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"Dirty Polish" - I want to buy this book

simpleboi95  3 | 29
10 Jun 2024   #1
I'm looking for this fun book, but I can't find it anywhere online. Does anyone have this or know where I can buy it?

Lyzko  41 | 9563
10 Jun 2024   #2
Hmm, looks tempting!
Tlum  12 | 254
28 Jul 2024   #3
It just confirms the fact that whenever I mention I'm Polish to a foreigner, they start cursing at me (dirty words are for some reason attractive to people to learn).
Lyzko  41 | 9563
28 Jul 2024   #4
As an American second language Polish speaker and language teacher, I definitely would NOT EVER
recommend such as book, unless of course someone wants to be the butt of all jokes in Poland!!
Novichok  4 | 7809
29 Jul 2024   #5
Before I came to the US, I learned all the English swear words. Later, I found them useful and therapeutic.
So armed, I knew that "fvck you" was not about love and affection.

In most situations, clarity is king.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
29 Jul 2024   #6
Does anyone have this or know where I can buy it?

As an American second language Polish speaker

Give Novi your phone number so he can call you to confirm your claim.
(Why do we know that won't happen) Urg !
Novichok  4 | 7809
29 Jul 2024   #7
Give Novi your phone number so he can call you to confirm your claim.

I only talk to people who know the definition of a woman and agree that there are only two genders.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
29 Jul 2024   #8
Well then Lyzko could give Ptak his phone number so Ptak could call Lyzko and speak Polish with him to confirm Lyzko's claim that he can speak Polish fluently.
(Why do we know that won't happen either) Urg !
Novichok  4 | 7809
29 Jul 2024   #9
Lyzko's problem is not how he speaks.

His problem is how he thinks.
Alien  23 | 5540
29 Jul 2024   #10
This is not his problem, his problem is the wrong discussion partners.
mafketis  38 | 10911
29 Jul 2024   #11
I definitely would NOT EVER recommend such as book

Why not? I haven't looked at it but as long as it's used to help understand (rather than to speak) there's nothing wrong with it.

I remember buying a book of Polish (mostly criminal) slang it was very helpful not just with the specific entries (some of which were probably invented for the book) but it gave good insigths on how obscenities were put together and absolutely helped with early comprehension....

It's less necessary now with urban dictionary and similar resources but at least a passive understanding of obscene language is necessary for real fluency.
Lyzko  41 | 9563
29 Jul 2024   #12
Maf, such expletives, curse words etc. you pick up while in Poland,
naturally, so that it doesn't seem as if you've just learned them ten
seconds before in your phrase book.

A good way to learn such expressions in context, is of course, as I did for many
years, to watch Polish broadcasts and movies with Polish close captions in order
to pick up the language as organically as possible.

If you say for instance, "KURWA!" at the top of your voice, native Poles will tell in
a second if you're a foreigner or an American who wants to sound Polish.
mafketis  38 | 10911
29 Jul 2024   #13
expletives, curse words etc. you pick up while in Poland

Again, I'd never use such a book to know what to say but it can be helpful in helping newcomers figure out what is said.

No Polish textbook that I know of lists even the most common obscene expressions but being able to recognize them (or filter them out when used as filler words) is a good idea.

Traditional language teaching (for all languages) tends to exclude lots of really important stuff for understanding language in the real world.

Embolalia (esp filler words like.... like, that is, no, wiesz, ten etc)

Informal quotatitves "He's all 'No way!'" "On na to 'Mowy nie ma!'"

shadow expletives (sound a little like expletives but aren't obscene) "Fudge!" "Kurde!"
Lyzko  41 | 9563
29 Jul 2024   #14
Couldn't agree more.
As with any such book, its uses are limited to a given situation
and again, closed caption viewing is the best way for successful total
immersion by seeing what the speakers are saying.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
29 Jul 2024   #15
Are you going to call Ptak and talk with him in your unblemished Polish ?
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
29 Jul 2024   #16
Why don't you? We all know that you speak perfect Polish....... LOL!!!!! Pot/Kettle?
johnny reb  46 | 7613
30 Jul 2024   #17
We all know

We do aye. lol
We think you should since you claim to speak Polish proficiently.
Or did you lie in your Polish profile here again ?
Give your buddy Pawian a call so he can tell us how you did.
Wait, he isn't your buddy either is he. Hoot !
Lyzko  41 | 9563
30 Jul 2024   #18
Exchange of phone # is discouraged on this Forum,
in addition, I never once said that my spoken Polish
was on the level either of my German or my English.
Tlum  12 | 254
30 Jul 2024   #19
The cover is a little confusing. They call it "everyday slang" but then there's the word "fuk off" in Polish. I'd assume "fuk off" is not a slang, but a curse word. Slang usually refers to regular words commonly used in everyday conversations, but said in a different manner; usually not by the way of cursing.
Lyzko  41 | 9563
30 Jul 2024   #20
I'd qualify it as simply "vulgar slang".
mafketis  38 | 10911
31 Jul 2024   #21
"vulgar slang".

odpierdol siÄ™ is indeed vulgar but I wouldn't call it slang (which refers to a subset of constantly changing items). Once it's stable it's no longer slang, no matter how vulgar.

slang is more things like 'odlotowy' 'wypasione' 'do zobaczyska' which enjoy brief spurts of popularity and then fade into irrelevance....
Lyzko  41 | 9563
31 Jul 2024   #22
A fine point, but I sort of see what you're driving at.

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