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Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

Lazarus  3 | 365
30 Sep 2024   #91
good old jimmy poorhouse, still claiming to have hundreds of thousands invested in something he'd never even heard of six weeks ago. remember when he came out with this classic?
market indices are called etf's which i own too.
i have the most of my money invested etf's.

the cretin doesn't even know the difference between a market index and an etf! lol! but he still expects people to believe that he's got vast investments in etfs. what a f*cking retard! hoot!
and we all know from his posts that he has sweet f*ck all invested in etfs: he was trying to boast about getting 1% growth on certain shares over five days when the etf he's since discovered got 3.3% in that same time! anybody who understands opportunity cost would know that 1% growth when one could have got 3.3% is a loss. any rational human would be upset with themselves for trying to play expert and so missing out on a return 300% of that which they could have got if they'd just left their money in the hands of experts. but not jimmy poorhouse, because he's not rational and has zero invested. he can't even afford a can of paint for his shack. just look at it! hoot!

  • Jimspalace.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 7942
30 Sep 2024   #92
it looks like i have finally pushed repeat hairy lazarus over the edge. hoot !!
poor thing is obsessed with my wealth.
i guess when you don't have a pot to pis in like repeat hairy lazarus, money becomes an issue.
all he posts about here is how wealthy he is when we all know better.
this one was just golden
i'm thinking uk state pension plus zus pension plus pkk, ike and ikze plus an indexed annuity (bought by liquidating my shares and trackers) and i'll be ok. could always throw in an equity release as well.

he's never owned a tracker fund in his life. lol
and his pittance pension goes for alimony payments.
in fact he didn't even know what an etf was until three-weeks ago when i mentioned them when he called them eft's instead of etf's. hoot !
the only guy i know that goes to a coffee shop each morning and buys one cup of tea and sits three hours sipping it just so he can use their free wi-fi.
such a lost soul the nasty old chap is.
i really should edify his losing efforts in life i guess so he would have some self-worth and could boast about his fantasies.
the millionaire dead man walking. hahahaha !
jon357  72 | 23353
30 Sep 2024   #93
all he posts about here is how wealthy he is

is that a fact?

i've not seen boasting from him?

now is there anyone in the room who has claimed to have a cattle ranch, a villa in jamaica, a yacht and a private plane?

use their free wi-fi.

you're about a decade out of date. people just use mobile data nowadays.
Lazarus  3 | 365
30 Sep 2024   #94
don't forget that jimmy poorhouse has so much fantasy wealth and so little brains that he claims to own several entire tracker funds and mutual funds. you and i buy units in such funds, but jimmy poorhouse has so much fantasy money that in his tiny mind he buys entire funds! he'd never heard of them until six weeks ago, and he still doesn't know the difference between a market index and a tracker fund, but he's already moved the majority of his fantasy wealth into etfs.

you're about a decade out of date. people just use mobile data nowadays.

jimmy poorhouse proves once again that he is financially illiterate and entirely clueless about life in europe. 300gb of mobile data a month costs 29zl, a cup of tea in warsaw coffeeshop costs 15zl. but in jimmy poorhouse's world it makes more sense to spend 450zl a month on cups of tea to get free wifi instead of paying 29zl a month for mobile data. what a clueless f*cktard he is! lol! hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
30 Sep 2024   #95
a cattle ranch, a villa in jamaica, a yacht and a private plane?

insecure brits can't take being made fun of
you forgot about the ten million lotto winning ticket........... hahahaha !
people just use mobile data nowadays.

dead man walking only has a flip cell phone....hahahaha !
jon357  72 | 23353
30 Sep 2024   #96
forgot about the ten million lotto winning ticket.

what lotto ticket? mind you, 10 million zł would only buy a semi or terrace in a good london suburb.

what a clueless f*cktard he is! lol! hoot!

we hold these things as self evident
Lazarus  3 | 365
30 Sep 2024   #97
is that a fact?

you appear to forget that jimmy poorhouse can't tell facts from fantasy. that's part of the reason why he comes out with claims that are very clearly lies. for example, who else could claim that somebody has enough money to spend 450zl a month on cups of tea but not have enough money to spend 100zl every three years on a mobile router? lol!

i say part of the reason because you also have to remember that he's financially illiterate and never has any money to spend, so he has no idea what things cost, as proved by him coming out with insane sh!t such as it being cheaper to spend 450zl a month on cups of tea in order to get free wifi than spending 29zl a month on 10gb a day of mobile data.

and, of course, you need to factor in jimmy poorhouse being thick as sh!t, which is why he can't even convert between two currencies or use percentages! lol! hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
30 Sep 2024   #98
but not have enough money to spend

how much did hairy lazarus donate to the fund raiser ?
(zero is the correct answer)
we hold these things as self evident the poor skint can't even afford a cup of tea. hahahaha
they make him empty the garbage and sweep the sidewalk and give him a free cup of tea every day and let him use the wi-fi in return. hahahaha !
Lazarus  3 | 365
1 Oct 2024   #99
what lotto ticket?

Jimmy Poorhouse has the same problem with lottery tickets that he has with tracker fund units and shares: one needs actual money to buy them rather than fantasy dollars that Jimmy Poorhouse has. Well, he also has fantasy Swiss francs, and his fantasy Swiss francs are exchanged for fantasy US dollars at a rate of 1 fantasy US dollar to 1.18 fantasy Swiss francs. In reality it's CHF 1 = USD 1.18, but Jimmy Poorhouse has never been good with numbers.

Of course, as well as buying fantasy tracker fund units and fantasy shares, Jimmy Poorhouse also buys fantasy lottery tickets. They give him the pleasure of fantasising about winning ten million dollars, and then of spending his ten million fantasy dollars. And they give us the pleasure of laughing at the delusional f*ckwit! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
1 Oct 2024   #100
Are those the same as ETF's that you refer to as EFT's ? 🤣
Hey Hairy Lazarus, has anyone ever suggested that you are a quite a few bubbles off dead center ?
You know, mentally ill ?
You do know that you are mentally ill don't you ?
You are what is called an "Emotionally Disturbed Person". 🤪
Lazarus  3 | 365
14 Oct 2024   #101
Here is a stock tip for you young bucks.
Tesla right now is at $257 per share.

How does the Michigan Mystic do it? At 250 analysts were pretty much universal in giving Tesla a buy rating, but then came the kiss of death: Jimmy Poorhouse tipping the stock at 257. Of course it immediately dropped, to 254. Since then things have got much worse, and the price has slumped to 217. So, if you'd taken the correct approach, and done exactly the opposite of what Jimmy Poorhouse, shorting 100 shares would have brought you $4,000 profit today. LOL! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
15 Oct 2024   #102
Since then things have got much worse

And I bet you still own TESLA don't you. lol
No, I put mine in VOO & VUG remember.

VOO was at $517 and VUG was at $374 less than a month ago
Today VOO closed at $537 up $20 a share and VUG closed at $392 up $18 a share
So Jimmy poor house made $2000 on VOO and $1800 on VUG in three weeks or $3800 on just those two etf's while Mistic stock advisor Hairy Lazarus still is hanging on to his TESLA stock from a year ago hoping. HOOT !
Instead of being jealous Hairy you should start jumping on my stock tips and not waiting a year later to bash them.
You do know that you are mentally ill don't you.
Lazarus  3 | 365
15 Oct 2024   #103
Another melt-down by the Michigan Mystic. And, even more impressive, another yet reverse kiss of death: no sooner does Jimmy Poorhouse try to boast about being out of fantasy Tesla stock than it goes up by 1.2%. And yet another kiss of death: the funds he says he's moved his fantasy dollars into are down by 0.02% and up by 0.15%, both below the market indices they aim to track.

But of course Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't know those ETFs are supposed to track indices: he claims that market indices are EFTs! LOL! What a f*cking moron! And he claims that VOO and VUG are "tech fund"! He's totally clueless about finance. Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
15 Oct 2024   #104
he claims that market indices are EFTs! LOL! What a f*cking moron!

Another LIE by Poorhouse Lazarus.
The truth of the matter is that moron YOU are the one that called ETF's by the wrong name in this post,.
Let me refresh your wilted alcohol saturated pee brain.

Perhaps our Mistic Stock Advisor could tell us what an EFT is ? 🤣
Only a moron would call and ETF an EFT.

And last but not least, Our Mistic Stock Advisor STILL has not tipped us on a single stock in the last year which tells is that our Misic Stock Advisor is fantasizing about ever owning any stocks.
He just like trolling in this thread to pretend he is a financial wizard while flashing his 9 Franc. Hoot ! 😂
Here in America we call these pretending Fakes with such inferiority complexes, Big Shots or all Hat and no Horse.
Lazarus  3 | 365
16 Oct 2024   #105
Oops, the Michigan Mystic appears to be having another attack of senility. He's completely forgotten saying this:
market indices are called ETF's which I own too.
and this
market indices are called ETF's.

But the reality is that he remembers saying that, and he bitterly regrets saying that, because those statements show how financially illiterate he is, i.e. completely. And who but a complete f*cking moron would claim to own an exchange-traded fund? LOL!

That said, he's also too moronic to even speak English. Just look at his repeated failures to spell "Mystic": first he went with "Mistic" and then "Misic"! What a retard! He's too f*cking dumb to even spell the word "pea"! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
16 Oct 2024   #106
And who but a complete f*cking moron would claim to own an exchange-traded fund?

Pour Hairy Lazarus still doesn't get what an etf is and how people own etf's.
In fact as you saw he called etf's eft's before I taught him what an etf actually is.
Heal learn one of these days. lol
Hairy, you are too easy but extremely entertaining.
Let me ask you when the last time someone gave you a genuine hug ?
We sit here and laugh hour asses off at your jealous huffing and puffing and feel pity for you.
You are the only one here that boasts about your wealth because of your inferiority complex to have to diminish others.
That shows us all that you are poorer than a church mouse.
Must just infuriate you to watch me make more money on my stock tips in a month than you ever made in your best year of your miserable life.
So mystic stock advisor, what stock can you tip us on today ?
(Crickets) (Red Faced) (Smoke coming out of his ears) (Trembling in embarrassment) Pour Hairy Lazarus another beer. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 365
17 Oct 2024   #107
And still Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't understand even the very first thing about the stock market! He still doesn't know that there are very well-qualified and superbly trained analysts who all day every day research very narrow parts of industries. They know to the last detail, for example, what effect upcoming (and proposed) regulation changes will have on the HVAC industry. Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't even know what HVAC stands for. So they can provide information about which firms stand to gain from the regulation changes and which will lose. That info tells investors which shares to buy and which to sell. Anybody sitting at home reading websites simply is not going to beat those researchers, you don't have the the access to info, the knowledge, the time (well, Jimmy Poorhouse has the time, but he's a moron and has nothing to invest anyway), the expertise and the drive. One can buy their reports, but the advantage those reports give compared to cost means you need to be managing tens of millions of dollars in order to cover those costs.

But real investors love amateur traders! They're the mugs who'll buy the share in companies posed to do badly and they don't know about the companies posed to do well. As Jimmy Poorhouse so marvelously proves so regularly.

The only winning tip with shares is not to buy individual shares, instead buy units in tracker funds. Unless you're as much of a moron as Jimmy Poorhouse: if you're that thick, just play the slot machines, it'll be much less embarrassing than trying to buy a market index while claiming that
market indices are called ETF's which I own too.

What a f*cking moron! LOL! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
18 Oct 2024   #108
And still Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't understand even the very first thing about the stock market!

Even though Jimmy makes more money in a month in the stock market alone than you do in a year off your pensions and welfare checks. Hoot !
Poorhouse doesn't even know what HVAC stands for.

Sure he does, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Hoot !
much less embarrassing than trying to buy a market index while claiming that:

[quote=johnny reb]market indices are called ETF's which I own too.

Yes Christain, I own etf's.
This is how you buy them and after this I am done teaching you about this stuff.
Ya ready ?

(johnny kicks Lazarus in the nuts again but good)
Now what Lazarus ?
Are you still convinced that you can't buy etf's ya dummy.
Now go stfu with your tail between your legs and get lost until you can tip us on a stock. Hoot !
Novichok  4 | 8644
18 Oct 2024   #109
Sure he does, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Hoot !

Do they have any of that in the UK?

I remember ice forming on the inside in 1966 in our apartment in Warsaw. No ventilation or AC, either.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
18 Oct 2024   #110
Do they have any of that in the UK?

Lazarus use to play the King Shlt Brit here by lording over and diminishing the younger Polish people who had English as their second language.
He ran a lot of really cool Polish kids out of here.
He felt inferior because he has lived in Poland for thirty years and still can't speak Polish.
Then I came along and Lazarus tried to pull his b.s. game on me and I gob smacked him right back in the face by knocking him off his high horse.
He has tried for ten years to find out my true identity so he could diminish me with that information like he does others here (Novi, PolAm, Ptak, Cargo, Adrian, all Americans) and even with his man crush on jon, the administrator of this forum, have come up short.
jon continues to let Lazarus troll me and even joins in occasionally when I am making Hairy/Lazarus look like the drunken fool that he is.
And when I make such posts as this to inform other members about the game these two Brits are playing, it gets deleted within 24 hours.
That's why I mock the Brits here and pis s in Hairy Lazarus's cornflakes.
Lazarus  3 | 365
20 Oct 2024   #111
Do they have any of that in the UK?

Yes, they do. And they also have a number of highly qualified and very well-trained analysts who focus on that particular industry. Experts who do nothing except learn about the industry and then make recommendations about whether to buy, hold or share shares in companies involved in that industry. The idea that an entirely untrained high school drop-out living in a shack in the woods is going to know better than them or have access to better information than them is utterly laughable. But the idea persists. That's because the morons who think they can beat the market help those who are better informed: the morons buy sh!t the well-informed traders don't want and are more willing to sell what the well-informed traders do want than other people who are also well informed. Of course it's also because the morons are morons and so don't know they're being taken advantage of.

And most of the time those who claim to be "highly successful day traders" are actually high school drop-outs living in a shack in the woods who only ever invest fantasy dollars. Because they have not even real cents to invest. Some of them are so poor that they don't even know what cup of tea in a cafe costs and so come out with hilarious sh!t such as it being better to spend 450zl a month on tea at a cafe that offers free wifi than to spend 29zl on 300GB of mobile data. You know, the kind of hilarious sh!t that Jimmy Poorhouse comes out with, stuff that's nearly as funny as
market indices are called ETF's.

LOL! Hoot! What a f*cking moron!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
20 Oct 2024   #112
You know, the kind of hilarious sh!t that Jimmy Poorhouse comes out with,

Tell us again how I can't buy an ETF Hairy. lmao !
We are still laughing at that one.
it'll be much less embarrassing than trying to buy a market index while claiming that

As the egg drips of our Mistic Stock advisors face.
No wonder he is to scared to tip us on a stock.
Of course Hairy Lazarus has never owned stock for the simple reason that it takes money to buy one.
Just trying to keep his bar tab paid off keeps him strapped. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 365
21 Oct 2024   #113
Yet again the Michigan Mystic doubles down as he tries to lie his way out of trouble! But the problem is that Jimmy Poorhouse has nothing to bet with, just as he has nothing to invest!

You can no more buy an exchange-traded fund than you can buy a listed company. If you buy 100% of a listed company, it no longer meets the requirements to be listed. Instead you buy shares in a listed company. For example, I own shares in Marks & Spencer, I do not own Marks & Spencer! In the same way, one buys units or shares in an ETF. Unless you're a utterly moronic as Jimmy Poorhouse, in which case you buy nothing (because you have so little money that you can't even buy a cup of tea in a cafe) and instead pretend that you've bought an entire fund. And then you make it crystal clear that you're a f*cking moron by coming out with such insane sh!t as
market indices are called ETF's

But maybe Jimmy Poorhouse is finally starting to realise he's leaving no room at all to misunderstand how little he knows about finance: he's stopped even pretending to claim that he's better trained, better qualified and better informed than the analysts who write reports that wannabe day traders can only dream about accessing.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
21 Oct 2024   #114
Another meltdown by Hairy Lazarus.......
Poorhouse Lazarus really needs a hug in the worst way today.
How Jimmy poorhouse can live in his head shows just how distraught this guy is.
Jimmy must stop pushing poorhouse Lazarus over the edge like this before poorhouse Lazarus snaps and hurts someone like he did with his ex-wife.
We wouldn't want poorhouse Lazy to go back to prison just because he can't take the truth now would we. Hoot !
He still claims I can't buy an etf. lol
He still can't tip us on a stock after a year of me teaching him about how the stock market works.
This guy Lazarus is a lost cause moron at best as in LOSER.
No wonder he drinks all day by himself.
Nobody can stand to be around his outbursts.
Actually no one can stand to be around him period.
Lets all say a prayer that he moves on from his doomsday depression.
jon357  72 | 23353
21 Oct 2024   #115
None of that was investment tips, was it?

He's given up making them because he's been rumbled. He knows sod all about investments.

A good job that nobody followed his advice or they'd be shítting in a wooden outhouse too.
Bobko  27 | 2104
21 Oct 2024   #116
Here's an investment tip for you Ukraine lovers - buy Ukrainian war bonds.

Specifically, buy Ukrainian GDP warrants. Explainer can be found here:

But in a nutshell, these benefit Ukraine to the extent that they don't demand much servicing while Ukraine is down on its knees. However, if Ukraine grows back beyond the level at which it was when they were issued, then you get a share of all Ukrainian economic growth above that threshold.

If you are optimistic about Ukraine, this is the best opportunity to put your money where your mouth is.

If Ukraine wins the war, joins the EU, and has oceans of money invested into its reconstruction - you could earn more on this, than any other play in the market.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
21 Oct 2024   #117
I was wondering when Lazarus's defense attorney would show up.
None of that was investment tips, was it?

Nope and none of it was any of your business either, was it. Hoot !
Its nice of you however to show your support for the mentally ill.
jon357  72 | 23353
21 Oct 2024   #118
When all's said and done. That's a crap reply.

Better to invest in ERNIE anyway.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
21 Oct 2024   #119
That's a crap reply.

Now ask me if I care what you think or say.
You are a crappy person so you don't deserve anymore than that. Hoot !
Keep trying jon, you will eventually get my thread closed because of you two jealous trolling ass holes.
jon357  72 | 23353
21 Oct 2024   #120
my thread

Threads 'belong' to PF, not individual posters. However if anyone owned it, it would be Barney.

Here's an investment tip. Have you considered joining a Hundred Club. I'm in one and they can be profitable.

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