31 Aug 2020 #1
Hi friends; I just found out about this lovely forum. A lot of information and some really engaged users, amazing!
Today I arrive Katowice, first time visiting this beautiful country (I did a layover in Warsaw once but that doesn't count.)
I am looking to buy a property, possibly with a house in it for maximum convenience, as I expect to stay here (EU Citizen). I am thinking of investing approximately 100000PLN +/-
I did a duckduckgo.com search for "warmest climate in Poland" and apparently the consensus is the 'Silesian Lowlands', I really would like to live in an area that has a mild winter and MOST importantly, consistent DRY air (as in, low humidity RH%). Boy, I hate humid air, also it is bad for buildings (mold, etc.)
Based on the information that I have given you. What do you recommend for me? Please, only people that have experience on Polish geography and/or climate.
Oh and one last thing, I would really like to buy a big plot of land, some maybe take that into account for your response(s)
Thank you very much in advance ( ;
Today I arrive Katowice, first time visiting this beautiful country (I did a layover in Warsaw once but that doesn't count.)
I am looking to buy a property, possibly with a house in it for maximum convenience, as I expect to stay here (EU Citizen). I am thinking of investing approximately 100000PLN +/-
I did a duckduckgo.com search for "warmest climate in Poland" and apparently the consensus is the 'Silesian Lowlands', I really would like to live in an area that has a mild winter and MOST importantly, consistent DRY air (as in, low humidity RH%). Boy, I hate humid air, also it is bad for buildings (mold, etc.)
Based on the information that I have given you. What do you recommend for me? Please, only people that have experience on Polish geography and/or climate.
Oh and one last thing, I would really like to buy a big plot of land, some maybe take that into account for your response(s)
Thank you very much in advance ( ;