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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Feb 2017   #151
Look, Sweden's a Protestant country, hence inherently accepting of things which would doubtless offend "religious" Poles, Italians, Spaniards etc.

While not personally "offended" particularly at the Swedish article either, I've considerably more experience in Sweden as well as with Swedes than with Poles, therefore, my reaction to it was more "There they go again!", pushing the proverbial envelope as to precisely how much can one tolerate without defining certain limits:-)
Ironside  51 | 13083
14 Feb 2017   #152
Look, Sweden's a Protestant country

In old Europeans protestant countries they consistently confuse legal with moral. Small wonder that in Sweden left took over to go into self-denial and self-hate.

What Markel wanted from Poland? I guess - support in exchange for ...?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Feb 2017   #153
Not sure I see the connection between "going Protestant", self-hatred, and denial, but then maybe I'm a little slow:-)
We haven't all got your lightning intellect, IronsideLOL
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Feb 2017   #154
My point was more that if someone finds the pics of Swedish politicians offensive then they should also oppose Polish women being forced to cover hair in Vatican.

False equivalence. The Vatican is as much a religious establishment as a country and Dudowa and Dudówna are actually Roman Cathol8ics, so following church doctrine (when visitng the church).

None of the Swedish women were muslim and Iran is not a giant mosque (in theory) but modern Muslims seem to be determined to make non-muslims follow Islamic law as much as possible.

Examine Iran's record on religious freedom before justifying their nasty government's behavior....
nothanks  - | 626
14 Feb 2017   #155
my reaction to it was more "There they go again!", pushing the proverbial envelope as to precisely how much can one tolerate without defining certain limits:-)

Folding like a lawn chair at the first sign of opposition - is pushing the envelope? Looks more to me like typical modern feminism (and liberalism) talk big against (White) Western men and then excuse other men's behavior (no matter how barbaric) as "exotic cultural norms"

But the failures of current day feminist (Women's march the other week) shouldn't over shadow what a dumpster fire Sweden has turned into. As someone with supposed Swedish connections - is there any hope of not only reversing but even halting this nose diving collapse? I dunno if Swedes are just incredibly gullible or brainwashed to self hate. From the rapes, to the government sponsored race mixing AND Swedish culture hating propaganda. Its something the most limp dick German would be impressed of

And yah, meanwhile Western feminist are partnering up with Islam. What a time to be alive.
mafketis  38 | 11260
14 Feb 2017   #156
meanwhile Western feminist are partnering up with Islam

Modern (3rd wave) feminism is largely a retreat into the traditional feminine role of social arbiter. Endless drama about micro-aggressions, appropriation, inclusion, safe spaces etc are just updated versions of 1950's coffee klatsch club women (very roughly Betty Draper in the first season of Mad Men) and their cutthroat status competition....

Being taken seriously by western men is uncomfortable and so many women are looking for some kind of excuse to retreat to the home and escape the glare of public life and islam does that for them. The determination with which European leaders facilitate the increase of the muslim population is not happening in a vaccuum - it's what a lot of political leaders (and some supposedly feminist women) want.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Feb 2017   #157
In the name of "progressive liberalism", Sweden, along with Denmark and Norway, often test the tolerance of continental Europeans used to a less in-your-face forms of social interaction.

Allowing small children to slowly develop their own identity rather than be exclusively "tied down" to traditional roles is a fine idea in an of itself. On the other hand (as I experienced while living with a family during the '80s in Denmark), permitting house guests to fornicate right in front of foreign company without either warning or apology, I find more than just a trifle much!

Wulkan  - | 3136
14 Feb 2017   #158
Allowing small children to slowly develop their own identity

Indeed, for example when the child feels like a T-rex trapped in the body of a little girl.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Feb 2017   #159
Sarcasm aside, sir, all I meant was that there is good and bad in permissiveness:-) The latter example, of course, is not desirable.
Spike31  3 | 1485
14 Jan 2019   #160
Yellow vests in Sweden:

Independent politician Morten Källström asked why Sweden looks like it does today, with politicians who neither speak of the problems nor do something about them. "It is because we have no democracy. Our country is about as democratic as the former communist states of eastern Europe. We need politicians who dare speak up and state their opinion"

Strong opinion from Swedes who are know for being very [very] moderate. When Swedes are starting to [peacefully] rebel you know that the problem is real.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jan 2019   #161
Our country is about as democratic as the former communist states of eastern Europe.

This has been my line forever. I should be paid royalties.
WE is a mental gulag. The only difference: nobody gets shot and there are is no barbed wire. Your women just get raped, but that is OK with the de-testicled Western men.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Jan 2019   #162
Sweden has become a bastion of liberal dictatorship, almost like Germany, in which opposing views are automatically dubbed racist ad nauseum, even before the person has had a chance to air their views entirely! Even in the Parliament, one can hear "Lass ihn/sie doch ausreden!" = Just let him/her talk! repeated numerous times.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jan 2019   #163
This why I no longer feel sorry for the women in Sweden who were raped because they live with the spineless, ball-less weasels - their husbands and brothers who are also rapists' enablers and co-conspirators - and never raise hell about the situation. Probably, just cry and pray.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Jan 2019   #164
In the US, the definition of rape has been traditionally "penetration", there need not be any completion of said act. Violation is sufficient before the law.

Not sure any more whether the above applies to Sweden as well or no.

When I was first in Sweden as a student during the '80's, the country was just coming out of the heady '60's and late '70's and so the atmosphere was probably completely different from what it is today, For one thing, there was little to any "globalization" yet in Sweden, I stood out like a sore thumb..until I started to speak.

After that, I was dubbed a plain freakazoid and the locals, particularly the men, looked at me as though I had two heads and a third eye growing out of the middle of

my faceLOL

After a few seconds, they generally calmed down and we proceeded to get along famously:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Jan 2019   #165
In the US, the definition of rape has been traditionally "penetration"

My definition is simpler: if a woman is physically overpowered or threatened because she is a woman - that's rape. Penetration, ejaculation, and crap like this don't mean nothing to me. Even if the guy is dickless because an IED blew it away, it's still rape.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
13 Apr 2021   #166
This article explains the situation Sweden and why Richs' depiction of it as a rape capital is completely ridiculous.

In short, using the rape definition of other countries, the number or rapes reported in Sweden is thr European average.

Crime studies have also found no significant link between the arrival of refugees and the increase of rape reports.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2021   #167

Eight out of 10 'stranger' rapes in Sweden are carried out by migrants, with more than half of all rape convictions to foreigners, study reveals

Nearly six in ten convicted rapists in Sweden born in another country
Where rapist and victim didn't know each other, the figure is 85 percent
Four in ten 'stranger rape' attackers have been in Sweden less than a year

'Sweden needs to put its foot down. If you are a convicted rapist and a foreign citizen, you should be expelled,' said Tomas Tobé, shadow Minister for Justice.

But if Tacitus says rape is not a problem in Sweden, why should I pay any attention to some guy who says he is "Minister of Justice". Sure.
amiga500  5 | 1539
13 Apr 2021   #168
In regards to violent crime in Sweden Paulina Neuding spells it out pretty well.
". There are regular bombings, hand grenade attacks and shootings. Young men are killing each other at a horrific rate - ten times that of Germany. The feeling is growing that the government has completely lost control."

But I know Titus will point to again , a unashamed sweden apologetia website, run by a brit expat and partly funded by the swedish goverment, to say it's all fine and nothing to do with migrants!
Tacitus  2 | 1269
13 Apr 2021   #169
says he is "Minister of Justice

"Shadow" minister of justice, you should read up what that means. Violence by migrants is always a good topic for election campaigns, no matter how dire the situation truly is, and as pointed out, Sweden is not doing worse than most European countries.

crime in Sweden Paulina

I don't doubt that there are places in Sweden that are problematic, but you have such places in every country without them being indicative of the entire country. As pointed out, Sweden is overall a safe place for women which anyone who actually has been to Sweden could verify.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #170
The Swedish Model has been under considerable strain for some time now. Rather than being crushed under the weight of excessive gov't spending, I believe the challenge has been the lasting effects of Reaganism on struggling socialist democracies.
amiga500  5 | 1539
13 Apr 2021   #171
Or crushed by their delusional grandeur of being a humanitarian superpower. pathological altruism i bellieve it's called
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #172
If helping the needy and the downtrodden is "pathological", then you can't be a Christian!
amiga500  5 | 1539
13 Apr 2021   #173
The problem is that they let anyone who claimed they were from xxx country become a resident over the last 30 years. No checks and balances. And Sweden has been royally raped for their altruism. Even the pope said after visiting sweden that the migrants need to integrate. Being christian is a lot more than turning the other cheek and for instance giving ISIS returnees special benefits.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #174
Is Canada any better?
amiga500  5 | 1539
13 Apr 2021   #175
I noticed you posted that you lived in sweden so you know this. Yes sweden was unique that it had a open door policy for 'refugees' with no limits last 30 years. Yes other countries had a sane and compassionate refugee policy.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #176
Yes, in Goteborg during the '8O's as a grad student.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2021   #177
pathological altruism i bellieve it's called

...another leftist mental disorder.
This disease is different than, say, schizophrenia, in that it has victims other than the sick m-fers who let the foreign scum in but never suffer the consequences.

In Sweden, the consequences are especially hideous as the victims are the m-fers' daughters, wives, and mothers.
In this context guys like Lyzko make me look for words that cannot be used here without getting a violation.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #178
Since when is kindness a disorder? Re-read your St. Francis!
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2021   #179
Since kindness by the sick woke leftists started producing victims.
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Apr 2021   #180
Sweden says YES to Child Marriage

"The government says yes to approving child marriage if there are "special reasons". This is stated in a bill that is expected to enter into force on 1 July this year. At the same time, the explicit 18-year requirement in the legal text is abolished.

Hillevi Larsson (S): "Lie" that we are not against child marriage
The government tried to stop a proposal to completely ban child marriage - was run over by the Riksdag
Hässleholm Municipality: Older men will be allowed to live with their child wives"

Home / Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries
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