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Looking at land to purchase to build a house - big difference in prices?

Rozumiemflacki  3 | -
7 Aug 2024   #1
I've been looking for for land to purchase near Zalesia Gorne and surrounds. Observing the listings on otodom, some are around the 400,000zl vs others that are 800,000zl for 1000m2. What is the reason for the big difference? Is there any ways to find out the history of land prices for various listings? I would like to ascertain where the market it and why some plots are "cheap".
cms neuf  1 | 1914
7 Aug 2024   #2
It is possible but not straightforward to see historical prices - you will need a Polish speaker to help you navigate the websites.

Reasons for difference might include

- connection to water and electric
- planning permission
- road access year round
- grade of the land if it is farmland
- configuration (if the plot is square or misshapen)
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Aug 2024   #3
you will need a Polish speaker to help you navigate the websites.

Actually Google Translate is not bad and you can enable it so that you can view whole pages of Polish websites in English with a single click.
ways to find out the history of land prices for various listings?


"We are talking about the Register of Real Estate Prices and Values ​​(RCiWN), which is kept by starosties according to the law. In such a database, in addition to notarial real estate prices, valuation reports are also collected , i.e. proprietary valuations by property valuers . To gain access to the database, you must submit an application: in paper or digital form - using a trusted profile. The service is paid."

Home / Real Estate / Looking at land to purchase to build a house - big difference in prices?

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