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Water Leak Damage in Apartment

19 Oct 2021   #1

So I have been living in my current place about a year now.

Three weeks ago, there was a water leak into the ceiling of my apartment causing some damage and staining. It was due to a faulty water pipe above. I immediately notified my landlord who then said to take photos so that they can submit it to the insurance agency for claiming of damages.

My landlord came with an insurance representative to take photos and documentation, and now when I ask when is a contractor coming to fix it, the landlord is saying that they are waiting for a response from the insurance company and that the insurance company has 30 days to reply

Shouldnt the ceiling be fixed immediately and not have to wait for insurance? The mold and open ceiling damage can't be left alone for 30 days
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2021   #2
the landlord is saying that they are waiting for a response

If he says so, it must be true. Why are you so distrustful?

Shouldnt the ceiling be fixed immediately

You can fix it at your own expense and then demand the refund from the insurance company. How about it?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Oct 2021   #3
How about it?

thats cuz tenants think landlords are getting free money and trying to screw them.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2021   #4
trying to screw them.

As a landlord yourself, you are allergic to cases of tenants trying to screw you..... :):):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Oct 2021   #5
Yes,but mine are commercials,they try too like fix the AC,doors etc but I have 777 umowa so its there ass lololol only tenant I would obey here is Jeronimo Martins,but they pay without problems in time and anyway its a ground lease.Restaurants screamd a lot during covid but I started checking there water bill and they were in fact making money on covid more then before,Its the residential trash tenants who bit/ch most,thats why I have none,just sold the one I had

Freaking residential tenants think they live ina 57 star hotel and want crap done ASAP for there lousy 3/4 k a month.
amiga500  5 | 1544
19 Oct 2021   #6
The mold and open ceiling damage can't be left alone for 30 days

It's a tricky one as mold can be dangerous but also seems strange to hassle the landlord when it is his property that has been destroyed. Cargo you need to give a more clear opinion on what you would do as landlord. It seems the landlord is being normal polish and not trusting insurance company until he has money in his hand. I guess the tenant could move out with no penalty if he feels the place is unsafe?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Oct 2021   #7
Cargo you need to give a more clear opinion on what you would do as landlord.

In Poland depends on the tenant and his relation to me.If he is good ill get it fixed in 12 hrs,and claim from insurance later and from the owner above the case of an ass hole paying late rent with too much loud mouth ,let him live with it and deal with the process,he(tenant cant do chi/t anyway beside court(costs him)I am a nice landlord but politeness dont mean weakness,if they try to abuse you,you fuc/k em if they polite you do ya best for them..Law and muscle is plan B & c.

I guess the tenant could move out with no penalty if he feels the place is unsafe?

Nope he cannot,building/flat has to be declared by the authorities,tenant is not the judge,landlord and autjhorities are the judge.He can try but he will loose.Until he gets seriously hurt like loose his arm leg or penis lol,still insurance will take months if not years in court.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
20 Oct 2021   #8
Just like here! -:)
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2021   #9
the landlord is being normal polish and not trusting insurance company

But he's still liable to repair the damage and should do so as soon as possible. Having to do unexpected or emergency repairs goes with the territory of being a landlord. Anyway, what if the insurance doesn't pay out? Does that mean the landlord would simply leave his property in a state of disrepair? Of course he wouldn't. He'll fix it anyway, whatever happens with his claim. So why not show a bit of respect and basic courtesy to the person who is paying him for the right to live there and who has the right to expect the property to be maintained in the same state of repair as it was when he moved in.

You can fix it at your own expense and then demand the refund from the insurance company.

Misplaced sarcasm. The tenant's contract is with the landlord. He has no legal standing with the insurance company.
amiga500  5 | 1544
20 Oct 2021   #10
But he's still liable to repair the damage and should do so as soon as possible.

Yes , I don't know how insurance works in poland, but in australia the insurance companies have their preferred builders who will provide a quote for the job and do the work themselves. So the landlord might be afraid that if he does the work on his own, the insurance company will provide a stooge that will give a quote half the price the landlord has paid.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2021   #11
Fair enough but he should explain that to the tenant together with an apology for the inconvenience and maybe even a reduction in the rent for that month/s.
jon357  72 | 23665
20 Oct 2021   #12
some damage and staining.

It doesn't sound that bad.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2021   #13
Does that mean the landlord would simply leave his property in a state of disrepair?

Thats why he pays insurance premium.If it was that urgent,insurance company will do that ASAP as its there problem too.The insurance surveyor came and estimated the damage so the company knows better how urgent is the problem,no matter what these suitcase tenants scream.Building department will come and condemn the flat otherwise.

It doesn't sound that bad.

Because it is not,these freaking residential tenants expect 7 star hotel service.I would have given him benefit of doubt if the landlord wouldnt have come with the insurance guy.

tenant together with an apology for the inconvenience and maybe even a reduction in the rent for that month/s.

Yeah also should give him 50% notariusz deed of the flat.Dont you see that is what the tenant wants from the landlord, a freaking rabat from rent.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2021   #14
It doesn't sound that bad

He says something about 'open ceiling' so I think there may be a hole in the ceiling.

@ Cargo Some tenants have ridiculous expectations or trash their accommodation, upset the neighbours etc but some landlords are ignorant gobshites so it's definitely not a one-sided situation. It's a pity that common decency and basic manners are so lacking in society.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Oct 2021   #15
I am not saying all landords are good,there are some ass holes also,but in this case the landlord came down with the insurance surveyor.I think he did work to call insurance make appointment suitable to tenant, the agent and him himself,what more can one expect.Also he is paying for Insurance.

common decency and basic manners are so lacking in society.

You mean let him off some rent and apologize?????Why should the landlord do that???whats his fault,in fact the tenant should thank the landlord for being nice and taking the matter seriously.

If the damage was so serious then the insurance company would even provide alternative place to stay.Everything is been done by the law here except the tenant,cuz he pays rent wants a VIP treatment.He can leave if his lease is up by giving notice.Imagine renting a car and it breaks down,the company sends you a new car no matter if you wasted 2 hours waiting in -10 degrees.Tenant should buy his own place,if he cant afford or whatever the reason should learn to live with the system.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Oct 2021   #16
Misplaced sarcasm.

You are wrong, of course. At least about the "misplaced" part.

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