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The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples

Alien  25 | 6353
20 Dec 2023   #31
the latter was far more conservativ

What was needed in those days.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
21 Dec 2023   #32
Nonsense, he is adding unnecessary confusion and tries to be empathetic towards those who live for destroying the church and drag the world to the barbarism and debuchery of ancient times.

By weaking the West like the woke and West does, it opens up for the West to surrender to the east without a gunshot being fired, thankfully the east has began moving too early, too fast, and too unprepared. So there is hope, but yeah. I will never forget the lefts betrayal of the west
Torq  8 | 954
22 Dec 2023   #33
Go Malawi! (...) Go Ukraine! (...) Go Kazachstan!

Go Nigeria!

Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria said that Catholic Churches in the country would not bless same-sex unions. Bishops said the blessing of the same-sex union is against God's law, the teachings of the church

... and finally today, the Polish episcopate has spoken...

"Practising sexual acts outside of marriage, that is outside the union of a man and a woman open for the transmission of life, is a tresspass against the will and the wisdom of God in the 6th commandment. Persons practising such acts cannot, therefore, receive blessing (...) It applies especially to people in same sex relations".

According to the declaration of Polish episcopate, people in same sex relations can receive a spontaneous blessing (not a ritual one) from a priest but it can be only understood as blessing of the particular people and not their sinful relation.

... so, I suppose - Go Poland!

I wonder how it will all end. United Methodist Church, one of the largest mainline protestant denominations, is in the process of splitting over the LGBT issue. Will the Roman Catholic Church go the same way?
Joker  2 | 2390
22 Dec 2023   #34
God in the 6th commandment. Persons practising such acts cannot, therefore, receive blessing (...) It applies especially to people in same sex relations".

Amen to that:)

Roman Catholic Church go the same way?

I wouldnt be surprised if the parishioners start leaving en masse to find another Christian denomination.

Everytime, I see a priest. I have to wonder, if hes a pedo. They give me the creeps!
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Dec 2023   #35
Everytime, I see a priest. I have to wonder, if hes a pedo.

Bad memories from childhood. We pity you. I am so sorry.
AntV  3 | 670
22 Dec 2023   #36
the process of splitting over the LGBT issue. Will the Roman Catholic Church go the same way?

No, at least not in the universal sense. I still think the German-speaking Church is very much teetering on schism-but this Declaration isn't the cause of that, but could be the impetus.

So far, the majority of bishops and episcopal conferences who have responded are doing so by clarifying and highlighting that there has been no change to Church teaching regarding homosexual or other so-called irregular relationships.

In other words, even though Cardinal Fernandez declared within this clumsy spectacle of a Declaration that he wouldn't put himself out to make any clarifications, many of the world's bishops are making such clarifications. Synodality at work!
Novichok  4 | 8748
22 Dec 2023   #37
Church has no business getting into mental disorders, treatment of cancer, infertility, blindness, STDs, and other diseases.
Just tell us how to go to Heaven and STFU.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
22 Dec 2023   #38
Agreed 100%

The church should just be the church.

The rest of the stuff has nothing to do with them and they have no right to be poking their noses in.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Dec 2023   #39
The church should just be the church.

And they are. This isn't a controversial decision, affects few people and nobody would have noticed if the newspapers hadn't printed it to rile up their readers most of them neither catholic nor churchgoers.

The RCC's teaching on sexuality hasn't changed. The blessing is of friendships, relationships, is likely to be wanted by only a few religious people. Do not expect weddings, confetti or bells.

It has nothing to do with sex; it is not the blessing of marriage. It has precedence in the eastern rite churches and does not exclude a prayer for chastity as part of the blessing.

But hey, some people like to get worked up over things that don't concern them.
Torq  8 | 954
23 Dec 2023   #40
A rare photo of the Pope consulting his Fiducia Supplicans declaration with his most trusted advisor...

Two pals
AntV  3 | 670
23 Dec 2023   #41
I take it they are not drinking rosarium tea. 😄
Joker  2 | 2390
23 Dec 2023   #42
A rare photo of the Pope

A picture is worth a thousand words..........

The homo linguists are at work trying to twist words! LOLOLOLOLOL
Torq  8 | 954
23 Dec 2023   #43

Hey, I am not a priest, not a bishop and not a diplomat. I am an ordinary grey Catholic - it is my God-given right to be pissed off and exaggerate. :)
AntV  3 | 670
23 Dec 2023   #44
@Torq sure is:)

I just hope it is actually an exaggeration.
Alien  25 | 6353
23 Dec 2023   #45
with his most trusted advisor...

In any case, he is of angelic origin. And apart from that, whatever you want, Mossad also meets with Hamas.
Lenka  5 | 3531
23 Dec 2023   #46
The church should just be the church.

And the church stance on homosexual relationships is not church's matter?
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Dec 2023   #47
Mental illness is a matter for psychiatrists to deal with. Should the church advise on STDs? How about arrhythmia and palpitations?
Lenka  5 | 3531
23 Dec 2023   #48
Should the church advise on STDs?

They should if they said it lands you in hell.

The truth is church always was dealing with homosexuals you just don't like the way they do it now. My advise? Deal with it.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Dec 2023   #49
The author of the Declaration answers some questions:

Couples are blessed. The union is not blessed, for the reasons that the declaration repeatedly explains about the true meaning of Christian marriage and sexual relations.

That's akin to Poland and Germany playing in the World Cup, all the players show up at the stadium in full soccer gear at game time and they start playing at the sound of the whistle and we say it's the individual players playing, not the national teams. It's not simply Lewandowski and Szczésny showing up in street clothes, it's the whole team within the team milieu.

This sleight of hand is not only immensely confusing and infuriating, but I'm beginning to believe it's disingenuous. Fernandez knows perception is key, hell he even has the temerity to bring up the idea of scandal.

I'm not sure I agree with Torqi that Francis and his possee are neo-Marxists, but they sure as hell practice the dark arts of the Left.


The Church has always dealt with morality, as Lenka says it guides us toward heaven or hell. So, it's well within it's lane. They are talking about medicines and therapies to treat a disease, but whether or not an act is good or not and whether it should be blessed. Your analogies make no sense in the framework of this Declaration on blessings.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Dec 2023   #50
*They are not talking about medicines and therapies to treat a disease....
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Dec 2023   #51
Couples are blessed.

God told me that he deals with individuals, not groups. Just like going to prison...I can't do it for you
Same with sins and hell. We sin as individuals and go to hell as individuals.

The Church has always dealt with morality,

A practicing AIDS gay guy is a criminal, not just immoral. When Church is ready to say that, I will change my opinion.
Let me know when that happens.
AntV  3 | 670
23 Dec 2023   #52
not groups.

Bad theology. Blessings are imparted on all kinds of groups and couples. During the Sacrament of Matrimony, for example.

The Church's job is not to codify criminal laws, Novi. That's for civil authorities to do. It inly states the morality of such an act.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Dec 2023   #53
"And the church stance on homosexual relationships is not church's matter?"

Of course not!I find it insulting that celibate priests try to advise heterosexual couples how to behave!When they know nothing about the subject matter.

Maybe they have more knowledge when it comes to homosexuals.....but I think that if they are going to comment on sexuality, perhaps paedophilia is their expert subject......Agreed with Joker, I find most Catholic priests to be rather creepy, most of mine were either Irish or Polish.
Novichok  4 | 8748
23 Dec 2023   #54
Agreed with Joker, I find most Catholic priests to be rather creepy,

I am past this point but if I had to leave my son under their supervision for more than 20 seconds this is what I would say before leaving the room:

See that boy over there? You touch him and you die. Are we clear?

Blessings are imparted on all kinds of groups and couples.

My wife cannot be responsible for my actions. She knows I am an atheist and an all-around terrible person but still hopes to go to Heaven.

Now what? Should she divorce me? Does God take the average to decide on that basis? It would still come out a big fat negative because I am that evil.
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Dec 2023   #55
you die

Those Americans are so aggressive. Is it in the water or in the violent cartoons they watch since birth???
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Dec 2023   #56
See that boy over there? You touch him and you die. Are we clear?

A perfectly sensible opinion.

Those Americans are so aggressive.

Are you nuts??
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Dec 2023   #57
A perfectly sensible opinion.

No, coz imagine that you touch sb by accident and they shoot you in your stupid head for that. Do such crazy standards prevail in GB??? Where are you from, mongrel? Amazon jungle or Russian Siberia??

DFY and your stalinist grandpas for expressing those sick opinions.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
23 Dec 2023   #58
Russian Siberia??

My Polish family suffered there and my paternal grandmother died there.What makes you think it is OK to make such obscene posts?
You really are a disgusting person.....
pawian  224 | 27236
23 Dec 2023   #59
My Polish family

weren`t so Polish coz they didn`t teach you either Polish or Polish customs. DFY and your stalinist family, too. Ha!
Ironside  50 | 12916
29 Dec 2023   #60
Seems like he is a communist and a heretic in one. Sad times.

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