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Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

Barney  19 | 1755
18 Sep 2024   #1
I have made full NI contributions in the UK, I made sure I paid my stamp when working abroad. I have also been paying into a separate pension for decades.

I have savings in the usual places, own my own property etc and am totally debt free. I just need to wait a few more years before becoming a grey panther.

Mutuals are good I use credit unions which are similar I think.
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Sep 2024   #2
I have also been paying into a separate pension for decades.

Got anything in any of the IKEs or IKZEs?

The bargain of the century when you consider the return.

It is absolutely superb! Live to 80 and you get back PLN 751,036 for the PLN 31,325 you paid in. That's the kind of return even Jimmy Poorhouse wouldn't boast about. Partly because he's too financially illiterate to know what PLN is and partly because he'd be sure people wouldn't believe him. But it's true: pay in £179 / PLN 895zl per year for 35 years and get back £221.20 / 1,111zl per week for life from your 67th birthday onwards.

Imagine how jealous Jimmy Poorhouse must be of that return, he could fix his roof, buy a car from this millennium and still have enough money left over to actually buy some shares (or at least give Marge some money to feed into the slots at the Odawa reservation casino, which would give a far better rate of return).
OP Barney  19 | 1755
18 Sep 2024   #3
I dont know what those are. My mate keeps telling me to buy my max amount of ISAs but I'm happy as I am.
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Sep 2024   #4
I use credit unions which are similar I think.

They both belong to their members. I'm in a Credit Union too. There's a problem though. You shouldn't deposit much in them since that can cause them problems with the loans they make; something to do with regulations and ratios.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2024   #5
People with money dont tend to boast about it therefor...

When have I ever boasted about my wealth ? Never
Now I do taunt Hairy Lazarus with obvious sarcasm of owning a huge cattle ranch in Texas and owning a leer jet.
Gives him something to squawk about to diminishing me which is most comical.
He even has to use a fictional character (Jim Werden) to pretend that is me.
You do know that he is not all there don't you. 🤪

What could be better entertainment then to wind up a one string banjo ?
Since you Brits are lame on the stock market and how it works you really should not comment on it as authorities.
But then again Dead Man Walking is an authority on everything and anything in order to diminish others. 🤣
And like PolAm said, "I don't care what you think."
And like the Reb says, "I don't need to defend myself to anyone here."
Like it or lump it.
OP Barney  19 | 1755
18 Sep 2024   #6
"I don't care what you think."

Thats a lot of words for someone who doesnt care.

Thanks Jon. I'm just a normal boomer not loaded but far from skint and I will be OK in retirement provided I stop smoking.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2024   #7
Thats a lot of words for someone who doesnt care.

I don't care what you say either. Hoot !
Live to 80 and you get back PLN 751,036 for the PLN 31,325 you paid in. That's the kind of return even Jimmy Poorhouse wouldn't boast about.

Of course not stupid, but then again you could wait until you die, and it would be worth even more.
Imagine how jealous Jimmy Poorhouse must be of that return,

Are you stuck on stupid or what.
My returns compound too. Duh !

I dont know what those are.

Our new Finacial Advisor will be happy to explain them to you even though he has no money invested in them himself due to lack of funds.
Ask him anything about investing except how much he has invested and you will get an answer even if it is the wrong one.
Now go back through this thread and see how many stocks that I have tipped that have made substantial returns. (Almost all of them)
And that is what has Dead Man Walking so jealous and why he is unable to tip a stock. Simple
OP Barney  19 | 1755
18 Sep 2024   #8
@johnny reb
Can we keep my thread civil please.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2024   #9
Can we keep my thread civil please.

I will give it my best shot however rudeness breeds rudeness.
By the way, why didn't you suggest that when it was my thread ? 😏
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Sep 2024   #10
I dont know what those are. My mate keeps telling me to buy my max amount of ISAs but I'm happy as I am.

Both IZKE and IKE are Polish schemes similar to ISAs in that they're a tax efficient ways of saving. IKZE contributions are fully tax-deductible (so the tax man gives you back 32% of what you put in each year) and the capital gains tax is only 10% if you hold the IZKE to maturity. IKE offers a capital gains tax rate of zero percent. Both are limited in terms of the amount one can put in.

Actually, it's lucky we're talking about this now, it's reminded me that I need to send my 2024 IKZE contribution. I know you don't gamble, but how about a sporting wager? I bet you a virtual pint that if I say I'll post a copy of the transfer order from me sending my 2024 IKZE contribution if Jimmy Poorhouse donates $5 to the PF survival fund, he won't take up the offer. Not because he doesn't want to get all the information about me that he can, but simply because he doesn't have $5 to help save the thing he loves the most.

Well, actually it's the only thing he loves at all.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2024   #11
@johnny reb
Can we keep my thread civil please.

I think you may be barking up the wrong tree.
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Sep 2024   #12
I'm just a normal boomer not loaded but far from skint and I will be OK in retirement

You *might* be one virtual pint further away from skint if you accepted my sporting wager. In fact, I'm so confident that Jimmy Poorhouse won't donate $5 to the PF survival fund in exchange for me posting a copy of the transfer order showing me sending my 2024 IKZE contribution that I'll give you odds of three to one.

provided I stop smoking.

Well, smoking is fairly well proven to lessen the amount of money needed to cover one's total living expenses as a pensioner.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2024   #13
Feds cut interest rates a 1/2 percent today.
I doubt it will effect the Market to awful much.
Time will tell.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2024   #14
Gas prices down. Interest rates down. I smell a rat because I don't believe in coincidences.
Shlt happens. All else is premeditated.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2024   #15
Gas prices down. Interest rates down. I smell a rat because I don't believe in coincidences.

Nothing new, that always happens just before an election.
The stock market seems to always do well too.
I think there is 46 or 47 days (give or take) until the election.
I can't wait for it to be over.
The country will immediately start falling apart quickly after the election.
No doubt in my mind that she WILL get us into WW3.
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Sep 2024   #16
I will be OK in retirement provided I stop smoking.

Barney, I can help with that: I'll throw two packs of nicotine gum into the pot of our possible bet about Jim refusing to donate $5 to the PF survival fund. It's a way for everybody to win! PF needs the survival fund, I have to make the 2024 transfer anyway, you get a few pints, everybody gets to see Jimmy being wrong about investments yet again. What do you say?
OP Barney  19 | 1755
19 Sep 2024   #17
As tempting as it sounds I'm gonna pass.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Sep 2024   #18
I will be OK in retirement provided I stop smoking.

Same. I've started again. It doesn't help that I spend my working life in a place where everyone smokes (ashtrays on the office desks like it was in the 80s!!) and cigs cost 20p a packet.

People recommend that anti-smoking medication (not the UK one - I had that and it worked for me however the side effects are heavy and its expensive) that is used in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2024   #19
As tempting as it sounds I'm gonna pass.

Absolutely after your remarks yesterday.
@johnny reb
Can we keep my thread civil please.

How hypocritical and biased Barns

Who besides Lazarus says that I haven't donated as a anonymous ?
How would he possibly know ?
Maybe Lazarus would like to tell us how much he has donated.
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Sep 2024   #20
Same. I've started again.

In a way, smoking is really another form of gambling, just like day trading. And just like day trading, the odds are heavily stacked against the individual punter. It's a pity that you can't use fantasy lungs with which to smoke, in the same way that Jimmy Poorhouse has his fantasy money to 'invest'. You could think about how your fantasy lungs really enjoyed that cigarette, and you'd never get caught boasting about your fantasy cigarettes being better than the average ones - unfortunately Jimmy Poorhouse regularly gets caught boasting about his fantasy investments bringing below-market returns.

What a poor sod, even his fantasies are worse than the reality any of the rest of us can easily have!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2024   #21
Who besides Lazarus says that I haven't donated as an anonymous ?

He seems pretty sure that I haven't donated for some reason.
Maybe he would like to share with us why he is so sure. :-o

Maybe Lazarus would like to tell us how much he has donated.

I knew he would avoid that question. Hoot !
(Hairy's face turns red)
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Sep 2024   #22
He seems pretty sure that I haven't donated for some reason.

I doubt that you have, because,despite your dreamer claims, you don't actually have any money to spare!!!
We all know you are a poor man....... just be honest and stop with your BS.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024   #23
I doubt that you have,

Again, nobody cares what you doubt.
Your doubts are merely shallow opinions in which case makes them meaningless.
In fact you have added nothing constructive to this thread and have only trolled it.
and this is why Pawian nicked you, "the problematic poster" (Nerd)
We all know you are a poor man.......

Compared to who, you ? Hahahahahaha !
just be honest and stop with your BS.

Hell no, you Slimy Limey's are way to much fun to wind up like little toys.
And this is why Ptak nicked you, "the little Yorkshire Yapper".
And that is why the Reb nicked you "the Nerd."
See the pattern.
Just be honest and stop your trolling,
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Sep 2024   #24
you don't actually have any money to spare!!!

Milo: If Jimmy Poorhouse had even $5 to spare, he'd be jumping up and down to accept the offer of me posting my IKE transfer order in exchange for him donating $5 to PF. To prove the transfer is connected to this post, I'll ask you to pick the number of grosze at the end of the transfer (closer to a full zloty would be better than further). Choose that number and I'll make the transfer today. Laughing at how financially illiterate (and generally retarded) Jimmy Poorhouse is is fun, but sometimes we actually do have to make investments in our future. Maxing out one's IKE is a very sensible investment.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024   #25
you don't actually have any money to spare!!!

They are claiming that I donated $5 which would be $5 more than Lazarus donated.
Notice how he avoids telling us how much he donated. ?
Notice how Lazarus can't seem to stay On-Topic ?
Notice how Lazarus can't seem to tip us on a stock ?
Notice how Lazarus keeps repeating himself ?
Some may come to the conclusion that Lazarus has some mental issues like OCD/ASD.

he'd be jumping up and down to accept the offer

Dead Man Walking seems pretty sure that I haven't donated already for some reason.
Maybe he would like to share with us why he is so sure. :-o

Like PolAm said, "I don't care what you believe or say."
Everyone knows that you are a mentally ill troll playing your one string banjo day in and day out here to trash my thread.
Please stay On-Topic
OP Barney  19 | 1755
20 Sep 2024   #26
to trash my thread

Its my there.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024   #27
Its my there.

Who started the original thread, Barns ?
johnny reb is the correct answer, so there.
This is just part 2 of it.
Now quit trying to steal my thread Brit Boy Barns.

You Brits just don't know what it means to stay On-Topic.
Such the case perhaps Lazarus could tell us why he claims to be a Polish citizen when he doesn't have his Polish citizenship.
He owns no property in Poland and after being in Poland as a British ex-pat for thirty years plus can't even speak the Polish language.
Yet he claims to be a Polish citizen.
Golden, just golden.
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Sep 2024   #28
Its my thread

It's as much yours as anybody else's. Certainly more yours than the shares and ETF units Jimmy Poorhouse claims to have are actually Jimmy Poorhouse's: your posts in this thread exist in reality, but those shares and ETF units exist only in Jimmy Poorhouse's imagination. But at least those fantasy shares and ETF units regularly give us the entertainment value of laughing at Jimmy Poorhouse trying to boast about 'his' investments getting sub-market-level returns because he doesn't understand what tracker funds track (or that they have fees).

BTW, did you notice Jimmy being called out in red letters for promising a donation and then not making one?
(so did JR but it's unlikely it's going to happen ;(

PS You sure about that bet? I'll up the odds: if I win I get a virtual half pint of beer, if you win you get three pints, a double vodka chaser and two packs of nicotine gum.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024   #29
They are claiming that I donated $5 which would be $5 more than Lazarus donated.
Notice how he avoids telling us how much he donated. ?
Notice how Lazarus can't seem to stay On-Topic ?
Notice how Lazarus can't seem to tip us on a stock ?
Notice how Lazarus keeps repeating himself ?
Some may come to the conclusion that Lazarus has some mental issues like OCD/ASD.

Notice how Lazarus keeps repeating himself ?

Look, I can do it too. Hoot !

Cutting interest rates didn't help the Market as everything is down today.......wait, Lazarus thinks the Market only goes up every day and there are no pull backs. LOL
There is a new stock term Dead Man Walking can use, "pull back". Hahahahaha !
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Sep 2024   #30
he doesn't understand what tracker funds track (or that they have fees).

The fees of course being one of the reasons they're longer term investments.

Amateur 'day traders' would just lose even more if they bet on them in a normal economic situation.

Home / Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

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