):)

Seriously? I didn't know about that... I knew about wearing black after the January Uprising was lost - we were taught about this at school, I even saw a black dress of some Polish lady at an exhibition concerning this in National Museum in Kraków (or Warsaw... I don't remember) years ago. But I didn't know that RuSSians forbade wearing black. They really didn't change, did they :(
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jan 2023   #621
But I didn't know that RuSSians forbade wearing black.

Yes, you can read it in the book Czerwień i Amarant by Melchior Wańkowicz. Excellent read about the lifestyle of Polish gentry and Lithuanian peasants under Russian .occupation in 19th and early 20th centuries. Sth like Pan Tadeusz but without rhymes. :):):)
28 Jan 2023   #622
More pics of January Uprising school celebrations

Thank you so much for your education about Poland - it is extremely informative and funny at the same time. Don't you ever stop.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jan 2023   #623
They really didn't change, did they :(

No, they didn`t. They are the same oppressors as we know them from the past. Once to Poles and Baltics, today to Ukrainians. Luckily, it seems we are united at last to resist that Russian imperialism.

Thank you so much for your education about Poland

It is OK, nothing special, it is my job to educate people. And my hobby, too. Vocation and addiction as well.

What else would you like to know in the thread about Polish education? Feel free to ask.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #624

Okey... just to make a point across. Cause it seems you are 100% blind to what you are writing.

As to #619

You think those same insurgents fought for every Polish citizens freedom to wear which ever or symbol they liked? Example: red and black coloured flags and to wear satanic symbols like stars or other symbols linked with mockery of God, faith or the church?

I would like to your honest opinion about it, comes comes across very often on this forum that you "claim" to be Christian, yet I see very little of it. I observe far more mind control initiatives then Christianity from you (and other members on this forum)

So do tell, how do you view freedom to sin vs "freedom" to be on the wrong side, a.k.a as a personal choice.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Jan 2023   #625
wear satanic symbols

Why not?

mockery of God, faith or the church?

There are lots of gods, faiths and churches to choose from; and of course there should be no compulsion in religion. Let individuals wear whatever symbols they choose.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #626
You seem to be a lost cause, hopefully I am wrong about it.

What you don't seem to understand is that freedom comes with responsibility, using freedom as a carte blanche to ignore somebody walking off the cliff while you could have saved them from it, puts your own soul in trouble.

You are not a toddler as far as I know, yet a teacher and an adult. Nobody likes people butting in, but being a Christian isn't about being liked.

You can talk and write all you want, but if you declare yourself a feminist but avoid responsibilities and not take action when in need of it, I am surprised if any women would entertain the thought of being with you.

But again, I can be fully wrong! Maybe that's excactly what people need? Irresponsible not doing anything men?!

Now I am off and done with my frustrations for the day. Hope you are able to ignore me blowing off some steam today
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Jan 2023   #627
a lost cause

So you don't believe in religious freedom.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #628
That is a lie, but don't come here telling me I look fondly to people celebrating and supporting evil, tyranny, trickery and creating mayhem and murder which you very often show support for on this forum.

You just like many others here chose and continue to chose evil, I do not, won't and have no plans of doing it.

If somebody chooses evil it is their choice, but if I have a say in the matter. I won't ignore if I have the means to alter their actions from dooming themselves.

You might tout all you won't about not stopping a reckless suicidal, I would, have and will step in if anybody tries doing it near me.

THAT is the difference between you and me, so don't come here trying to convince you are compassionate, kind or help the oppressed or downtrodden. Because you will not convince me even an inch in that direction.

And have a good day
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Jan 2023   #629
That is a lie

That is an obvious observation based on your comments.

You just like many others here chose and continue to chose evil,

Very hard to know what you mean by that.

Do you not support the free expression of belief?

Don't you agree with "Polish citizens (sic) freedom to wear which ever or symbol they liked"?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #630
As I stated earlier, it's a lie to think I don't support any human being to have and excersise freedom


How much do you support freedom and to what extent? Do you support killing? Murder? Hanging? Bullying? Torture?

If yes then, does it limit to the elderly? Unborn? Newborn? Women? Men? Minorities? Animals? Political opponents? Political allies? Family? Strangers? Your dog? Or a dog in China ready to be cooked?

Dolphins? Rats? Cats? Mice? Horses?

Ask yourself that, I can already guess your answer.

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