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How much is rent in Katowice?

17 Mar 2015   #1
I have a prospective job in Katowice and I am wondering the cost of living for a single person. I am a native English speaker who has studied Polish for many years and really just want to live there for a while for the experience....but I have no idea what it costs to live in PL.
17 Mar 2015   #2
I need more details to help you.
You want to live in the centre of the city or not? Do you have your own car or you have to use public transportation?

If you tell me a bit more and specify what information you want to get, I will try to help you.

I live in the centre of Katowice. My rent is 670 PLN for a flat with three rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Electricity, water etc. costs me extra money.
OP David0004
17 Mar 2015   #3
I have no car, and I would be looking for somewhere near ulica francuska if that helps
18 Mar 2015   #4
Francuska is in the centre of Katowice. Flats will be rather expensive. 700 PLN up to 2500 PLN a month. Depends on what kind of flat you want to rent.

Will you have to travel often via
public transportation?
Still, too little details.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Mar 2015   #5
This will help you:
Be sure to select 'wlasciciel' rather than 'agencja' to avoid agents wanting their cut.
You will see that flats in Katowice are very cheap, including around ul. Francuska.

You don't mention budget etc, however this:
lists some very cheap places to stay for a week or so in Katowice while you look.
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Mar 2015   #6
Cost of living, Katowice:

I wouldn't recommend Francuska though, one of the busiest streets in Kato, lots of traffic and pollution from the cars, buses etc.
You'd be better off looking around Os. Paderewskiego or around there if you still want to live close to it.

Hope it's not IBM ;)
zigtry  - | 4
23 Aug 2015   #7
Smurf : If I want to look for a cheap and good view house / apartment somewhere in between IBM and valley of 3 Ponds (Dolina Trzech Stawow), do I have good options between 1000 to 1500 PLZ ?

Or what would be other best option ? Thanks :-)
smurf  38 | 1940
23 Aug 2015   #8
If I want to look for a cheap and good view house / apartment somewhere in between IBM and valley of 3 Ponds (Dolina Trzech Stawow), do I have good options between 1000 to 1500 PLZ ?

Yea, you should be fine.

Try, katowice and then add in some street names from the area

Here, I've done it for ya :)
10 May 2017   #9
Haylel - I need to move in Katowice and need help with renting. pm me on sandysinghdogra@gmail
jon357  72 | 23654
10 May 2017   #10
Sandy, you'd do better with Gumtree Katowice than asking a guest poster from two years ago.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 May 2017   #11
Haylel was not a guest poster, she chose to have her account closed here.
She was the most intelligent women that has ever posted on this forum....... bar none.
She was native Polish to boot and still lives in Katowice.
A great loss to say the least.
PolandMO  - | 4
11 May 2017   #12
Sprawdź sobie na takich stronach jak :

please use English only
jon357  72 | 23654
11 May 2017   #13
None of those are the best sites. Gumtree is a better bet.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Nov 2023   #14
You will see that flats in Katowice are very cheap, including around ul. Francuska.

I guess that has already changed. Nothing is cheap anymore. When I was still renting my house (divided into 2 apartments), it was a hobby. Nowadays, renting has become a profitable activity.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Nov 2023   #15
I guess that has already changed.

I suspect so too, espcially that nice uphill are behind the station with the 1920s buildings.

When I was still renting my house (divided into 2 apartments), it was a hobby.

Me too. It was just my home that I planned to return to one day.

Now the situation with landlordism and buy-to-letism has become absurd and toxic, with individuals and companies exploiting society's assets (for that is what housing is) for profit. I read about the disturbing situation in Berlin and hope the city council there intervene.

Home / Real Estate / How much is rent in Katowice?

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