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Possible Green Surge in Germany

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #91
Why not?

Just because someone is of turkish or chinese origin doesn't make him a good Chancellor....isn't that racism?

Why not start at the top as we did with Obama?

Do you think the US is now better off thanks Obama? Less racism and more unity thanks to more diversity and all that?

Somehow it doesn't look like that at least from afar as in Germany....
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #92
a good Chancellor.

Or a bad one.
Lenka  5 | 3548
6 Oct 2021   #94
True but noone claimed it does. You on the other made a strange comment hoping for that to happen. As if some kind of progress in itself.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
6 Oct 2021   #95
Miscommunication on my end, B.B. I only meant that as your country, the focal point of today's Europe, moves into the 21st century, she will need a bold leader, appealing to the needs of all! A "diverse" chancellor won't be any more ideal than an ethnic German a la Merkel or Scholz, but just perhaps more inclusive and responsive.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #96
Understood....but wasn't that the idea also behind the cheers and the joy after Obama's election?

A honest serious question....did it work?
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #97
did it work?

President Obama? Very much so.

As if some kind of progress in itself.

It is progress in itself, for obvious reasons. For too many centuries, political rulers have come from a very narrow pool, especially in terms of sex, social class and ethnicity. Any broadening to include people of talent that didn't have a chance before is a positive step.

I don't know if you're rich and posh, Lenka, or not at all. or whereabouts on the socio-economic spectrum you are, however one day, your daughter could be Premier of Poland or of the UK. That wouldn't even be a remote possibility without certain barriers having been broken down in the past, and in some places, those barriers haven't yet been broken.
Lenka  5 | 3548
6 Oct 2021   #98
your daughter could be Premier of Poland or of the UK

Considering that both had a female prime minister many years ago it is a no matter.

I wouldn't have anything against Turkish- German Chncellor but wishing for one? It's racism as well. What I wish for is that we will have people chosen that are best for for the job not looking at unimportant staff.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #99
Considering that both had a female prime minister many years ago it is a no matter.

Neither would have had that role without hard work by others to break down barriers. Neither of those women who were first would say they had an easy journey.

It's racism as well

Or even the opposite. Even alleged tokenism is a small step in the right direction, as is anything which breaks down the barriers that hold people back. Someone always has to be first; nobody ever got anything in life by waiting for social and political conservatives to stop being social and political conservatives.

What I wish for is that we will have people chosen that are best for for the job not looking at unimportant staff.

Unfortunately it tends to be the most privileged, the most psychopathic or the most PR-savvy that get there. One reason why Merkel was worth her weight in gold, even for a Tory.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #100
Even alleged tokenism is a small step in the right direction, as is anything which breaks down the barriers

A Turk wanting to become a Chancellor in Germany has to be more German than a native....not a chance for a turkish identity!

It's abit like with Merkel....she never, during all her 16 years in power, has done sh'it for East-Germany....Germans totally forgot about her eastern german upbringing. For the integration of East Germany she was a total loss!

The moment someone is seen as "breaking the barrier" for his or her minority he/she looses all the chances to become the leader of all Germans...*shrugs*

For a leader, a Chancellor in Germany, he needs to be seen as a unifier for ALL Germans, not a presenter of a sex or a skin pigmentation or a heritage or some identity or the other....I doubt Germany will ever work that way. Just my personal opinion.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #101
For a leader, a Chancellor in Germany, he needs to be seen as a unifier for ALL German

Have any of them genuinely been that?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #102
Adenauer....Brandt.....Schmidt....maybe it's the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia but people tend to glorify these leaders (now)....
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #103
Like us with Attlee and Wilson.

Those days may well be over now.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #104

I'd thought of those examples, however as I recall, they were BDR only.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #105
Yeah....I don't recall any GDR leader whose popularity survived the loss of party power....

It isn't that the common GDRian was ever asked for their opinion I think we can throw them safely all in the bin of history.
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #106
Sad really, so much lost potential.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #107
Maybe a idea better kept in books....not so much for the real life...
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #108
It'll all be back one day; hopefully society will make a better go of it.
amiga500  5 | 1541
7 Oct 2021   #109
Don't be silly, break the link to the past, of totatalitiarnism and police state for the cause of equality, and call it something else if you want to have some credibility. the fifth way or social humanism are better terms for instance than the discredited ones of old. if we look at the infantile hypersensitivity, discriminatory identity politics and wanabee authorititiranism of the millienial new left it seems society will not make a better go of it if we cling to outdated ideologies.
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Oct 2021   #110
The case Gil Ofarim.
The truth or the calculated provocation?
Very suspitious indeed.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Oct 2021   #112
By the way, a US president (but NOT senator or even congressman!) must have been born within strictly American territory or in the continental United States!

Although our earliest presidents, technically speaking, were of course, English, as of the Constitution, nobody born outside the territorial waters of the US could in fact become president, try as they might to circumvent such ruling:-)

It is for this reason, Alexander Hamilton could never have served as president, even though he spent most of his entire, if brief, life in what was considered at the time "America". John McCain was born within our territorial waters, yet not on US soil, and yet because of the former rather than the latter, as well as his being born of two US-born parents, he was legally within the Constitution to run for president. Neither Henry Kissinger nor Arnold Schwarzenegger never would have stood a chance, with or without any noticeable "foreign" accentLOL

As far as the German Federal Republic is concerned (I include here the former German Democratic Republic, of course), I believe here as well any chancellor must also be German-born and bred. Whether this might have included any at the time current or former German colonies or not, I'm not sure.

I believe that someone such as the 31-year old native-born Iranian whose family emigrated to Germany when the boy was only eleven and is presently serving in the Bundestag would be an awfully tough sell if running some day for chancellor.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Oct 2021   #113
Neither Henry Kissinger nor Arnold Schwarzenegger never

Thank you, dear Lord!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Oct 2021   #114
But by the same token, neither could Einstein, although Weizmann did offer him the presidency of Israel! Go figure.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
23 Apr 2022   #115
What Germany is up to? Do they have too much money?:

By the way all that green policies should be binned. I'm talking about EU green nosense. Its time to go bakc to coal and atomic power.

After all greens got their money from Putin. They should be put on a terorrist list.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
23 Apr 2022   #116
Well....right now if I were Ukrainian I would put all my hopes on the german Greens!

They have gone from Saulus to Paulus, a profound change of front since the russian invasion....for many green follower that turn around is even to hefty. The current leadership is all for more real support and delivering of heavy weapons!

Not to forget they have also been the only party who always fighted NorthStream 2 against Merkel-CDU and Scholz-SPD....

So....and their argument that a green Germany would be totally independent from Russia etc...still stands!

Maybe the (german) Greens are no longer the leftist, woke, anti-US/anti-NATO, pacifist nutters as many have known them?
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Apr 2022   #117
and their argument that a green Germany would be totally independent from Russia etc...still stands!

I would like them even more if "green Germany" was totally independent of the US, too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
23 Apr 2022   #118 for sure....politically/militarily, I dunno if the US would even want that?

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