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Poland-Germany university transfer?

jock3r37  2 | 11
27 Jul 2013   #1
I am a foreign student willing to study in a Polish university for a bachelor's degree. Since the Republic of Poland is a member of the EU, it shares the common EU educational system. That means that university transfers between European countries are possible, right? Say, I want to study at a bachelor's level in Poland in English language. I study for 2 of the 3 years (3 years is a duration of the univ. program I want to study in), and after that I move to Germany to do the final year exactly in the same program of study and in the same language (English). I technically finish the German university, so I should end up having the German diploma (I hope so!). Is this transfer between universities possible? Will my ECTS points from a Polish university be recognized in a German one? And finally, will I get a German or Polish diploma at the end or both? Thank you for your answers.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
27 Jul 2013   #2
why don't you consider taking the bachelor degree in poland ,then do your masters in germany ?
OP jock3r37  2 | 11
27 Jul 2013   #3
That would be more expensive and would take more time. BA is fairly enough for the start of my career. But I don't want to get it in Germany studying 3 years in a row because 1) living expenses in Germany are much greater then in Poland; 2) I can't begin my studies right away (have to study 2 years at home before eligible to study in German univ.). So, I thought why don't I study in Poland for the most part, save money, and then move to Germany to get a German diploma at the end? That would be much less expensive and painful. I am not sure however whether that's possible for me as a foreigner or not.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
27 Jul 2013   #4
that seems like a smart plan ,i think you could transfer to germany (thanks to ECTS ) ,but it might take more than 1 year in germany ,that depends on the similarities of courses between both universities .

still i don't have a certain answer .
just wait and see if someone else has a definite answer .
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Jul 2013   #5
Since the Republic of Poland is a member of the EU, it shares the common EU educational system.

Yes, but like most of the EU, these things are only superficially the same.

That means that university transfers between European countries are possible, right?

In theory. The reality is different, due to courses being designed in different ways.

I technically finish the German university, so I should end up having the German diploma

It won't work like that. Many universities have limits on the amount of ECTS points that you can transfer, and you can also expect them to check in detail as to whether the modules in Poland really matched the German one. I absolutely guarantee that you won't get everything transferred.

In short, your idea is nice, but Europe simply isn't integrated at that sort of level to allow that kind of transfer.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
28 Jul 2013   #6
It won't work like that.

so ,in your opinion ,is it worth the transfer ? having a german diploma instead of a polish one ?
TheOther  6 | 3596
28 Jul 2013   #7
having a german diploma instead of a polish one ?

I'd say, if you want to work and live in Poland, get a Polish diploma. Else, a German.
4 Dec 2016   #8

Need clear information about transfer from Poland to Germany - master degree study

I want to do my masters in germany ,but due to some acadamic problems am not fit for that .hence i want to move to poland which is very eqaulant to german styel lo teaching and very near to germany.

After my fisrt year is it possible to transfer from poland to germany ??
If yes how come i apply ?
And whar are the requirements to move..
DominicB  - | 2706
4 Dec 2016   #9

I can't imagine any scenario in which studying in Poland, in English, for a year of graduate school would help you get into a German master's program any more than would staying at home in your country and bringing up your academic standing there by doing remedial studies if need be.

i don't think your plan is realistic.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
4 Dec 2016   #10
First off, in order to study within the EU, knowledge of the target language is a must. While many countries offer university courses in English, they aren't always taught by native English speakers:-)

My experience as both an exchange student in Germany as well as visiting instructor of ESL, is that any talk of "credit transfer" TO a German univerisity requires that a working knowledge of the language be attested to.
Shrestha Nepali
13 Mar 2018   #11
I am a nepali citizen currently studing in poland. Its been only about 6 months that i am in poland. But now i want to transfer my studies to germany(may be in free university). So is it possible to get transferd? If yes what would be the process ? I dont have any problem if i need to start my bachelors from the begining. I just want to goto germany for my study.
11 Jul 2021   #12
Is it possible to do Bachelors from poland them Masters from Germany

Can i do my Bachelors from Boland and then Master from Germany.... both English course in Poland then Master in Germany also in English
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Jul 2021   #13
Where is your home country?
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jul 2021   #14
Is it possible to do Bachelors from poland them Masters from Germany

Yes. If you complete a Bachelors anywhere in the world, you can apply to do a Masters in any EU country. As an overseas student and not an EU citizen it's simply a question of satisfying the immigration/visa requirements. Academically, there is no barrier.
Arafat Bhuiyan
11 Jun 2023   #15
Currently I'm a student of business background in poland. Doing my bachelor at university. I have done my 2 semester here! Now,can i transfer my credits to a German university? What will be rules or system for that? Can i do it by myself?
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Jun 2023   #16
It is possible. You have to decide which university in Germany you want to study at. They will probably want to see what material you covered in your course in Poland and if it is similar to their own course material they will allow you to transfer your credits. But they will want a lot of detail and sometimes the Polish university is not able or willing to supply it. The first step is to contact the German university of your choice.

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