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Darker side of Scandinavia - Poles treated as being worse

Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Nov 2022   #1
Here is a link to a book you guys might find interesting:,07640b54

Posted from an Iphone
Alien  25 | 6392
6 Nov 2022   #2
Poles abroad are treated as they allow themselves. A Polish worker who does not speak a word in a foreign language, but instead reeks of sweat, cigarettes and vodka is treated differently to a Polish graduate of a foreign university who speaks fluently in several foreign languages, who, moreover, does not stink but smells good perfume.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Nov 2022   #3
I generally agree, just that this book points it out that it's not the case. There is a far more collectivistic view of people in Norway, negative side of stereotypes dominate the good ones. So even a person with higher education is treated as a possible criminal just cause of surname on a mailbox etc
Alien  25 | 6392
6 Nov 2022   #4
Yes, you are right, it is ethnic or race bias. We recently fired an employee from Cameroon because he was unfit. Everyone thinks, however, that we didn't want him because he was black, which is not true
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Nov 2022   #5
We did in fact see an unaccustomed push to the right in Sweden!
Most disconcerting, not to mention atypical.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
6 Nov 2022   #6
It's due to ignoring the fears of many native Swedes. Similar to Trump effect in U.S.A, by sidelining certain elements of society and not combating the issue at hand (by stating it's not an issue) a radical turn happends.

Similar to ignoring plight of the workers by capitalist factions tend to push low wage workers or unemployed to the left extremes
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Nov 2022   #7
Shows how tenuous indeed the foundations of democracy actually are, if the latter can buckle at the slightest challenges, doesn't it. This then is the real danger that decades of well-intentioned, if ultimately misguided, liberalism can easily imperil apparently a shaky base.

Therefore, what does the current reactionary movement in Sweden indicate about the fundamental humanism and tolerance of Judeo-Christian society?
Quite scary from my perspective if the latter can be nearly destroyed by the storm tides of intolerance and certain groups feel they are underrepresented by their homeland.

During the Second World War when the world often far more severe challenges, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Sweden seemingly rose valiantly to the occasion, there being zero public talk at that time about personal inconvenience, as each individual nation submerged their own needs for the common good.

What pray is the "common good" these days? Seems we've become extra cynical and less magnanimous, or as I'm fond of saying, life itself has turned from a gift to a given, in which society now expects instant gratification and is unwilling to make the requisite sacrifices to ameliorate social ills.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Nov 2022   #8
What pray is the "common good" these days?

Multicultural "societies" have no "common" good... each group has its own....

Maybe should have thought about that earlier....
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Nov 2022   #9
Who should have "thought about that earlier", Maf?
Not clear on which side you stand, sir. Hopefully not on the side of the Trump-supporting naysayers who've given up on the sacred covenant with their very Constitution as soon as times get tough!
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Nov 2022   #10
Who should have "thought about that earlier", Maf?

those proposing 'multiculturalism'.... it's kind of a losing philosophy....

the sacred covenant with their very Constitution as soon as times get tough!

nothing about multiculturalism in the Constitution... and I was thinking about Scandinavia which is not bound by the US constitution

immigration needs to return to the model of assimilation... (or acquire that in the case of Scnandinavia....) if the old country was so crappy they had to leave there's no need for immigrants to try to recreate it in a new place
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Nov 2022   #11
Yet as times change, so too must we, right?
The US at the time was faced with a permanent North/South division, damned near about to rend our nation into a two-tier society, a veritable Haiti from then on into an uncertain future. However somehow, Lincoln put personal prejudice aside and forged ahead to unite the country for sheer practical purposes.

Seems to me, we've become terminally lazy, indolent, and worse, self-indulgent, ready to give up basic freedoms for the "common evil" of prurient expedience, no matter what the price.

We've yet to figure on the final price TAG of a second Trump-style presidency!!
Alien  25 | 6392
6 Nov 2022   #12
The next Republican presidency need not to be a second Trump-style presidency.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
7 Nov 2022   #13
Unfortuntately, our country tends to vacilate from one extreme to the next and at the rate things are going, before long, that is, within the next several years, we'll have that Marjorie Greene monster sitting in Nancy Pelosi's seat and Rick De Santis (Trump can no longer run) merrily whittling away at Social Security until the next "revolution" makes Jan 6. look like a piker!!

You can't measure European standards by American dimensions.
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Nov 2022   #14
Yes, you are right, it is ethnic or race bias.

We did in fact see an unaccustomed push to the right in Sweden!

Good. That's how tribes protect themselves from foreign trash.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Nov 2022   #15
see an unaccustomed push to the right in Sweden!

Entirely predictable since the mainstream parties refused to engage with real and valid voter concerns about things like immigration....

As one Swede put it, Sweden doesn't have many jobs where a new hire can get by with initial poor language skills (England and Germany are far better at that in the EU) but it is very good at trapping people into intergenerational welfare dependence

Also, the policy of multiculturalism and cultural preservation for immigrants mean most immigrant parents pass on their culture shock trauma to their children which prevents them from assimilating and being able to succeed.
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Nov 2022   #16
None of this is relevant. If 10 million black Ph. D.s spoke fluent Swedish, should they be allowed in?
Foreigners are poison to the locals and, like arsenic, can be tolerated only in very small doses.
mafketis  38 | 11137
7 Nov 2022   #17
should they be allowed in?

That should be the decision of Swedish citizens... I can't think of any country in the world where a majority wants endless large scale immigration - but political establishments are addicted to the idea for lots of dumb reasons..... (and some sinister ones as well, but... mostly dumb reasons).
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Nov 2022   #18
That should be the decision of Swedish citizens...

Swedish citizens were never asked if they want foreign trash in Sweden.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Nov 2022   #19
Swedish citizens were never asked

Which is why voters have "turned to the right"... if only one party offers something voters want for long enough then that party will eventually do well once voters want that enough too
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Nov 2022   #20
Poles abroad are treated as they allow themselves.

That is a BS. It doesn't work that way. People like you are rather stupid people full of themsleves. That cann't see reality for what it is..

That way it works locals see minoritiy of people from a certain gruop acting out and often discribe them a norm for that group.
That in general. Norway is a very strange country with their eugenic, gov nazi like racial programs with very all central organizations meddling deeeply into people life.

When order were given - no racism - they just learned how to tick proper boxes but it doesn't really have deep roots. In they unnis they have those reserched skewd to show how evey other counrty is raicst in their little box ticking contest that had been invented for the reason.
Alien  25 | 6392
8 Nov 2022   #21
When order were given - no racism -

Is the new order in Norway - now racism?. I don't think so.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Nov 2022   #22
Disliking foreigners goes beyond racism. I moved away from the Polish ghetto to be as far away from them and their language as possible to make sure my kids do not soak up any of that.

Bringing foreign "culture" in is like dropping pythons into Florida Everglades.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
8 Nov 2022   #23
Xenophobia always seems the easy answer, folks.
Whether it's raving Hitler or "reasonable", telegenic David Duke, it's all the same rotten disease of rejecting cohabitation and after thousands of years, we still haven't learned G-d's lesson, hiding behind hypocrisy as we all do soooo well!
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Nov 2022   #24
Nothing to do with "phobia". If nature or God meant for dissimilar people to live together, every country would have some of each.

With that plan from hell in place, there would be no native cultures - from books to movies to religions. And the most important of it - the tribe unity to fight off external aggressions.

Only an idiot would risk his life to protect and defend illegal scum or any foreigners.
mafketis  38 | 11137
8 Nov 2022   #25
Xenophobia always seems the easy answer,

Yes, bringing in manty immigrants who despise your culture and want to protect themselves from it.... not a great policy as Sweden has found out.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Nov 2022   #26
... not a great policy as Sweden has found out.

Even elevating Sweden to the top of the list of the world's most rapist countries didn't stop these woke idiots from accepting more Muslim rapists.

Why? Simple. Because they would have to admit that they were wrong.

In Western "democracies" nobody is ever wrong - no matter how many victims in the wake of idiotic decisions.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
9 Nov 2022   #27
Curious as to her motivations for "inviting" them into Sweden in the
first place, apart from the obvious, namely, cheap labor!

@Maf, not so sure they despise their culture, as much as they simply don't understand it.
Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Nov 2022   #28
apart from the obvious, namely, cheap labor!

No, it was not the motivation because it was clear from the beginning that work was not why they would travel past other places and continue all the way to Sweden..

They were invited because the woke are girlie morons and as such unable to say "stay the fu*ck away" as this would be impolite. A girlie man would rather see his wife raped...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
9 Nov 2022   #29
You take a perfectly decent argument and respond to it like a typical American male summer camp adolescent!
Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Nov 2022   #30
My point, if you missed it, is that Sweden is run by girlie spinless woke men. The rest is merely a consequence.

Poles should never be complaining about how they are treated in Sweden because they should have never been allowed to set foot there other than for a short vacation.

Good enough?

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