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University degrees and schools in Poland. Not interested in the proof of my degree?

wearezoro  1 | 1
5 Apr 2011   #1
Hello everyone,

I just started a job in a private language school in London. This is now my 4th job teaching English, my 2nd in England and I worked at 2 schools in Poland. I have a university degree and a celta, but I have come to realise something rather strange, not one school has ever asked for proof of my degree. They all asked to see the celta of course, but it surprises me that they don't seem to be too interested in the degree and all just took my word for it.

Additionally, only one school has asked for a CRB, and that was in England. It makes me wonder what kind of people could actually work in these schools. I'm sure that most teachers are educated to a decent standard and are good citizens in general (not murderers), but it more or less means that a situation could arise where a criminal from the uk could just walk into poland with a celta (sometimes not even a celta!), no degree and a criminal record, and get a job teaching perhaps children.

What is everyone's experience with this? Have you ever been asked for your degree or had a CRB in poland? Or even in england?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
5 Apr 2011   #2
no degree and a criminal record, and get a job teaching perhaps children.

A degree does not mean that one can teach. CELTA shows that one at least has some idea how to do so.

A criminal record does not equal child molester.
OP wearezoro  1 | 1
5 Apr 2011   #3
Yeah, but that's not really the kind of discussion I wanted to start. I myself have got a criminal record for fighting when drunk, and it was no problem for the school that did the check. BUT in the worst case scenario a child molester could work at a school right?

I agree about the degree, but those weren't really the main points of the topic, i'm just interested if anyone even got asked to see their degree, had a CRB and so on.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
5 Apr 2011   #4
i'm just interested if anyone even got asked to see their degree, had a CRB and so on.

Noone has asked to see my degree, which is just as well because I don't have one.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Apr 2011   #5
Private language schools asking for criminal record checks is almost unknown here - probably because the opportunities for child molesting are dreadfully thin AND this is a country where the police are likely to batter you senseless for such a thing.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Apr 2011   #6
ne even got asked to see their degree, had a CRB and so on.

I have had to show my degree many times, in private language schools in England. CRB is only necessary if you are asked to work with people under 16 (or vulnerable adults)(I think), and so I was asked for it only once, when engaged to work for an agency teaching ESOL in FE colleges. Private language schools have never asked for a CRB, as they are usually for 16 plus. I think if you were engaged on a summer school for teenagers, you are more and more likely to be asked for this. Although the reality is you are asked to sign a piece of paper saying you have no objections to being checked. (Have signed this few times) THen the schools don't check anyway as the process is very expensive. Quite honestly the whole thing is a farce.

As for teaching in Poland, when I was there, there were one or two right pervy types in town, lets just say I definitely wouldn't want them teaching my daughter..(or son) At that time people were teaching English without a degree or qualifications at all, let alone any police check. I daresay the situation has changed, and rightly so.
27 Jul 2013   #7
Merged: Best Quality Degrees/Jobs in Poland?

Which degrees or careers are best for finding quality work in Poland?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
27 Jul 2013   #8
quality work in Poland

might have more to do with the organization, your talent, than the degree you possess.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Jul 2013   #9
And a lot about who you know.
14 Jan 2020   #10
Op I wouldn't want someone with your criminal record to teach my children.

Home / Study / University degrees and schools in Poland. Not interested in the proof of my degree?

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