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Which Universities in Poland offer courses in Sound Engineering?

17 Jan 2014   #1
Hi everyone,
looking for help, I found way to this forum soo , I hope i will find some answers :)
I have some plans for next year (2014-2015) I'm planning to move to Poland for studing.
I consider English as a main language. I decided to chose the profession of sound engineering. I had heard about good universities with facultes of sound engineering here, but after some months of searching i have found only 2 universities which offer that specialty. One of them is "institute Adama Mickiewicza" i found information about sound engineering on not official site, but the only thing I could find on the official is a faculty of music arts.

Could I get any information about this specialty in Poland? Maybe somebody would be able to offer good universities?
Monitor  13 | 1810
17 Jan 2014   #2
I consider English as a main language.

what do you mean?
OP St.Nail
17 Jan 2014   #3
*i decided to study on english
Monitor  13 | 1810
17 Jan 2014   #4
then here you have all programs. If something is not there, then it is not taught in Poland in English:
study in

Here is list of public technical universities. They're not bad:
6 Aug 2018   #5
I need my son to study Sound Engineering in 2019 in Poland, please advise even on scholarships/ sponsorship
Mutemi  - | 1
4 Dec 2020   #6

Study sound engineering in poland

Hello are there universities in poland that teach sound engineer but in english
gumishu  15 | 6228
4 Dec 2020   #7
acoustic engineering is taught in AGH (a technical university) in Kraków but their site doesn't say anything if they offer the courses in English - here's the contact webpage of AGH:

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