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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
23 May 2024 #661
and smack some sense into some of your country's leaders?

I'm smacking myself know....face palming all the time! That is so cringey!!! 🙄
Ironside 51 | 12,515
23 May 2024 #662
! That is so cringey!

Why? They are right.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
23 May 2024 #663
No, they are not!

And actually that question isn't real or actual...there is no ICC decision or anything....all is only hypothetical!

All these once highly respected international bodies, like the UN or now the ICC, are becoming big jokes....
AntV 5 | 750
23 May 2024 #664
Worse than cringey.

The Israeli Ambassador's comments are on mark, especially this:

This disgraceful political campaign could become a nail in the coffin for the West and its institutions. Do not let it come to that!'

The nail in the coffin may be a tinge hyperbolic, but it's not an incorrect statement to say this is a serious harm to the West and its institutions. My question is who is really behind the push to deem Israeli leaders as war criminals.

The ICC should be dismantled, anyhow.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
23 May 2024 #665
Absolutely agree....

A new german gov, when the actual *** is voted down at last, should really rethink all their financial support for these organizations...they are not what they once have been!
Tacitus 2 | 1,403
23 May 2024 #666

There was no idea to settle some other people in Germany

You might wanna look up what kind of plans were discussed during and after the war about Germany's future (or lack of it). Our neighbours had either some crazy ideas or designs on German territories (or both).

happened and one side used some Germans for their end while the other did the same

The fate of the GDR was set in stone (or walled in stone) but nothing about the FRG becoming a key part of Western Europe and its' economic recovery was inevitably. In fact the sly fox Adenauer had to overcome a lot of obstacles and do a lot of convincing for it to happen. He convinced the former victims of German agression that it would no longer pose a threat to them, and that cooperation would be hugely beneficial for both sides.

Now imagine if the Palestinians did the same with Israel. Convince them that they are no threat, that Israel could instead focus on other enemies.

[quote]You lot only see Germans/quote]

Well, the Palestinians have similiarities to Germans, while the situation of the Jews is similiar to Poles back then. Victims of agression, driven from their homes, being forced to build up something new elsewhere, while being despised by those whose homes they now occuppy.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
23 May 2024 #667
He doesn't need to condemn or condone anything. WTF do you think you are?

Hey, stupid, I didn't ask him to condemn or condone anything.

The ICC should be dismantled, anyhow.

Before this overdue move, I would like them to arrest a US soldier. The next day, they would get an email from DC that goes like this:

If you don't release him by 5 pm, GMT, the ICC will cease to exist by 6 pm the same day.

I would be so proud of the US...
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
23 May 2024 #668
Now imagine if the Palestinians did the same with Israel.

They tried and every time Mossad translated Arabic into English they would find "kill you" instead of "love you".
Ironside 51 | 12,515
23 May 2024 #669
All these once highly respected international bodies, like the UN or now the ICC, are becoming big jokes....

They have been a big joke for a long time but people noticed only recently.

No, they are not!

How come? I think it is clear that they are right. Give me a real argument to support your views not lame excuses.

You might wanna look up

Well, they haven't gone with it, so that is theoretical but on the other hand, you might think a little about what would be your world like if they did.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12,006
23 May 2024 #670
Give me a real argument to support your views not lame excuses.

You've read all my arguments, Iron.....if you find them lame, then I'm empty!
Barney 16 | 1,680
23 May 2024 #671
So, you don't?

Why the question mark. What makes you think I support terrorism?

The state of Israel has killed many more people in acts of terrorism and indulged in more acts of antisemitism than the Palestinians ever have. They invented the phrase "self hating jew" which in its self is an act of antisemitism, if you believe the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

The fact is you cannot point to any post I have made to support your slur. This is the problem when discussing Israel, people either make stuff up eg they are all Egyptians or accuse you of being a supporter of terrorism. Anything but a solid argument.

Both those things remind me of those who "understood" apartheid or saw the good intentions of colonialism.

Its no coincidence that these very same people tend to support the ICC one day and chastise it the next,
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
24 May 2024 #672
Why the question mark. What makes you think I support terrorism?

Hamas thugs attacked 1300 unarmed Israelis on 10/7.

When did you post your first comment about it, Barney? And what was it?
Ironside 51 | 12,515
24 May 2024 #673
Hamas thugs attacked 1300 unarmed Israelis on 10/

Cry me a river, you idiot. Why are you so dumb?
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
24 May 2024 #674
Now I am really curious how your brain works.

So tell me how this:

Hamas thugs attacked 1300 unarmed Israelis on 10/7.

When did you post your first comment about it, Barney? And what was it?

connects with this:

Cry me a river, you idiot. Why are you so dumb?

Hey, Barney, what was your first comment about 10/7, darling?
Robin1988 11 | 82
24 May 2024 #675
Islamic brotherhood is deadly cringe machine. I hope they learn that Quran has many writings and readings, they have no connection to god although they claim to be god's thugs on earth, they uglify everything they the spawn of cringe
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
24 May 2024 #676
Hey, Barney, tell me how you feel about Hamas. If you ignore rapes and murders, I hear they are nice guys...Especially to gays and women...

Those damn Jews...Left Gazans alone in 2005 and ignored their pleas to stay...Bastards...
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
25 May 2024 #677
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to halt its ongoing military operation in the Palestinian city of Rafah, as it is "not convinced" that the Israeli military's evacuation orders are doing enough to protect civilians.

Netanyahu: Fvck off...
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
26 May 2024 #679
Memo to Netanyahu:

Ignore PF azholes, Barney, and Biden, and kill all the scum that didn't condemn 10/7.
When done with them, kill the scum that didn't condemn those who didn't condemn 10/7. These mother fvckers are diligently working on 10/7 ver 2.0.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
27 May 2024 #680
Israeli military launches devastating airstrike on Rafah killing '50 people' who were displaced and living in tents.

First I was shocked and disgusted...Poor Palestinians living in tents....

Then, down below, I read this:

The airstrike was reported hours after Hamas fired a barrage of rockets from Gaza that set off air raid sirens as far away as Tel Aviv for the first time in months in a show of resilience more than seven months into Israel's massive air, sea, and ground offensive.

Here is a revolutionary idea...Hey, Hamas, how about not raping and killing Israelis...Have you ever considered this option? You should because Israel is not alone and also because your civilians tend to annoy us with that "Death to America" shlt talk. We really don't like it...
johnny reb 50 | 7,258
12 Jun 2024 #681
Despite calls across college campuses demanding divestment from Israel, one sector of the Israeli economy appears to be booming.
Israeli startups raised over $1 billion in funding for the second straight month in May.
A number of these successful startups have participated in Israel's ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip, suggesting genocide is a lucrative marketing tool for business. Products like suicide drones, smart guns, and robot dogs have all been deployed on the battlefield since October 2023, with some startups even exploiting the war to their advantage and touting their technologies' use in the war as an advertising boost.

Israel's government-owned and private companies alike have long promoted their weapons as "battle-tested," with the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank serving as Israel's homegrown weapons-testing laboratory.
TheOther 6 | 3,704
12 Jun 2024 #682
genocide is a lucrative marketing tool for business

Is that why Jared Kushner praised the "very valuable" potential of Gaza's "waterfront property" and suggested that Israel should remove civilians while it "cleans up" the strip?
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
12 Jun 2024 #683
suggested that Israel should remove civilians while it "cleans up" the strip?

Israel must remove everybody because it takes 5 minutes and an AK for a civilian to become a terrorist.
You gotta kill them all...It's like with weeds...Roots and all or they will be back...
TheOther 6 | 3,704
12 Jun 2024 #684
You gotta kill them all.

So that Kushner, his Saudi friends and other billionaires can scoop up the beach front real estate? How very Nazi...
pawian 224 | 24,572
12 Jun 2024 #685
Warsaw uni students protesting against the genocide on Palestinians chained the main gate, blocking the entrance to the facility. The president had it opened by the police.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
12 Jun 2024 #686
his Saudi friends and other billionaires can scoop up the beach front real estate?

After all Gazans are gone or dead, what do you want to do with Gaza? Keep it vacant for pirates and rats?
TheOther 6 | 3,704
12 Jun 2024 #687
Keep it vacant for pirates and rats?

Rats like Kushner?

Hamas members deserve everything they get and then some, and so do their supporters in Gaza. The children are innocent. You have to make that distinction or you are no better than the terrorists.
OP Novichok 4 | 8,022
12 Jun 2024 #688
The children are innocent.

Every terrorist was once a child. Killing them early is a lot easier then twenty years later.

If you had that perfect crystal ball, would you throw Hitler off the roof when he was 5?

Cut the crap...yes or no?
TheOther 6 | 3,704
12 Jun 2024 #689
would you throw Hitler off the roof when he was 5?

I would rather get rid of the monarchs and politicians that ruled Europe before WW1.

Killing them early is a lot easier then twenty years later.

You posted that for shock value only.
Miloslaw 20 | 4,859
12 Jun 2024 #690
Hamas members deserve everything they get and then some, and so do their supporters in Gaza.

Agreed 100%.

If you had that perfect crystal ball, would you throw Hitler off the roof when he was 5?

Of course, without question.You posed a hypothetical question so don't lower yourself by accusing me of being a child abuser.

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