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Best area in Krakow to live?

terri  1 | 1661
23 Dec 2016   #31
During winter time it is best to wear face protectors, face masks or scarves across your mouth and avoid being outside from about 6 p.m. to 4 a.m.

If not, you will develop 'smoker's cough.'
16 May 2018   #32

Krakow where to live

Looking to move to Krakow for work but read (and heard) air pollution is quite bad. What's the greenest and least polluted part near Krakow, in the radius of about 30-40km? Im currently in Warsawa and the smog is just horrible.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 May 2018   #33
What's the greenest and least polluted part near Krakow,

Erm dolnośląskie as far south west as you can get , It's also very warm in the summer.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 May 2018   #34
Erm dolnośląskie as far south west as you can get

Ah yes, next to the lovely KWB Turów.

Not to mention the joys of living next to Turów coal power plant:

What a lovely place to live!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 May 2018   #35
No not there delph, but never mind, nice to know you still follow me around the forum like a bad dose of athletes foot.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 May 2018   #36
No not there delph

You said

dolnośląskie as far south west as you can get

As far south west as you can get in Poland is Bogatynia and that lovely coal power plant and lovely huge hole in the ground, not to mention all those dreadfully poor villages where burning rubbish is a local sport.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 May 2018   #37
As far south west as you can get in Poland is Bogatynia

Stop being so childish you can argue more south or more west, I am talking about places like Szklarska Poręba and I am trying to be helpful to the op
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 May 2018   #38
I am talking about places like Szklarska Poręba

Do you know how badly damaged the environment is in the Karkonosze area because of the pollution coming from the Czech Republic?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
17 May 2018   #39
Do you know how badly damaged so called progressive EU countries are compared to Poland, see below note Poland is not on the list, delph if you want to be polluted go home.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 May 2018   #40
Poland's not on the list because Poland was already found guilty of it.
jon357  72 | 23666
17 May 2018   #41
Do you know how badly damaged so called progressive EU countries are compared to Poland,

Oh dear Dolno, perhaps you should have a look at this. A white shirt gets grimy very quickly in Kraków...

Looking at the map, Delph's neck of the woods looks very very clean compared to Kraków.

Poland has some of the worst air quality in Europe, with 33 of the continent's 50 most polluted cities,

  • Screen_Shot_201805.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 May 2018   #42
perhaps you should have a look at this.

Perhaps you should take into account the type of pollution and the real damage that the worst types can cause, more complicated than the white shirt test .

Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Romania are being taken to court for not controlling the most harmful emission types. Poland is not on the list.

Looking at the map, Delph's neck of the woods looks very very clean compared to Kraków.

I'm sure delph is happy in his part of the world, long may he continue to enjoy white shirts.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 Mar 2020   #43
According to the theory of prevailing western winds blowing pollution eastwards, western parts of Krakow are the best. That means Wola Justowska area has been justifiably acknowledged as the poshest district in Krakow for decades. Even Penderecki built his house there.

Newly rebuilt church in Wola

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