It seems we have two issues here now. One is the support for kids that don't have proper food at home and the other the quality of food served in schools.
The lunches are provided free of charge.
It's the kids who don't get that, or even a first breakfast (plenty of kids in Poland don't), that need to be fed.
As far as I'm aware the school dinners in Poland are subsided for those who are in need too. Would have to look into the particulars. If you want to look at it from a poor family point of view I would 100% chose Polish menu. I know one for sure-if I were a hungry kid that didn't have breakfast and possibly won't have dinner I would prefer a warm two course meal to a sandwich. And in such situation meat meal beats vegetarian hands down- one wants to make sure such kid gets enough calories, fats etc. for almost the whole day. If the parent can't make jam on toast or a bowl of cereal it's doubtful they will make beef stew for dinner.
But let's admit it- UK and I assume Ireland have great support for struggling families and in that respect hats off.
Sandwiches, milk and fruit is a healthy, acceptable lunch for a young child.
Sorry but even milk was too much it seems from the menu you posted... I was even tempted to take the p*as that one has to sign up to get a glass of water but stopped myself. :)
Of course the meal is better than nothing but the same things week in and week out? In the Polish manu you have much more variety and that is just one week as it's not repetitive like in yours.
So what the hell is wrong with his lazy ass mother
Probably the same as with his lazy ass father...
did you say that school meals are free?
For the ones in need, yes. Applications are done through MOPS.
Healthy eating doesn't start so late so I managed to get my hands on genuine meals for nurseries.



