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Should I visit Portugal?

Alien  26 | 6527
10 Aug 2024   #31
Wrong comparison

Very good comparison. After all, the trip is organized by a Polish travel agency, which means that taxes and profits stay in Poland, as do jobs, including those of a Polish resident of that agency in Portugal.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Aug 2024   #32
which means that taxes and profits stay in Poland

Peanuts compared to what tourists spend.
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Aug 2024   #33
what tourists spend

Tourists have become frugal, they often don't leave the hotel at all, especially if they have all-inclusive, they don't spend anything extra.
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Aug 2024   #34
I've never understood that... mentality.... the same way I don't understand people going on foreign vacations with infants.... don't they have grandparents who would like to spend some time with them?
Feniks  2 | 857
15 Aug 2024   #35
they often don't leave the hotel at all,

I can't imagine a more boring holiday.

I've never understood that... mentality...

Me neither although I suppose if you are a family with kids it might work out to be cheaper.

foreign vacations with infants.... don't they have grandparents who would like to spend some time with them?

Maybe they don't have a choice but to take them. You're presuming that grandparents have retired and aren't still working. That might not be the case.

Home / Polonia / Should I visit Portugal?
BoldItalic [quote]
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