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Things People Say in Ireland - Even though Novichok thinks they can't.

Atch  22 | 4299
1 Jun 2023   #1
People who hit 25 criminal convictions should be euthanised. With a hammer.

The vast majority of fat people are lazy and lacking in self-control.

There are two genders & lots of mental illness,

There should be sterilisation rules for people who create baby after baby and have contributed nothing to the tax basis

Cut all aid to the third world, monetary, medicinal, educational. Give them zero. Let nature return it to a sustainable population.

I want to drive over every lycra clad man/woman I see. I despise them and their self righteous smug faces. They all look the same - lesbian haircuts on the woman and the men all look like they shag other men. I despise them. Horrible creatures.

Some men can walk like a woman, talk like a woman, and look like a woman, but they'll still need a prostate exam when they are 60.

When people stop in the doorway of a shop or on a narrow footpath to have a chat with someone they know, it should be socially acceptable to boot them up the arse.

I believe we are sleepwalking into future strife by allowing into the country unlimited numbers of unvetted migrants from a country with significant and endemic far right tendencies (i.e. Ukraine)

Women analysing or commentating on men's sport has me reaching for the remote. It's the reason I will never pay for Sky Sports. Why are they there, they've never played the game at that level.. Pure tokenism.

Covid didn't kill as many people as i had hoped and we need a proper plague to lessen the worlds population.
Novichok  4 | 8732
1 Jun 2023   #2
Dear Atch, any "freedom of expression" that includes "but" or equivalent is no better than the same right, the USSR edition.

Every single such right in Western Europe has a "but" because it deals with feeeeelings. You even call it "hate speech".

When my right of free expression does not include the right to hurt your feelings that is no right at all.

Do you know why, little girl? It's because if we allow this nonsense, YOU and your feelings would determine if I will be going to prison or not. Like: No, officer, he didn't hurt my feelings so let him go.

To eliminate this scenario, your fascist "democracies" invented the Ministry of Hurt Feeling where some pos moron decides for you if your feelings got hurt - without even asking you.
Novichok  4 | 8732
1 Jun 2023   #3
Malta is not Ireland but it's Europe...Quoting:

A rabble-rousing local priest known for his anti-LGBT+ outbursts is to be charged in court for hate speech in Malta.

I will keep the moron score. So far:

EU - 1. US - 0

More to come...

Father Sean Gough was charged for entering a censorship zone in Birmingham, England, which prohibits prayer and the sharing of pregnancy support information, the ADF UK stated. In the same area, Gough was also charged for a small "unborn lives matter" bumper sticker that was on the back of his car.

Try this bs in the US...hahahahahaha...

EU - 2. US - 0 on the moron scale.
Alien  26 | 6551
1 Jun 2023   #4
Birmingham, England, which

Birmingham is not the EU
Novichok  4 | 8732
1 Jun 2023   #5
In another similar instance, Adam Smith-Connor, a father and army veteran, was fined in Bournemouth after local authorities questioned him about the "nature of his prayer," within a censorship zone, to which he admitted he was praying for his son who was aborted over twenty years ago and still haunts him to this day.

...after local authorities questioned him about the "nature of his prayer...In the US, all he would have to do is say FU, and with his middle finger up, and walk right out and be on his way to the nearest law office to sue the moron cops for violating his civil right to pray.

EU - 3, US - 0 on the Gestapo scale.

Birmingham is not the EU

Same Euro crap.

I am not done yet...

In first, Polish priest sentenced on charges of spreading antisemitic hate speech
Father Michał Woźnicki, a Catholic priest from the city of Poznan, said that Jews were in league with the devil and responsible for the spread of sexual impropriety in Poland.

It goes to show that you can take Poland out of the Soviet orbit and seamlessly place it right there on the fascist one. Congratulations, a-holes...

On the other hand, maybe we should look at the First Amendment after all...Like who needs if we all sing kumbaya and hold hands all day long...

I am not done...
Alien  26 | 6551
1 Jun 2023   #6
fined in Bournemouth

Bournemouth is a beautiful town but not EU either. The EU is more tolerant.
Novichok  4 | 8732
1 Jun 2023   #7
Just for you...
Europe - 4, US - 0 on the Gestapo tactics scale.

I need a break but I will be back.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
1 Jun 2023   #8
@Novichok #7

Jews were in league with the devil and responsible for the spread of sexual impropriety in Poland

So, you think that this kind of vile antisemitic nonsense should be allowed? When we know that tolerating precisely this kind of hateful cr*p led to the greatest genocide in the world's history? WTF?

Polish priest sentenced on charges of spreading antisemitic hate speech

Common decency - 1. Vile brainless hatred - 0
Novichok  4 | 8732
2 Jun 2023   #9
So, you think that this kind of vile antisemitic nonsense should be allowed?


If your fascist government has the tools to stop "anti-Semitic nonsense", they have the tools to stop "our government is a corrupt pile of excrement" and everything else the pile doesn't like.

In the US, we can say both.

Common decency - 1. Vile brainless hatred - 0

Who is authorized to decide what is "decent" and what is "hatred"? Is it some fat guy at the Ministry of Approved Thoughts or a mob?
OP Atch  22 | 4299
2 Jun 2023   #11
Malta is not Ireland

And neither are




You said that we couldn't speak freely in Ireland on a public forum for fear of being prosecuted. And yet, people do. Nobody is afraid. You're wrong, as usual.

You're just jealous because we're free and you live in a weird country where you're afraid to say boo to a goose.
Novichok  4 | 8732
2 Jun 2023   #12
Prohibition of Incitement To Hatred Act, 1989

2.-(1) It shall be an offence for a person-
(a) to publish or distribute written material,
(b) to use words, behave or display written material-
(i) in any place other than inside a private residence, or
(ii) inside a private residence so that the words, behaviour or material are heard or seen by persons outside the residence,
(c) to distribute, show or play a recording of visual images or sounds,

if the written material, words, behaviour, visual images or sounds, as the case may be, are threatening, abusive or insulting and are intended or, having regard to all the circumstances, are likely to stir up hatred.


Did you, Euro bootlickers, notice that "insulting"? So, in Ireland, you go to prison if you insult somebody.

A quick test...I am walking down the street and say to a homeless bum: Hey, moron, you stink like sh*it! Did I commit a crime?
Novichok  4 | 8732
2 Jun 2023   #13
The 1989 Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act does make inciting hatred on account of race, religion, nationality, ethnic background membership in the Traveller community, or sexual orientation an offense. However, it is generally only applicable to hate speech, with only five convictions under that legislation in the past 30 years, according to the Immigrant Council of Ireland.

Five convictions are five too many. In the US, it would be zero.

Those five convictions mean that the government has the tool to convict for "hate speech". The fact that they choose to prosecute so rarely does not allow you to lie that your freedom of speech is anywhere near ours.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
2 Jun 2023   #14
.I am walking down the street and say to a homeless bum: Hey, moron, you stink like sh*it! Did I commit a crime?

Well, not unless you count bad manners as a crime.

in Ireland, you go to prison if you insult somebody.

And yet.......

The head of government is insulted publicly and nobody went to prison.

And let's hear what he has to say about people protesting outside his home:

And as for your so-called freedom of speech in the USA:

"The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. However, police and other government officials are allowed to place certain narrow restrictions on the exercise of speech rights."
Joker  2 | 2458
13 Jun 2023   #15

Here is another classic example of an Irish temper tantrum! Conor McGregor, the poster boy for Irish nitwits.

The thing most people dont understand about the Irish is... They get really mad, really quick. But just as fast, they forget about it, and 5 mins later, its like a calm river.

Until next time!!

Conor McGregor's punches send Miami Heat mascot to emergency room

Have another Pint! LOLOLOL

  • th.jpeg
OP Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2023   #16
another classic example of an Irish temper tantrum!

Another?? What was the first one? Those guys making fun of Leo Varadkar? They weren't angry, they were mocking him. They were ignorant twats but they weren't aggressive. They were just laughing at him.

Irish is... They get really mad, really quick.

That's a myth. If anything, Irish people are very non-confrontational as a rule and will usually let stuff go rather than cause a scene or 'upset' anyone. Conor McGregor is not representative of the majority of Irish people. In Ireland a temper outburst in public would be considered very socially unacceptable.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Jun 2023   #17
Conor McGregor's punches send Miami Heat mascot to emergency room

Yes, I posted that on the front page in the European thread yesterday but bias Moderator Maf deleted my post because I shamed him in the same post when he tried to shame me in his previous post that was totally Off-Topic to diminish me.
Joker  2 | 2458
15 Jun 2023   #18
but bias Moderator Maf deleted my post

You think hes a mod now?? What about Pawain, hes out or still a secret mod? Its has to be Vincent doing it.... Youre totally paranoid. Go pour yourself 3 fingers and chilaxx.

Why do you care so much? Just laugh and let it go:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jun 2023   #19
Why do you care so much?

Why do YOU care so much to attack me ?
Mind your own business and hit your ignore function.
If I want to point out maf's bias moderating is of no concern of yours, Whistle Dink Snitch.

What are people saying in Ireland out about Connor McGregor's latest rape charges in the U.S. ?
I heard he was accused of rape in Ireland too.
For a guy worth $43 million USD, it seems he would be living a luxury life instead of being a low life thug raping ****** that bait him into sex acts for huge money settlements.

The guy must not be overly blessed with brains.
Novichok  4 | 8732
19 Jun 2023   #20
Hey, Atch, I just posted this in another thread:

As I offered it to Germany, I am ready, at my own expense, to protect Poland from the foreign scum the EU totalitarian swamp is trying to force down Poland's throat. Never let these mother fu*ckers do it - even temporarily since migrants - like herpes - are forever.

I counted 4 insults in the quoted text. Does it raise to what you, Euro fascists, classify as "hate speech"?

If not, what changes should I make to cross your fascist red line?
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Jun 2023   #21
I counted 4 insults

I only counted one.
Novichok  4 | 8732
19 Jun 2023   #22
The one you found...Is it "hate speech"?

If not, what changes would make it "hate speech"?
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Jun 2023   #23
I don't know why you're asking me. Just because I'm Irish? Btw I dislike the term 'hate speech'. It's an Americanism. Americans always seek to simplify everything and stick labels on it. We don't need new terminology to describe human behaviour that's been around since we stood upright.
Novichok  4 | 8732
19 Jun 2023   #24
There are so few here with brains so I chose you.

If somebody else can explain what "incitement to hatred' is - to use the Euro term - I would greatly appreciate it.

If A says something hateful and B hurts C, is A guilty of "incitement to hatred"? Does it need to be specific - hey, B go hurt C - or general: C guys are scum I hate?
Barney  19 | 1763
19 Jun 2023   #25
Siri show me an example of a trolling post
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Jun 2023   #26
There are so few here with brains so I chose you.

Nonsense. If you were interested in having a genuine discussion about anything it would be wiser to choose somebody with a modicum of intelligence but you don't really want a discussion so my brains are not a reason to choose me.

If A says something hateful and B hurts C, is A guilty of "incitement to hatred"?


hey, B go hurt C

That's closer to the mark.
Novichok  4 | 8732
19 Jun 2023   #27
This is an inducement to a criminal act, not an opinion. In Europe, some opinions are criminal. Like: In my opinion, Holocaust numbers are greatly exaggerated to promote sympathy.

Is that allowed in Europe?
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Jun 2023   #28
Novi, I don't believe you're Polish because if you were you wouldn't keep referring to 'Europe' as if it were one country. The law in this respect is different in all European countries. In Ireland, which you asked about originally, we have no Holocaust denial law and expressing the opinion that Holocaust figures are exaggerated is not a crime.
Novichok  4 | 8732
19 Jun 2023   #29
you wouldn't keep referring to 'Europe' as if it were one country.

A distinction without a difference...

Europe is not one country but the mentality is similar, if not exactly the same. That's what the absence of the 1st Amendment does to a person: fear morphing into bootlicking obedience aka voluntary self-censorship.

we have no Holocaust denial law

It's being proposed. As well as LGBT crap...
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Jun 2023   #30
the absence of the 1st Amendment

I think we can agree that 'free speech' means the right to express one's opinions freely both in private and public, in speech or print.

Can we also agree that laws of defamation, slander and libel exist in the USA?

Home / Off-Topic / Things People Say in Ireland - Even though Novichok thinks they can't.

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