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House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again?

milky  13 | 1656
5 May 2010   #211
lol money talks eh
Sure listen snarky straw-Men Developer bubble denialists, if you insist with this Mark thing fine,,call me Milky-Mark.
I got some logical reply's from the others on this site so im happy, lets see what will happen in the next year or so. Life is to short for arguing with developers and their hired lackies. Yawn

Milkymark lol
such twats
5 May 2010   #212
Life is to short for arguing with developers and their hired lackies.

But apparently not too short for spamming as many websites as possible in a vain attempt to drive property prices down to a level which one can afford, eh Mark? If you spend as much time working as you do spamming forums, you'd most probably earn enough to buy a place of your own.
milky  13 | 1656
5 May 2010   #213
Like i said Life is to short for arguing with developers and their hired lackies and their DIRTY TRICKS Yawn
Avalon  4 | 1063
5 May 2010   #214
Apr 30, 10, 12:15 / #201
A mate of mine who is a journalist for a local newspaper in the lovely land of saints and scholars told me that sponsors for the paper would pull out if they printed the facts about the property bubble bursting. So they all went along with the scam and only printed lies to maintain the illusion. Now that it is burst and splattered all over the land they are all printing story's about how fcuked up everything is and how nobody saw it coming. The bubble in Poland is a lot worse than anything here but there are some who wouldn't notice a bubble even if their dumb ass was submerged in a bubble-bath.

Krakow Post Forum: posted by polsky on May.04.2010

A mate of mine who is a journalist for a local newspaper in the lovely land of saints and scholars told me that sponsors for the paper would pull out if they printed the facts about the property bubble bursting. So they all went along with the scam and only printed lies to maintain the illusion. Now that it is burst and splattered all over the land they are all printing story's about how fcuked up everything is and how nobody saw it coming. The bubble in Poland is a lot worse than anything

here but there are some who wouldn't notice a bubble even if their dumb ass was submerged in a bubble-bath.

How about the dirty tricks Mark?.........and the only twat is you. You need a good memory if you are going to tell lies, Mr

Sorry admin but I am allowed to answer when people like this attack my integrity and reputation.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
5 May 2010   #215
Mark is a very good spammer eh? :D:D

Maybe his Schizophrenia gets in the way :D
milky  13 | 1656
5 May 2010   #216
Sorry lads to disappoint you,That was a cut a paste job,the words are mine for sure but not put there by me. Polsky naughty-boy who ever you are.

Oh and liven up buddy your a developer what would you know about integrity.
The point is bubble bubble bubble
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
5 May 2010   #217
Psycho. Maybe people should read this [] and decide for themselves.

Why admin or the mods continue to allow this constant spamming I don't know.
Avalon  4 | 1063
6 May 2010   #218

Oh and liven up buddy your a developer what would you know about integrity.

"buddy"?.........I can assure you that I choose my friends carefully and you would never be in that catagory. Friends respect each other. The only thing you respect Mark are your own, self opinionated views which you never back up with facts. As WB says (which was also deleted by admin) "he finds your rantings amusing". Personally, I never find lies and misleading information "amusing", we get enough of that from our governments and banks. People who write in with questions deserve a straight answer and useful advice. They do not need you impersonating 50 different people, slagging down everything to do with property.

You call me a developer. OK, as such, I have a good knowlege of the Real Estate market, also as a builder, I know the costs of land, materials and labour. Apart from the fact that you cannot afford property in Krakow, what qualifies you to advise on any of these topics?. You have been caught out too many times, spamming different forums and now you say its a "cut and paste" job carried out by one of your alias's. Do you think the people on this forum are as stupid as you?

Get a life Mark, or, at least study the subject that you wish to denigrate.
milky  13 | 1656
6 May 2010   #219
hha god yea people are loons lol i have no idea what ye are talking about but im finding it amusing.However i am aware that yee or you or two or three are preventing democratic debate on this site because it profits yee or you to maintain the nativity of buyers.

First you call me a dumb mick (oh im so insulted lol, cheap stunt)) then you tried the straw Man Argument(expert facts, disinformation) and then you resort to good old tabloid snark(accusing me of spamming while you use a load of spammers to give a democratic aura to your dis information) Its like taking away food from a cat and then he attacks with such acute aggression. Good job though! yee do on hijacking websites i must say. Conquer and divide eh and dilute the base so the viewers can no longer decipher the facts, that your tactic.. I can assure you i don't have the answers for what has happened in eastern europe ( that's why i ASKED a question twats) and what is happening to the EU right now but i am sitting right now in my PJ s in the middle of Ireland on the shores of the majestic shannon and i have one body and one mind i am just me. I am not one of yee hire spamming boys for the fat developer of uncontrolled capitalism who brought this country and maybe the EU to its feet. I love healthy debate but not DIRTY TRICKS.
polsky  2 | 84
6 May 2010   #220
milky I thought you words are expressing very accurately the situation, and how the developers desperate for money are lying to everyone and paying large adverts in newspapers to sustain their own lies... and that's why I copied and posted your words on Krakowpost

As everyone can see, Avalon is just a developer without a job, who can't sell his apartments because he is too greedy, and instead of finally slashing down the prices, he posts on the forums thousands of posts everyday, insulting everyone who isn't interested in buying overpriced bubbled apartments...
milky  13 | 1656
6 May 2010   #221
No problem Polsky your welcome.
Avalon  4 | 1063
6 May 2010   #222
Mark, you are a basket case. You lie, every time you are caught out. I have made 327 posts over a period of two and a half years, so where are the "thousands" of posts that you accuse me of writing?. Just look at the way you have tried to change "Milky's" (yourself) writing style and "accent", do you really think that Irish people say "Yee", perhaps you are thinking of Quakers in the old American films. Why has "Milky" never talked like that before?

If you have the bottle Mark, PM me your address and I will come and have a word in your eye.
Your just a gutless spammer with Schizophrenic tendencies.
Wroclaw Boy
6 May 2010   #223
he posts on the forums thousands of posts everyday

Avalon posts about three times a day max. What planet are you from?
milky  13 | 1656
6 May 2010   #224
lol get a life will yee.
The straw men are pulling at straws now.
All i asked before i got dragged into this game was
I read in a polish language web page that the property prices are now termed as abstract since they are extremely out of reach for the vast majority of poles(old news i know). The prices are as much as 50 % below the asking prices and the bubble property holders are in denial and waiting for a miracle return of growth, so they are holding back in a big game of bluff. This link describes the bubble in the USA but its the same scam as Europe.

After watching this link The question is.. what happens when the bubble is not even based on the workers in the country but by Polish working for wages 5 or 6 times higher in the west. I hear that the prices are very slow to drop in the eastern part of Poland as this is where there is the highest emigration and in country's like Czech Republic the prices are crashing because they didn't have such mass migration to England and Ireland etc. Crashing back to normality for the average worker in the country.

What will happen to Poland will it stay abstract for years to come?
6 May 2010   #225
lol get a life will yee.

Get a proper job Mark. Instead of trying to get rich quick by approving photos for dating sites and selling terrible flashcards, get a proper job and earn some proper money. If you do that you might be able to buy a flat instead of telling everybody how flats in Krakow will soon cost 2,000zl per square metre!
Wroclaw Boy
6 May 2010   #226
lol get a life will yee.

Notice how he changes the way he writes as in yee to try and fool us into thinking hes Irish. This spammer knows all the tricks.
milky  13 | 1656
6 May 2010   #227
lol get a life will yee.
The straw men are pulling at straws now.
All i asked before i got dragged into this game was
I read in a polish language web page that the property prices are now termed as abstract since they are extremely out of reach for the vast majority of poles(old news i know). The prices are as much as 50 % below the asking prices and the bubble property holders are in denial and waiting for a miracle return of growth, so they are holding back in a big game of bluff. This link describes the bubble in the USA but its the same scam as Europe.

After watching this link The question is.. what happens when the bubble is not even based on the workers in the country but by Polish working for wages 5 or 6 times higher in the west. I hear that the prices are very slow to drop in the eastern part of Poland as this is where there is the highest emigration and in country's like Czech Republic the prices are crashing because they didn't have such mass migration to England and Ireland etc. Crashing back to normality for the average worker in the country.

What will happen to Poland will it stay abstract for years to come?

Im finished with this debate for now because its too dirty and i dont talk to scumbags in reality so good luck to the dirty tricks boy, .The aggression and insults coming from developers on this page is disgusting and really weird..Slan go foill! chicagoBoys. Tiocfaidh ar la
Poland100  - | 21
24 Feb 2022   #228

How much have house prices increased in Krakow for the past 5 years?

How much have house (rynek wtórny nieruchomości) prices increased in Krakow for the past 5 years?
Is there any website with statistics that goes back 5 years?

Home / Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again?
BoldItalic [quote]
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