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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

OP Novichok 4 | 8067
17 May 2024 #571
A dual national but (like you) only loyal to the jewish state of Israel.

That is one of two reasons why I don't vote in the US elections.
As a dual national, I have no moral right to tell Americans how to run their country. My daughters do, but not me.
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
18 May 2024 #572
Douglas Murray said it best...

You can't put out 80% of a fire. You can't destroy 80% of Hamas. You have to destroy all of it.

Novichok: You Gazans had a chance to do it yourself. You not only failed but supported Hamas before and after 10/7. Now Israel is doing it for you.

You should help them or at least be grateful.
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
20 May 2024 #573
The ICC thugs just established moral and legal equivalency of Hamas and the state of Israel whose 1300 citizens were murdered and raped on 10/7.

ICC seeks arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders
To these morons, when Leroy rapes Jane, Leroy and Jane should be arrested for their involvement in the act of rape.

Memo to Russia: If you must drop a nuke somewhere, drop it on the ICC - wherever these azholes are.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
20 May 2024 #574 if the rapist and the raped victim get judged the's just mind boggling!

PS: Should Sinwar die tomorrow the EU will politely mourn too...probably.....what fuckups!!!
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
20 May 2024 #575
.as if the rapist and the raped victim get judged the same

Some scum tried to claim that it was the victim's provocative behavior that made them do it - even if the victim was 12 years old.

I can see how Hamas scum would claim that it was that Jewish music that got them triggered...

Memo to Israel: Ignore Biden. Kill them all, turn Gaza into a parking lot, and apologize later.
Alien 21 | 5291
20 May 2024 #576
arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders

Will they be put in one cell? And the matter is settled.
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
20 May 2024 #577
And the matter is settled.

I have a better idea...

Hey, Mossad, you know where these azholes live...I mean the ICC "judges"... Make Putin smile...
jon357 74 | 22886
20 May 2024 #578
the rapist and the raped victim

As far as I know there hasn't been a trial yet.
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
20 May 2024 #579
I will never understand why Israel doesn't like Russia. Both are facing the same kind of problems and have identical objectives.
Alien 21 | 5291
20 May 2024 #580
will never understand why Israel doesn't like Russia.

Because russia supports the Palestinians.
Poloniusz 4 | 773
20 May 2024 #581
I will never understand why Israel doesn't like Russia.

They seem like they should have a very close relationship considering that of Israel's 9.5 million current population around 1.5 million have been migrants from the former Soviet Union.

But Russia doesn't send that Middle East Welfare Queen nearly $4 billion per year. So there is one glaring reason off the bat for Israel to dislike Russia.

Russia also has close economic ties with Iran and they also have military bases in Syria. It's Israel that is always agitating against and literally bombing these two Russian allies. So there is another reason.

A third reason is historical which would make a Russia-Israeli friendship awkward.

Russian nationalism today is centered around the Russian Orthodox Church where the last tsar and his family have been canonized as saints and are now revered as martyrs.

In some circles this has been regarded as controversial since "Other critics noted that the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad appeared to be blaming Jewish revolutionaries for the deaths and equating the political assassination with a ritual murder."

There is also this little discussed fact of Soviet history:

In answer to your inquiry :

National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

J. Stalin
January 12, 1931

First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936

Russia apparently still has the death penalty on its books but not for antisemitism and there has been a moratorium on executions anyway since 1996.

Following this complete loss of Jewish privilege in modern Russia you can see why there would now be very deep resentment amongst Israelis.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
22 May 2024 #582

The family released this video today.

Liri Albag, 19
Karina Ariev, 19
Agam Berger, 19
Daniella Gilboa, 19
Naama Levy, 19

That's what you are supporting....shame on you!
pawian 224 | 24596
22 May 2024 #583

BiBi, what do you think of three Euro countries just recognising the Palestinian state??? Israelis are furious. Are you, too??? :):):)

PS. I hope Poland will join those forerunners soon.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
22 May 2024 #584
BiBi, what do you think of three Euro countries just recognising the Palestinian state???

...the same as of the UN (and the german Chancellor) honoring the Butcher of Teheran with a "Minute of Silence"....the exact same!

1/ Naama Levy. is a symbol of what has happened to many Israelis after October 7 and will never be the same.

3/ Before the army Naama was a part of "hands of peace" - an activist for peace in an organization with Americans, Israelis and Gazans. She wanted "to hear the other side"

5/ This is what she looked like, in Gaza, alone and isolated from the other hostages......
pawian 224 | 24596
22 May 2024 #585
UN (and the german Chancellor) honoring the Butcher of Teheran with a "Minute of Silence".

They are in a good company coz Polish president also expressed his deep regret over Iran`s pres` death. :):)

This is what she looked like,

Sad, indeed. :(:(:(
However, don`t forget to look at kids and adult civilians massacred by Israeli death squads in Gaza. You will understand why more countries decide to recognise Palestine. :):)

Or you still won`t...... :):):)
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
22 May 2024 #587
Those who recognize Gaza as a state should assume responsibility for the consequences of this decision. They never will.

It will again be left for Israel and the US to clean up the mess and the bodies.
pawian 224 | 24596
22 May 2024 #588
Israel clean up the mess and the bodies.

Right now it is Palestinians who clean the bodies of their civilian compatriots murdered by Israeli death squads.
Miloslaw 20 | 4873
22 May 2024 #589
I thought you were on holiday or something, shame you returned, you bring nothing decent to this forum anymore.

How did you expect the Israelis to react to the terrorist attack in october?The Jews have suffered so much in history that they will not ever allow it to happen again, especially not on their land....Palestine has NEVER existed as an independent state and it should never be allowed.

Palestinians should all move to where their leaders are hiding.Quatar.
OP Novichok 4 | 8067
22 May 2024 #590
For the PH stunt in 1941, the US had Japs clean up a lot more in 1945. Poof - 80k. Another poof - another 80k on the same day. More died later...

I have this brilliant idea - a Nobel Prize grade...Stop attacking Israel and you will be amazed at the results.
Barney 16 | 1676
22 May 2024 #591
Palestine has NEVER existed as an independent state

Israel never existed as an independent state until it gained recognition from other countries. This is happening to Palestine now. The only countries that dont recognise Palestine are the US and the countries it has orchestrated for decades.
pawian 224 | 24596
22 May 2024 #592
Israel never existed as an independent state until it gained recognition from other countries. This is happening to Palestine now

Holy words of truth. Yet, ignoramuses and immoral people prefer to ignore such obvious facts.

I thought you were on holiday

No, I have been busy at work. Veritable harvest for my finances. :):):)
Miloslaw 20 | 4873
22 May 2024 #593
Israel never existed as an independent state until it gained recognition from other countries.

That is a blatant deception.There was a Kingdom of Israel before Jesus was born!
And the Kingdom of Judah!(The clue is in the name!)

But Palestine has NEVER existed as a self ruling state.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
22 May 2024 #594
Israel never existed as an independent state

Ummm....what would you call the Kingdom of Israel? 1047 BCE-930 BCE....

According to this map Israel could gain even much more land....

Miloslaw 20 | 4873
22 May 2024 #595
Ummm....what would you call the Kingdom of Israel?

Nice one BB! Barney obviously needs a bit of education........
Barney 16 | 1676
22 May 2024 #596
@Bratwurst Boy
There are many historical kingdoms but none of them were independent states.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
22 May 2024 #597
.....the only thing never happened before was a state of Palestine....a nation for Palestinians....they are really squeaky new, never existed before!

There are many historical kingdoms but none of them were independent states.

Kingdoms had been internationally the art of state till recently....some independent states are still kingdoms.
pawian 224 | 24596
22 May 2024 #598
But Palestine has NEVER existed as a self ruling state

Time to correct that negligence at last. Stop opposing the inevitable - you are wasting time.
Barney 16 | 1676
22 May 2024 #599
@Bratwurst Boy
It's not a good idea to deny a people's existence
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12028
22 May 2024 #600
It's not a good idea to deny a people's existence

No, it isn't!

And I really don't have a problem with Palis....they think they are a people? Good for them! They want a state? Why the hell not!

They have a problem with the existence of a jewish state, they don't want their own country (they could have a flourishing thing already with all the international help), no, they want Israel, only without them pesky Jews of course!

That IS a problem!

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