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Neighbourhoods in Warsaw - how safe?

bata_flai  2 | 1
17 Nov 2009   #1
Hi all,

Does anyone of you know how safe is the Mokotów area in general? I want to move there, and the respective building is between some embassies and a tram depot, on ul. Bełska, but I cannot find any information on the web about it...

Would really appreciate some help.

Many thanks!
jonni  16 | 2475
17 Nov 2009   #2
The embassy district nice part of town and very safe. I lived there for five years and liked it.

One matter, the tram depot and ul Belska are quite a way from most embassies, so you're talking about quite a big part of Mokotów. A safe one though.
Juche  9 | 292
17 Nov 2009   #3
Warsaw is about as safe as any typical American city..well, maybe a bit safer, but in general the same "wrong place at the wrong time" rule can always apply. Most Polish big city crime seems to revolve around break ins, theft from cars, and drunken brawling. Muggings are rare and if they happen they tend to involve junior high schoolers and retirees (the folks who are least likely to defend themselves). In general Mokotow is safe, and embassy neighbourhoods are usually well patrolled.
Chipmunk  11 | 60
17 Nov 2009   #4
I live in Mokotow right in the general area you are talking about.

I feel safe. I walk to deli/store on Belska almost daily and after taking the bus with my son in the morning I walk the 2 miles home. I am never bothered, nor do I feel unsafe. I feel safer here (and perhaps I should be more cautious as a general sense) than I did back in the States.

I have no qualms about this area. While still very new to the area I'm very happy with the choice. I'm so close to so much. I get fresh produce daily just down the street and if I am in the mood I can go shopping at Galleria Mokotow.
kika  - | 7
17 Nov 2009   #5
Mokotow is pretty safe place to live in Warsaw. You shouldn't have bigger problems if you just respect few safety rules that apply to living everywhere. Enjoy.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Nov 2009   #6
I am living already for years in Bielany, the not so posh part of Warsaw, never had any problems. My cars is parked on the street, never broken into.

By the way what is the expat fascination with Mokotów? I have never understood this.
jonni  16 | 2475
17 Nov 2009   #7
Very available rented housing, reasonable shops restaurants.

About 10 years ago Żoliborz was the place to find foreigners, Saska Kępa before that.
OP bata_flai  2 | 1
19 Nov 2009   #8
Hi guys,

thanks a lot for all your answers. I feel lighter now with my choice. :)

@sobieski - I guess it's because of all the multinationals that have offices around this area. The company I am going to work for, has it's office just around the corner of Galeria Mokotow. Even if you do have a car, it's preferable to be around 20-30 minutes to work, and not get stuck in traffic..right?

I tried Ursinow and Wilanow as well, but they are not as connected as Mokotow, and Warsaw center is just too crowded.

Prusakowski  - | 25
19 Nov 2009   #9
Anywhere in Warsaw is safer than living in London for example.

I have never been mugged in Warsaw. I compare that city to my experience working in London when I was once attacked by armed African colonists.
jonni  16 | 2475
19 Nov 2009   #10
once attacked by armed African colonists

You were attacked by Sir Cecil Rhodes and the British Expeditionary Force? Wow, how old are you?

I've never had any street crime problems in Britain, but side streets in Warsaw are best avoided at night.
19 Nov 2009   #11
You were attacked by Sir Cecil Rhodes and the British Expeditionary Force?

Man, that types of sh!t happen all the time in the depths of Holland Park. The Voortrekkers pulled a drive-by on my crib one time.
Chipmunk  11 | 60
28 Nov 2009   #12
@sobieski - I guess it's because of all the multinationals that have offices around this area. The company I am going to work for, has it's office just around the corner of Galeria Mokotow. Even if you do have a car, it's preferable to be around 20-30 minutes to work, and not get stuck in traffic..right?

Yes, traffic can be a pain. Not the worst I've seen/experienced but definitely a good share of it.
Prusakowski  - | 25
27 Mar 2010   #13
You were attacked by Sir Cecil Rhodes and the British Expeditionary Force? Wow, how old are you?I've never had any street crime problems in Britain, but side streets in Warsaw are best avoided at night.

Nice try 'jonni', deliberately shortening a statement to change the context of a posting from a forum reader and to further your negrophilic agenda ?

Few Africans are in Warsaw compared to the six-figure number in London. Compared to Warsaw neighbourhoods, the African colonies in London such as Brixton are not safe.

Fact; A significant portion of the African colonists in London are armed. The response to the illegally armed segment of the African community colonising London has been the establishment of the Police's "Operation Trident" an attempt to try to control African's violence.

Ever heard of "Operation Trident" 'jonn'i? Somehow I suspect that some would not wish to hear of "Operation Trident" in case it upsets the official dogma that multiculturalism is not an abject failure. stoptheguns.

"Operation Trident" is the response of the English authorities (The Metropolitan Police) to try to curb the murder rampage by Africans colonising London and extensively armed with small arms and items of cutlery.

To enlighten you here are some details>

I can walk in Warsaw without being attacked by Africans but I have found it is the opposite in London.

Go live in Brixton London 'jonni' a colour-packed paradise filled with colonists from Africa awaits you there.
jonni  16 | 2475
27 Mar 2010   #14
ou were attacked by Sir Cecil Rhodes and the British Expeditionary Force?

What month and year was that post from? You must have found the search button.

armed with small arms and items of cutlery.

Forking hell!

I can walk in Warsaw without being attacked by Africans but I have found it is the opposite in London.

So why go to London if you don't like it there? If the racist and belligerent sentiments expressed in some of your posts are an accurate reflection of how you express yourself in real life no wonder you antagonise minorities!
Amathyst  19 | 2700
27 Mar 2010   #15
armed with small arms and items of cutlery.

What? they play the spoons thus gaining your submission to die a less painful death? Preferably a machete?

By the way Brixton isnt a good example, Tower Hamlets is, Brixton underwent massive regen after the riots.
Captain Scarlet  3 | 34
27 Mar 2010   #16
antagonise minorities!

Thats the problem , they're hardly minorities these days .
mochadot18  18 | 245
4 Sep 2012   #17
Merged: Crime in Poland (Warsaw)

How much crime is their in Warsaw I herd that their is a lot and was just wondering.
strzyga  2 | 990
4 Sep 2012   #18
I herd that their is a lot

Whose? And what?
Zibi  - | 335
4 Sep 2012   #19
Another 18 year old?
mochadot18  18 | 245
4 Sep 2012   #20
No 19 and a friend is going their so that is why I was wondering, but like would it be safe to walk around alone. Would you robbed or mugged? Could a 19 year old go walking around alone and not be worried about something bad happening?
Bieganski  17 | 888
4 Sep 2012   #21
Here, everything your friend needs to know about traveling to Poland including crime:
Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 May 2021   #22

ever smell the money in the air in certain warsaw neighbourhoods?

Any of you hang out in places with a lot of high rollers or people who have the bit bucks and you can just taste it or smell it in the air? I am staying right now at this fancy apartment a fsmily friend let me use or gave me the key and literally it is like in the central of warsaw overlooking the palace of culture. the people who go in and out of the main door plus outside in the restuarant you can jsut twll are high rollers or westerners who own property here. it is in a side street right across the marriott hotel. you can tell by a co,bination of their demeanor, the way they dress and their western like attitude.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
9 May 2022   #23
Warsaw is getting dangerous it seems:

Imagine guys if this was you out on holiday in warsaw and someone attacks you in the knife in the back and you go into a store bloodied and end up dead. what a crazy country. Nowy swiat seems to be where all the crazies seem to go.

Home / Real Estate / Neighbourhoods in Warsaw - how safe?
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