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Advertise on property prices and how to...

16 Oct 2023   #1

I'm writing here in order to ask a couple of very important questions for my wife, daughter and me. I'm from Spain living here in Poland since 2021 and have my PESEL and all that stuff, my wife is Polish and our daughter has born here too.

My questions are:
1.- Can anyone recommend me good areas where you can find a "good place" (not an empty village but not as full as Krakow for example), where to buy a plot/house? It can be around big cities, there are no problem with that but we have preference for Malopolskie and Lublin provinces.

2.- Based on question 1, when you find this "type" of property that the house has been built entirely except walls, floors and connections to water/electricity/gas, how much more and less is the standard price to finish the house? I mean.. finish walls + floors + connections? I don't need exact quantities but I need an idea because sometimes we see this houses which are not completely finished and we like them but we never even try to call because we don't now prices and we don't want to take a scam.

I put here an example:

Thank you!
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Oct 2023   #2
Google Translate is your friend :) Learn to use it to navigate Polish websites. You have to search for these things in Polish to get the details you need. Here's a really useful site:

And here's an article about finishing a shell/surowy house:

It's a bit of a 'how long is a piece of string' type question. Finishing costs depend on quality of the materials you choose and the labour cost. Be warned that labour adds a huge amount to the cost. It can easily equal the cost of the materials.

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