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Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

Lazarus  3 | 365
23 Sep 2024   #61
He doesn't even own a bloody hedge.

Of course Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't own a hedge. For one thing those cost actual money, not the fantasy kind which is all Jimmy Poorhouse has. For another hedges need trimming, and Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't have money for even a pair of shears, let alone a hedge trimmer. And even if he did, trimming a hedge would cut into the time he needs to spend on fantasising about being rich. Or at least rich enough to be able to eat meat other than roadkill.

But he has got a big bush outside his shack. And I'm sure he'll tell you all about it. Maybe in exchange you can explain to him the relationship between one share going up by 1% of its value and an index going up by 3% and growth rate of one being 300% of the other. And then perhaps even show him how foreign currency exchange rates work, although he's such a thick sh!t that he'll have forgotten both of those things by tomorrow morning when his hangover arrives.
jon357  72 | 23353
23 Sep 2024   #62
But he has got a big bush

And so has his wife.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #63
If you are going to be a good liar you have to have a good memory.
Something mush brain Lazarus lacks because he is stuck on stupid.
Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't have money

Except I posted a picture of what I carry in my wallet which was well over ten times what you had in your wallet now wasn't it. Hoot !
Maybe Dead Man Walking could give us a lesson in how to trade after hours tomorrow. lol
Of course the skint Lazarus doesn't own any stocks so it's no wonder he is clueless about after hour trading.
In fact rumor is that Bugger Lazarus hasn't donated to the P.F. fund raiser.
And so has his wife.

Rumor is that jon uses his toothbrush to clean the smelly lint balls out of the crack of his husbands ass before administering oral sex.
jon357  72 | 23353
24 Sep 2024   #64
He keeps digging himself deeper, doesn't he.

The Warren Buffet in the tarpaper shack.
Lazarus  3 | 365
24 Sep 2024   #65
He keeps digging himself deeper, doesn't he.

Jimmy Poorhouse never knows when to stop. Even after it's crystal clear to everybody here that he hasn't got the first clue about finance (to give just one example: he's completely unable to understand how percentages work and so can't understand the difference between a stock going up by 300% and the growth rate of an index being 300% of the growth of a particular stock, as he'll no doubt make clear in at least one of his posts today), he still tries to claim he's a market guru. But now it's become clear to everybody that he doesn't have the first clue about ETFs and can't even tell a general stock tracker fund from a tech fund, he's moved on to claiming most of his money is in mutual funds.

In the same way, he's unable to stop digging even when it's crystal clear that his failed meat puppet wants nothing to do with his attempts to dig up things about me and go to my house to threaten me. Just another abject failure in the long line of Jimmy Poorhouse fails, but he can't let it go. Would be sad if laughing at him wasn't so much fun!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #66
Do you have a hot stock tip for us today jon or will you just be trolling my thread again ?

Today our financial advisor Lazarus, will be explaining to us on how to trade in after hours trading.
Pay close attention to his redirect.
I mean for someone who claims to make 300% on his stocks it would seem he would at least donate something to the P.F. fund raiser.
jon357  72 | 23353
24 Sep 2024   #67


his failed meat puppet

Didn't he die of botulism after drinking from a used bidi pot?
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #68

Yup, who else's ?
Surely nobody that has added anything constructive about stocks or the stock market.

and go to my house to threaten me.

Crybaby Cry !
We see that Dead Man Walking is getting a little nervous about writing checks with his mouth that he can't cash with his ass.
He claims to be a martial arts expert but you saw his pathetic picture which tells a different story. Hoot !

After hours trading is the topic today though.
Please stay On - Topic
Our P.F. financial advisor Hairy Lazarus will be our guest speaker today.
jon357  72 | 23353
24 Sep 2024   #69
who else's ?

Ask Barney...

Anyway, the threads don't belong to individual people



One of the best buys I've ever made were Rolls Royce shares. They have their ups and downs, however long term they have served me well.
OP Barney  19 | 1724
24 Sep 2024   #70
Ask Barney...

Dont have to ask me just look at the OP of the thread, its my thread.

Todays topic is mathematics and its use in trading...important or not
Lazarus  3 | 365
24 Sep 2024   #71
mathematics and its use in trading...important or not

The most important thing in trading is recognising one's limits. There are very well-qualified and superbly trained analysts who do nothing all day apart from researching very narrow sectors of the market. Their research is then either sold or used by their employers for trading. As a bloke at home you just are not going to beat those researchers, you don't have the knowledge or the access to information, or the time, the expertise and the drive. You could buy access to their reports, but given the percentage advantage those reports give and the cost of them, you need to be managing tens of millions of dollars in order to cover the costs. Not even Jimmy Poorhouse claims to have tens of millions of dollars invested.

So, given one's limits, it's much better to simply track the market than to try to pick individual shares. Even Jimmy Poorhouse now recognises that, and claims to have "most" of his money in tracker funds. Of course he's too f*cking stupid to actually research the ETFs he claims to have tens of thousands in, so he told us all that an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech fund" and that a CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index tracker fund is a "tech fund"! LOL! He didn't even bother reading the name of one fund: VOO is actually called "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF" but Jimmy Poorhouse claims it's a "tech fund". Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #72
Poor Lazarus just doesn't get that VOO is invested in over 50% in tech stocks so WE refer to it as a tech stock.
This was explained in detail in a prior post.
WE could care what some jealous skint foreigner calls it.
Remember when Lazarus tried to diminish me when VOO had a pull back to $500 per share and called it a kiss of death for Jimmy just two weeks ago ?

Yesterday (two weeks later) VOO closed at $525 up $25 per share so poor skint Lazarus missed out on another $2500 in two week which is more than he makes in six months fixing bicycle flats !
Keep listening to Lazarus and you guys will be millionaires in no time. HOOT !
My latest investment made even more than that but I am done sharing so the skint can ride my shirttail making money on the three shares that he can afford.
After hours trading is the topic today though because Lazarus has worn out his daily Rinse & Repeats. 😴
Please stay On - Topic
Our P.F. financial advisor Hairy Lazarus will be our guest speaker today on after hours trading for our comedy hour.
Lazarus, how much did you contribute to the fund raiser, or didn't you contribute anything ? 🧐
Lazarus  3 | 365
24 Sep 2024   #73

Please try not to confuse Jimmy Poorhouse: he's so financially illiterate that he refers to funds as stocks. He doesn't know what they are, doesn't know what they do, doesn't know what they invest in. Hell, Jimmy Poorhouse is so f*cking dumb he doesn't even know the name of funds he claims to have tens of thousands invested in: the name of the ETF that uses the tracker VOO is "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF" but Jimmy is so retarded that he claims it's a "tech fund". LOL! Hoot!

The best thing is that we can all see on the Internet that Jimmy Poorhouse only has fantasy dollars. Just one look at the condition of his shack, and vehicles he drives when he can afford gas, shows that he doesn't even have a spare 52 cents to invest, let alone USD 52,500 to put into a fund he doesn't even know the name of!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #74
Our P.F. financial advisor Hairy Lazarus will be our guest speaker today.
Well I guess that Lazarus is ignorant on after hours trading too.
Just one look at the condition of his shack,

The difference is that my shack is bought and paid for and your little flat is a rent payment month after month so you don't have a pot to pee in.
and vehicles he drives

My vehicles are bought and paid for.
Lazarus doesn't even own a vehicle and takes the trolley because he can't afford a car payment, insurance or gas for it.
a fund he doesn't even know the name of!

VOO, ya stupid ass.
It is up $1.17 per share, $526..34 as we speak.
Dead Man Walking could have made another $117 today if he only had $50K to buy into the game.
My VUG is up a $1.40 a share today which Lazarus could have made another $140.
$117 + $140 = $257 so far today on just those two ETF's that Lazarus call EFT's.
He would shutter if he saw the rest of my stocks profits for the day.
I am done trading for the day so I think I will go fishing for a rainbow trout while Lazarus sits in a dive Pub with free internet drinking the cheapest beer they have getting even more bitter and depressed.
It must suck being Lazarus.
Maybe tomorrow he will tip us on a stock. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 365
24 Sep 2024   #75
WOW! Jimmy Poorhouse actually told the truth about a financial topic! His shack is indeed bought and paid for. But not by him. Instead it was bought and paid for by his mother and transferred to him on 09/01/1977 for the amount of $0.00. Anyone who wants to confirm that information can do it by going to this site and putting in the address of Jimmy Poorhouse's shack:

Could he be anymore pathetic? Still living in his mommy's shack in the woods where he was born! LOL! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #76
His shack is indeed bought and paid for.

And Lazarus's tiny depressing flat is rented.
Point made.

Tomorrow is ask Lazarus a question day.
1. have you ever owned a stock ?
2. Will you ever tip us on a stock ?
3. Why didn't you donate anything to the Fundraiser ?
4. How many beers have you drank in one day ?

Simple questions like that so not confuse the Dead Man Walking any worse than he already is.
Miloslaw  20 | 5103
24 Sep 2024   #77
Jimmy Poorhouse only has fantasy dollars. Just one look at the condition of his shack, and vehicles he drives when he can afford gas,

The difference is that my shack is bought and paid for

My vehicles are bought and paid for.

I love this!!!! JR Jim does not deny the fact that he lives in a poor condition shack or has poor condition vehicles.
But defends himself by saying that they are paid for! HaHaHaHa!!!! Happy to admit that he is poor but it's all paid for!

Nothing, is still nothing butthead!And you have nothing!Certainly not enough to play the stock exchange or have a yacht or private jet as you have previously are a serial fantasist and need to seek help..... now!

As for his shack;
was bought and paid for by his mother and transferred to him on 09/01/1977 for the amount of $0.00.

OMG!!!! What a complete fraud he is!

Anyone who wants to confirm that information can do it by going to this site and putting in the address of Jimmy Poorhouse's shack:

@johnny reb

Lazarus has just demolished you.Your credibility on PF has just vapourised..... you may as well quit the forum......
johnny reb  49 | 7942
24 Sep 2024   #78
Jim does not deny the fact that he lives in a poor condition shack

Why, no reason to defend myself to jealous Eurps.
I don't care what you say.
What a complete fraud he is!

Who, johhny reb or Jim Werden ?
Lazarus keeps getting us mixed up for convenience for his diminishing and shaming.
Ziemowit confirmed this and egg ran down the Brit bullies faces.
Lazarus has just demolished you.

That must have really upset you since you said that you were going to demolish me some years ago. 😂
Oh, here it is:
If you continue to attack me, I will demolish you.
Back off or be a loser.

What happened tuff guy, all hat and no horse ? Hoot !
Your credibility on PF has just vapourised.....

If you say so little Yorkshire Yapper.
.. you may as well quit the forum......

Naw, you Brits are to much fun to wind up even though the new American forum has more mature members.
(No Brits allowed)
Thats why none of you have been invited to join to ruin it like you have this forum with your immaturity.
Ta ta dip shlt ! 🤠
Lazarus  3 | 365
25 Sep 2024   #79
What a complete fraud he is!

I don't think it's accurate to call Jimmy Poorhouse a fraud (but do ask PolAm to be sure, he's our resident expert on fraud). Fraud is attempting to deceive people, and Jimmy Poorhouse is far far too clueless to be able to deceive anybody about any financial matters. You have to be 18 to buy shares, but children learn about percentages and ratios at the age of nine. So even a nine-year-old child can see that Jimmy Poorhouse can't use ratios (e.g. to exchange from one currency to another) and can't use percentages (e.g. the difference between something going up by 300% and one growth rate being 300% of another) and so conclude that Jimmy Poorhouse is an utter f*ck-wit who has never had two pennies to rub together. Hoot!

Your credibility on PF has just vapourised

You think that Jimmy Poorhouse has ever had any credibility on PF?! He's had less than zero of that for many years. Have you forgotten about him posting his fantasies about going to the developing world in order to "treat" pre-pubescent girls? That was the best part of a decade ago and he's only gone downhill since then. Although, to be fair, he's gone a long way downhill recently, for example when he tried to boast about drugging and raping teenagers.

you may as well quit the forum

You might as well tell Jimmy Poorhouse to stop breathing! This forum is his life. It's the only thing in the world that gives him any pleasure. That's why he's on here all day, and all night, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Well, apart from the weeks he spends in prison.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
25 Sep 2024   #80
More old Rinse & Repeats
(Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth theory)

Today Lazarus is question and answer day for you.
We will start with three easy ones before you explain to us the difference between a front end load and a maintenance fee that confused you two days ago when you went and hid.
Have you googled that one yet ? Hoot !

1. Have you ever owned a stock ?
2. Will you ever tip us on a stock ?
3. Why didn't you donate anything to the Fundraiser ?
Lazarus  3 | 365
25 Sep 2024   #81
JR Jim does not deny the fact that he lives in a poor condition shack or has poor condition vehicles.

To be fair to Jimmy Poorhouse, he can't actually deny those facts, we can all see the tumbledown state of his shack and his 1990s car and his pick-up that last moved in the 1980s: they can clearly be seen in the public source images of his shack, just as we can see from that on 09/01/1977 ownership of that shack was transferred in exchange for USD 0.00 from his mommy to Jimmy Poorhouse.

That said, if you ask Jimmy Poorhouse to convert USD 0.00 to Swiss francs, he'll probably tell you with unshakable confidence that it's CHF 37,590.82. I mean, he insists that the name of Vanguard S&P 500 ETF is really VOO and he also insists that, despite the name telling us that it's an S&P 500 tracker, that it's a "tech fund", so it's pretty much certain that he also can't convert 0.00 in one currency to the right amount of another currency. Ironic really, that 0.00 is the amount of every currency that Jimmy Poorhouse has available to invest! Hoot!

  • Jimspalace.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 7942
25 Sep 2024   #82
I guess the poor pathetic Liar Lazarus has come to the end of his rope.
I have gotten under his skin to the point he wishes he had never fvcked with me.
He did the same with Polam to earn the title, "Dead Man Walking."
Notice how Lazarus walks on eggshells around PolAm and Novi. bak bak bak
(Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth theory)

This is one of Lazarus first lies (when he posted as Harry) about me that the Mod. confirmed was a lie.

Nobody is claiming that Johnny Reb is a sad person pretending to be a teenage girl and then pretending to be her father. The statement which is being made is that the user who now posts under the name Johnny Reb has also posted under a number of other usernames and that one of those usernames claimed to be a teenage girl while another of those usernames claimed to be the father of that teenage girl. It's all quite sad really.

The Mod confirmed that Harry/Lazarus was lying.
The truth of the matter is that Harry/Lazarus/Taxpaying citizen and a dozen other of his sock puppets names were because his vindictive ill mannered vomit inducing post showed just what a sick lying filthy individual he is.

Today Lazarus is going to explain how you make an options trade. 🙄
Lazarus  3 | 365
25 Sep 2024   #83
What a complete fraud he is!

But we should be clear that Jimmy Poorhouse has never been convicted of fraud. As far as I know, he's never even been charged with it (let's not mention for now any convictions for domestic violence, petty theft, public drunkness or drunk driving or any allegations/confessions of rape). If you want to know about fraud, you need to speak to the four-time loser of fraud trials who posts here. The same poster that Jimmy Poorhouse has fantasies about doing to me what Jimmy Poorhouse used to do to his first wife every time she "talked back" at him. Of course the reality is that that poster is as likely to even say "Boo!" to me as Jimmy Poorhouse is to actually owns the millions in Tesla shares he claims to have.

BTW, can you please pick a number between 0 and 99? Closer to (but not over) 80 would better. I need to transfer my IKE cash for 2024 and will make the number of grosze whatever number you say, as proof that the transfer is as a result of this thread and so proves that Jimmy Poorhouse is, as always, lying when he claims that I have no investments.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
25 Sep 2024   #84
Another meltdown by Dead Man Walking'
1. Have you ever owned a stock ?
2. Will you ever tip us on a stock ?
3. Why didn't you donate anything to the Fundraiser ?

Today Lazarus is going to explain how you make an options trade.
We already know he doesn't know the difference between a front end load and a maintenance fee.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
25 Sep 2024   #85
Here is a stock tip for you young bucks.
Tesla right now is at $257 per share.
Ark Invest estimates that around 90% of Tesla's enterprise value and earnings will be attributed to the robotaxi business in 2029.
Ark Invest now has a Tesla stock price target of 2,600 per share in 2029.
No guts, no glory.
Lazarus  3 | 365
26 Sep 2024   #86
Moving away from fantasy investing, who else here has a PPO? Mine is currently balanced like this, but I'm wondering whether to be a little bit more aggressive, given that it's essentially free money.

  • PPObalance.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 7942
26 Sep 2024   #87
who else here has a PPO?

Are you admitting that you have a PPO (Personal Protection Order) filed against you-by-you ex-wife Har ?
Not really surprising I guess.

Now lets talk some reality.
The Poland 10-Year Government Bond currently offers a yield of 5.285%.
This yield reflects the return investors can expect if they hold the bond until maturity.
I'm wondering whether to be a little bit more aggressive,

Yes, as you will be dead in ten years from now.
Get into something much more aggressive so you will be rich when you die.
For the little bit you have to invest, bonds can be a nuisance as the zloty drops and inflation continues.
PM me your phone number so I can call you and explain it a little bit better for you.
johnny reb  49 | 7942
26 Sep 2024   #88
I'll make it easy for you Lazy, long term invest like I have in VOO & VUG that you like to diminish.
I know they are a little bit out of your price range however you don't need to buy a hundred shares each like I do.
You can buy five shares and still make over a 100% on your money in five years.
Then you can play on free money like I do and watch it compound.
You need to swallow your pride and learn how to listen.

Vanguard 500 Index Fund;ETF
USD▲ +256.43 (+94.53%) past 5 years
528.13▲ 0.43 (0.081%)

Vanguard Growth Index Fund;ETF
USD▲ +219.14 (+132.64%) past 5 years
384.47 0.00 (0.00%)

Class Dismissed
Lazarus  3 | 365
27 Sep 2024   #89
What a surprise that Jimmy Poorhouse is too financially illiterate and too clueless about everything connected to Poland to even be able to find out via Google what a Pracowniczy Program Oszczędnościowy is! And of course it's very hard for him to get his head round the concept that some people are valued by their employer and so paid extra money to stay with their employer.

But at least now he can bask in the warm glow of his fantasy investments in tracker funds. He really should thank me for telling him about those, as he'd clearly never heard of them before I took the p!ss out of him for trying to boast about getting a tiny fantasy return on a particular stock when he could have got a return 300% bigger simply by tracking the market. Maybe soon he'll even be able to tell the difference between a general stock tracker (such as VOO and VUG) and a "tech fund"! Then again, maybe not, he is, after all, thick as sh!t. Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 7942
27 Sep 2024   #90
I took the p!ss out of him for trying to boast about getting a tiny fantasy return on a particular stock when he could have got a return 300% bigger simply by tracking the market.

Now that was golden Christian. Hoot !
You keep tracking the market for 300% (even though you can't show us that) and I will keep my VUG @ 672% & my VOO @404%.
You need to start focusing on listening instead of diminishing with your frustrated inferiority complex.
It has become apparent that you know just enough about what you googled about the stock market to get yourself in trouble and make youdelf look like an idiot.
That is not my intention.
All I want you to do is tip us on a stock and you can't seem to do that with your mistic stock trading skills.
I am tired of kicking your ass here every day teaching you about the market.

Vanguard 500 Index Fund;ETF
USD▲ +421.48 (+403.87%) all time
September 27, 12:55 PM EDT · Market Open

Vanguard Growth Index Fund;ETF
USD▲ +332.99 (+671.89%) all time

And my latest stock that I just invested in is beating both of those at the moment.
I would tip you on it, but a skint like you doesn't have enough money to even think about buying in so all you would do is diminish it with your nasty bitterness.
You should have seen the beautiful sunrise over the lake this morning when I was out fishing.
God sure has blessed me with peace and tranquility in my life.
You need to let go and let God Lazarus so you can get rid of your demons and live in peace. 😏

Home / Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

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