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Build a house Wrocław area

rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #1
Hello collective.
Wife 2 daughters and I will be building a house round Wricław area.
Wife born and lived in Poland till she was 25. Daughters have Polish citizenship.
We're cash buyers for the land and the build. My UK business is building houses, so I've a solid knowledge of construction.
Does anyone have experience of doing this?
Any local construction companies one could recommend?
We'd be building a modern looking house
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #2
You'd do better asking on the "Brits in Poland" Facebook group. Few of the regular posters here live in Poland, most haven't even visited Poland.

One question: you are getting permission for you to buy the land aren't you?
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #3
it will all be above board it going to be our polish home. please explain the permission bit? who do I require that from and why do we require it? I don't care if its only in my wife's name who is a Polish citizen and a Polish resident able to vote and has a normal Polish bank account
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #4
who do I require that from and why do we require it?

You are not an EU national, so to buy land in Poland you need permission from the Minister of the Interior and Administration. You get that by applying to that ministry.

I don't care if its only in my wife's name

That's a terrible idea, for many reasons.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #5
a terrible idea for why? we can buy in her name start the build and then consider putting my name on down the line. Being married to an EU citizen gives me all the rights of an EU citizen does it not?
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #6
a terrible idea for why?

Many reasons. All learned the hard way by various foreigners.

we can buy in her name start the build and then consider putting my name on down the line.

That route means you have to pay double taxes and fees. Actually, more like quadruple, as the future ones will be based on the value of the house and land rather than just the land.

Being married to an EU citizen gives me all the rights of an EU citizen does it not?

No, it certainly does not. For example, EU citizens can work in Poland without getting any paperwork. The spouse of an EU citizen needs to get temporary residency and that can take up to two and a half years with the Wroclaw office. And you cannot work until you get your temporary residency.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #7
We've been together 13 years married 6. I'm not concerned about splitting up and her owning the house in her name. I've got assets in the UK in my name. I'd be better off.
I won't ever be working in Poland.
I've assets and a business in the UK that fund us.

What's the tax situation on buying land and building a house? I've not problem in paying my fair share of tax
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #8
To run a UK company in Poland you need a work permit (unless you can demonstrate that no work is done in PL). But a UK company run by a PL tax resident will be a foreign-controlled company and so need to file monthly tax returns in Poland (and pay taxes owed). So you'll need to keep two sets of books, at more than double the cost of a PL company.

I'd really suggest joining that Facebook group, many people there have moved to Poland and do run companies here (some also run UK companies). This forum currently has exactly two regular posters who have ever run any company in Poland.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Aug 2024   #9
I've got assets in the UK in my name.

To which she's entitled to half under Polish law, unless you acquired them before marriage or you have a Polish separation of marital property agreement. If you live in Poland, regardless of where you were married, then your marital property is governed by Polish law which is similar to American common marital property. You need to legally separate your property if you want to keep assets in your own name as yours alone. Separating property is less favourable for income tax amongst other things, as you'll be taxed as single rather than married.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #10
Which would mean a house built in Poland with our money would then be mine under Polish law regardless of anything else yes?

I'd be doing no work in Poland I have a manager in the UK. I'd travel back every couple of weeks to check in but its pretty much self sufficient. My labour is in place already. My clients pay in to UK banks in GBP. I pay tax in the UK and would spend on my UK debit card in Poland. We have some savings in a Polish bank account
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #11
That doesn't matter. You own and control the company. When you're a PL tax resident, the Polish tax office will class the company as a controlled foreign company (a CFC). CFCs here have tax liabilities here. You'll be required to keep PL tax records and submit those to the tax office here monthly.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #12
As I've said earlier. I've no problem in paying my fair share of tax.
With a limited company incorporated in the UK surely the corporation tax will be paid in the UK though and any money I take would then be subject to Polish tax and not UK tax.
How would my pension I've already paid in to in the UK work? I'm entitled to 25% tax free and also my ISAs that are tax free?
it's a mine field reading on the net. I've joined the Facebook groups so far it seems to be the same people contributing to questions like "where can I expose my child to native English speakers" and "does anyone know a good .........."
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #13
With a limited company incorporated in the UK surely the corporation tax will be paid in the UK though and any money I take would then be subject to Polish tax and not UK tax.

No. Otherwise every small business in Poland would officially be an Irish company and pay CIT only there. You do get full credit for tax paid in the UK, but you have to prove to the Polish tax office you owe nothing to them, which means monthly filing with them.

I've joined the Facebook groups so far it seems to be the same people contributing to questions

Use the search and look for the topics that interest you.

But you honestly really do need professional tax advice. Somebody was asking for recommendations there a week or so ago, should show up easily with a search.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Aug 2024   #14
Probably best to talk to an accountant in Poland than asking on the Internet. cheers for you help
Lazarus  3 | 364
15 Aug 2024   #15
That's an excellent conclusion to draw. Remember that free advice is often worth every penny you paid for it.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
15 Aug 2024   #16
News to me that you need monthly tax records of CFCs.

I am filing once per annum, form I think is called PIT-CFC and its a 2 page job. Certainly manageable if you have a genuine business in the UK (which in any case has a higher CIT rate than Poland right now, so no extra tax to pay ?)
1 Oct 2024   #17
Given the ongoing flooding issues in Poland's Lower Silesia, I would recommend against building a house there unless you can find a confirmed flood-free zone on higher ground.
OP rossymcg  1 | 8
15 Nov 2024   #18
turns out you really didn't know what you were talking about. At notary yesterday exchanging on our land. As we're married (needed 2 copies of of marriage certificate, which the marriage was documented at time of purchase in the deeds). Regardless of who's name is on the deed I'm still entitled to 50% of all assets under Polish law if we split(hence proof of marriage with notary).
There will be no additional tax to pay regardless of what stage we apply to the ministry to have my name put on the deeds.
Also spoke with a Polish tax lawyer you're way off the mark there as well. I dont need to do a monthly return in Poland only an anual one and will have nothing to pay as UK corp tax exceeds what Polish corp tax is.

Home / Real Estate / Build a house Wrocław area

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