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Geography / Climate Question(s) - I am looking to buy a property in Poland

31 Aug 2020   #1
Hi friends; I just found out about this lovely forum. A lot of information and some really engaged users, amazing!

Today I arrive Katowice, first time visiting this beautiful country (I did a layover in Warsaw once but that doesn't count.)

I am looking to buy a property, possibly with a house in it for maximum convenience, as I expect to stay here (EU Citizen). I am thinking of investing approximately 100000PLN +/-

I did a search for "warmest climate in Poland" and apparently the consensus is the 'Silesian Lowlands', I really would like to live in an area that has a mild winter and MOST importantly, consistent DRY air (as in, low humidity RH%). Boy, I hate humid air, also it is bad for buildings (mold, etc.)

Based on the information that I have given you. What do you recommend for me? Please, only people that have experience on Polish geography and/or climate.

Oh and one last thing, I would really like to buy a big plot of land, some maybe take that into account for your response(s)

Thank you very much in advance ( ;
OP RalphPoland
31 Aug 2020   #2
After Posting, this thread appeared underneath: Once again, very enjoyable and useful. It did remind me that I didn't tell you that, indeed, one of the main reasons why I am looking for a warm area, is to cultivate, maybe even some "Warmer climate" stuff. Thank you again!

pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2020   #3
possibly with a house in it for maximum convenience, buy a big plot of land,

Yes, anything is possible but not for 100.000 PLN if you mean instantly habitable house for more than one person.

Otherwise, you will be able to buy 2,3 hectares (is it enough big to you? ) with a tiny cabin - good for you and your dog and cat, but not other family members.

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OP RalphPoland
2 Sep 2020   #4
Hey! First of all, thank you so much for your response. I am ok with 2 to 3 hectares, that's like, 20000-30000m² if I am correct, yes that's plenty...

I actually HAVE found some things like the one that you mention [on]

Mostly, a big property with a worn out house/dwelling, or I see also a lot of "Holland houses". Btw, do you know what " ROD" means? I see that alot, too!

The area is a key aspect though. It needs to have either: a) A water body inside the property [Pond or reservoir] b) A big lake or even better, a river as close as possible; or c) A sandy beach as close as possible [basically this would mean the North/Baltic area]. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier!

I was thinking of investing 100000 approximately for the property, and then 25000/30000 to buy something 'big-ish' but modest, to live with family (out of wood, simple interior). 130.000 PLN is my maximum budget. But, I also need to take into account: notary costs, possibly an interpreter and/or lawyer to avoid getting scammed. And less vital but also important, fencing the property.

- Can I realistically build something simple but comfy for 25000-30000?
- What other areas should I research?. A local has told me, for example "Insko" or surrounding areas. Would you have a similar insider tip?
- I saw in the thread that I linked a climate map, it looks like the warmer areas are north, and north-west. Is that correct?

Thank you for your help!
cms neuf  2 | 1944
2 Sep 2020   #5
You should check out the legal issues first

You will not be able to buy farmland. There are significant restrictions On foreigners ability to do that.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Sep 2020   #6
Btw, do you know what " ROD" means? I see that alot

Rodzinny Ogród Działkowy - it literally translates as Family Garden Plot. You can only buy one if you're a Polish citizen. Also, although they sometimes come with a small house on the plot, you're not really supposed to live there, only stay in it when you're using the plot for recreational purposes. You don't really own the plot either, what you buy is the right to use it.

Can I realistically build something simple but comfy for 25000-30000?

Do you mean 25 -30 thousand PLN?? No, you can't build anything for that much.

As @cms says, you really need to do your research very carefully. Don't be tempted to rush into buying something.

'Silesian Lowlands',

That whole region of Poland is sadly, very polluted. Even in rural areas there are significant problems with smog throughout the winter. Air quality throughout Poland is not great.
OP RalphPoland
3 Sep 2020   #7
Hi again, lovely people. Wow! I wasn't expecting that. So then, what determines that I can NOT buy the property as a foreigner? a) The fact that it is categorized as a Farm Land; or b) the fact that it is above a certain size/area? I have done "some" research, much of it through this forum and honestly I haven't seen that legislation mentioned. I am German fyi if that helps, it is not like I am from the UK for example (No longer EU) or a country that has bad relationship with Poland. In addition, my great grandmother was Polish, could that help my case? I am not necesarily against getting Polish citizenship (although that will take time I assume).

I am very appreciative of your messages, and honestly it is not even that I am "rushing" things, more like, the money will slowly run out and well, the chinese virus is not particularily helping with things...

Is there a way for me to bypass this, i.e: Buy a different type of property? the idea is definitely to live here most of the year and/or rent it. Could you, if you would be so kind, give me some more infos.?

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Sep 2020   #8
That whole region of Poland is sadly, very polluted.

No its not the whole region, I live here so take it from me just keep away from the cities and Bogatynia and all is fine , we have the best weather in Poland where I am , I'm brown as a Monkey
OP RalphPoland
4 Sep 2020   #9
Yay, more messages and therefore information coming in. Thank you all, I love it!
P.S.: Does anyone here have a contact a contact for a reliable, english speaking lawyer?
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Sep 2020   #10
I have done "some" research, much of it through this forum and honestly I haven't seen that legislation mentioned.

Don't rely too much on this forum, yes it can be useful for getting people's subjective views and it's fun etc, the personal touch is nice, but it's not the best place to be looking for the answers to legal questions. Some people can give misleading answers or out of date information.

I would suggest that you start using Google Translate and google your queries in Polish, then copy and paste the answers to get the translation. You'll find all the up to date information you need. There are even 'ask a lawyer' a question sites.

With regard to the ROD plots in particular, there are two ways to acquire one. Either directly, from the Association that manages the land, or from an individual who leases a plot. If you approach an ROD management board, it's unlikely that they will sell one to a non-Polish person, especially if they suspect you want to live there. The ROD plots were particularly designed to give urban dwellers access to healthy, outdoor activity, the ability to grow their own fruit, flowers and veg. They are basically recreational plots and not intended as dwelling places. Legally, you can only have a building of up to 35 square metres on them. I have seen some up to 60 square metres, but you could be asked to take it down, so I wouldn't buy a plot with such a building on it.

he fact that it is above a certain size/area?

Yes, even an EU citizen can't buy land above 0.5 hectares for his permanent place of residence in Poland.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Sep 2020   #11
EU citizen can't buy land above 0.5 hectares

They may apply for a permission to the MSWiA. I think they give it to everyone as long as the areas in question are not particularly large.
OP RalphPoland
6 Sep 2020   #12
Thank you Atch and Ziemowit. I will look into it more. I will try to contact the "MSWiA" ASAP.
OP RalphPoland
6 Sep 2020   #13
Bruh... It costs something like 1500 PLN to merely apply for the permission from MSWiA ._.
...What the heck!?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
6 Sep 2020   #14
Not bad honestly when I applied in 2001 it was around the same as I remember.

Home / Real Estate / Geography / Climate Question(s) - I am looking to buy a property in Poland

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