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Possible Green Surge in Germany

Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 Sep 2021   #1
Curious as to whether Poland, not to mention the EU states, is concerned about the election results for Chancellor. What with the problems caused by the Brexit, how do people feel with regard to the end of the Merkel and perhaps the threshold of the Baerbock Era?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Sep 2021   #2
how do people feel with regard to the end of the Merkel and perhaps the threshold of the Baerbock Era?

Great, another mommy politician who's only going to continue Merkel's legacy of gradually giving away the states' treasury to third world migrants and sponsoring the anal agenda while pushing for the federalization of all EU states complete with an EU army to enforce compliance (whose ranks will be undoubtedly filled with soy boys, trannies and muslims who have been told it's okay to take your boots off during combat in order to pray)

I pray that Russia, preferably with the help of China, repeats 1945 all over again. The sooner they liberate Berlin, the sooner the EU can wither away and die and things can go back to it's natural order. The reason why China is needed is because they already have all the infrastructure built to transport and house muslims in camps.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 Sep 2021   #3
It was either a choice between the extreme left or the extreme right in Germany today, unfortunately, nothing in the middle to speak of. Would Hoecke or PEGIDA be any better? Obviously the answer is no!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
27 Sep 2021   #4
I pray that Russia, preferably with the help of China, repeats 1945 all over again.

The Russians can't even liberate themselves.....

Interesting that you chose the side of China in that conflict though....I guess you won't get far with it. Like the western commies during the Cold War.....loser!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 Sep 2021   #5
Putin will become the next Chancellor of Germany and Merkel will become President Emeritus of RussiaLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Sep 2021   #6
Like the western commies during the Cold War

And what have they turned into today? Societies where you can get imprisoned for making parody songs and memes, "two daddy/mommy families" being taught to grade school kids, women can't walk around without fear of being "culturally enriched," and after a few decades they'll be minorities in their own country. Yeah real winners...

At least unlike Germany, today Russians aren't being cucked and drowned in a deluge of third world "doctors and engineers." Places like Poland, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc. are all far better options than Germany if someone wants to raise a family in a wholesome traditional socially conservative environment.

Putin smartly nipped that **** in the bud right away and passed laws that ban lgbt propaganda. There's no 3rd graders reading "Mommy, Mama and Me," "My Two Cool Moms" "My Two Dads and Me" etc. etc.

Would Hoecke or PEGIDA be any better?

PEGIDA would most definitely be better. They're agenda is the complete opposite of Merkels, Baerbock, etc. There is no difference actually between Merkel and Bearbock - its two sides of the same coin.

Funny thing is, PEGIDA actually had a banner that read "Putin save us!"




When putin gave Merkel a present of cold fish I laughed so hard my sides hurt. What a cool dude... if every man aspired to be like Putin and used him a role model we wouldn't have all these beta cuck soy boys
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Sep 2021   #7
women can't walk around without fear of being "culturally enriched,"

You know....why don't you leave that to the women?

They have half the votes in our countries...there is a reason nationalist/anti-immigrant parties are not very attractive to them, at least not as others. Somehow the raping muslim immigrant is not as seen as such a problem by them. The actual elections in Germany are the proof. Especially the multikulti big cities with lotsa immigrants vote rather left. Find the error!

"Putin save us!"

One of the things that disqualifies them for serious discussions and subsequent election success....

If I were you I would ask myself what it is exactly what stops people from supporting me and voting for me even as I only want to save them all! Why those I want to rescue (women etc.) see me only as dangerous nutters nobody sane wants to be seen with!

Maybe re-evaluating these points would bring you forward....

Start thinking Dirk!
Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Sep 2021   #8
You know....why don't you leave that to the women?

Because women are morons. Many of them claim years of abuse and rapes - even by boyfriends! I can almost hear this: He abused me! Boohoo! And he raped me! Boohoo! Repeatedly! Many times! So why didn't you tell him to move out? Because I love him! Boohoo! Did you call the police? No! Boohoo! Why not? Because I was afraid! Of what? That he would hit me and rape me again! Boohoo!

That's women for you, BB.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Sep 2021   #9
You know....why don't you leave that to the women?

A) For the reasons that Novichok pointed out
B) Funny how you choose that point and ignore the others... fact is, German society is in rapid decline and the way the people voted only further illustrates that. I guess the German people like being ruled over by a liberal mommy figure. Whatever, just don't try to push your "mirgant quotas" onto Poland because you regret your decision due to all the problems they've caused.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
28 Sep 2021   #10
You are repeating gets boring!
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Sep 2021   #11
To say the least, and of course all lies.

Germany has always been close to the forefront of the green movement; Petra Kelly was always popular in the UK and elsewhere, even if fewer people agreed with her back then than now.

It's also the little things in Germany, like those rigid cola bottles designed to be recycled. Somehow it works.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
28 Sep 2021   #12
Well, the chance for a green chancellor was there in May/June, but the thoroughly inexperienced (and some would say unqualified) Baerbock blew it. The Green party will almost inevitable be part of any coalition, but they are not going to get the chancellery.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #13
Guess then it'll be the ol' Scholzomat "boring" his way into your hearts, eh Tacitus? Anyway, at least, unlike obvious blunders by Laschet, seen yucking it up with reporters during the floods, Scholz is safe.
Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Sep 2021   #14
Dirk, they will never agree with you or me because these cowards ars still smart enough to know by now that what that bi*tch did is IRREVERSIBLE and so upsetting that the only way for them to keep their sanity is to deny and deny - no matter the facts. An equivalent to a pancreatic cancer patient saying that his cancer is very small so what's the problem.
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Sep 2021   #15
The Green party will almost inevitable be part of any coalition, but they are not going to get the chancellery.

Perhaps for the best; Greens work best as a support party, however in the future we are likely to see more of them, not just in Germany, but elsewhere too.
Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Sep 2021   #16
You are repeating gets boring!

That's Lyzko way. Don't do it again.
Dirk is correct and you have no counterargument. For starters: Is the unemployment among the foreign population as he claims? If not, what is the rate?

The answers to these questions are yes or no and a number. No essays.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
28 Sep 2021   #17
Huh? Extreme left? Extreme right? I thought Der Linke? And Afd lost seats and parties more in the centre gained ground. Or am I missing something?
AntV  3 | 670
28 Sep 2021   #18
German society is in rapid decline and the way the people voted only further illustrates that.

I guess the German people like being ruled over by a liberal mommy figure.

Or, perhaps, plenty of Germans don't want to be ruled by a liberal mommy or liberal anything, but didn't like the choices given to them this cycle and decided to stay home rather than vote for a sh-t sandwich.

How was voter turnout?

It'd be interesting to get the perspectives from PF's resident Germans on the election. Two different perspectives: Tacitus is of the left, BB of the leaning right. Who knows, us non-Germans may actually glean something about the ground level of German society.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #19
Scholz is almost a shoe in. Wonder how Duda and Putin are looking on-:)
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Sep 2021   #20
Duda and Putin

Duda isn't allowed a third term so probably doesn't care too much, and in Putin's case it would be hard to know from his facial expression, given the amount of botox in there.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #21
Leave us not stray from our thread, Rich.
Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Sep 2021   #22
Good point, Lyzko.

Here is my contribution to it...When a nation goes to Green idiots and their even more idiotic brothers aka liberals, that nation is fu*cked big time. Sorry, I meant in serious trouble and without a clue what to do about the real issues.

Like survival. Hugging a tree is not the best way to assure that objective.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #23
Once again, anything is a better alternative (no pun intended here!) to PEGIDA or AfD!
Gauland, Hoecke, Petry & Co. want to marginalize Holocaust aka Tolerance Education or consciousness raising in Germany, even questioning the reason for a Holocaust Memorial in the capital which Hitler so reviled, while at the same time, responsible for as the center of Nazi Germany

Scholz may indeed be bland and boring. My knowledge of German politics over many years indicates that current-day Germans, save for some reactionaries in the so-called "Neubundeslaender", are suspicious of a Trump-style charisma. For this reason, a Franz-Josef Strauss or even Markus Soeder, wouldn't stand a serious chance in today's politics.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
28 Sep 2021   #24
As for men and impulsivness, there are plenty of studies out there about it.

And so on et cetera.

when did you last

What I do and what men on average do has little in common. Men are statistically more likely to commit murder and rape, I have done neither, does that make the former statement invalid? I get it, we can add women to the many groups of people you despise and move on.

Green idiots and their even more idiotic brothers

Well, the USA elected someone opposite with Trump and its' democracy was almost brought to its' knees as a result. Tree huggers might chain themselves on tracks, but they are not known to storm the parliament. I am far from a fan of the current Green party, but they had with Joschka Fischer one of Germany's best foreign ministers in their ranks, so who knows what they are capable in the future.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #25
Furthermore, I can well recall a strong "Green" Movement here in the States as a young teen: PLANT A TREE, YOU'LL BREATHE EASIER!
Novichok  4 | 8677
28 Sep 2021   #26
My movement says: Clear City of Feces, Bums, and Illegals. You Will Breathe Easier!
Also: Stop Emitting CO2. Kill A Tree!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Sep 2021   #27
You do realize, I trust, as heretofore expatiated ad nauseum on PF, that Germany's "eternal" burden of guilt remains as powerful an aphrodesiac in its own way as the lure of cheap labor does in its own way. Sorry to sound jaded or detached, but this has been my experience, both in Germany and here in the US.
Ironside  51 | 13083
28 Sep 2021   #28
you regret your decision

Look Merkel hoped to fish out all engineers and people willing and able to work as Germany needs them. Ship out all undesirables with those famous quotas.

Germany gets the press as a welcoming liberal, not a racist society.
Also, Germany would be viewed as a leader in Europe who solves problems (as you remember there was a brewing problem at the EU borders due to some changes in the EU laws).

Not all went scoring to plan. Pen pushers have their limitations.


Green is like a watermelon, green on the outside and red inside. I'm sure you agree with me. After all your staple cuisine is watermelon and fired chicken.
Novichok  4 | 8677
29 Sep 2021   #29
Green is like a watermelon, green on the outside and red inside.

When tree-hugging got old, the circus moved to global warming and on to climate change - a much safer place since nobody has ever tried to deny the obvious. Like we don't deny that Sun is hot and round.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
29 Sep 2021   #30
Green is like a watermelon, green on the outside and red inside.

There is hope though.....the recent election proved it. Germany isn't by nature a leftist country....the more the other parties put the environment on their lists the less reason to vote Green/Red....

The voters are there, there is traditionally a wide "green" streak in the population, the environment is important to many....but please without the red/woke crap the Greens come with as a unit. It is actually impossible to vote for the Environment and not also vote for genderism, women quota, "system change", mass immigrations and what not.

The Greens had truly all the medial support and still they didn't even made it to 15%.....maybe that's the ceiling for green/red, it won't get any better.

If the established parties are smart they could take at least 10% of those also over with real environmental policies without all the leftist/woke ballast....

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