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Pop A Cork - Wine

Miloslaw  20 | 5121
15 Dec 2022   #121
Have you ever seen W.C. Fields?

Yeah, now I suspect that he actually was drunk in all those films...still very funny though....I have just read a story about the making of the film "Lawrence of Arabia" and apparently both Peter O'Toole and Omar Sharif spent most of their time drunk out of their skulls!
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Dec 2022   #122
Chianti Classico

Among many many others.

Yeah, now I suspect that he actually was drunk in all those films.

He was. He was permanently sozzled while filming.

Not the only famous actor to go in front of the camera drunk.
Joker  2 | 2374
15 Dec 2022   #123
..I have just read a story about the making of the film "

Watch "the bank dick".
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Dec 2022   #124
Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.
Joker  2 | 2374
18 Dec 2022   #125
Are you referring to Bacchus? The God of wine.

  • bacchusromangodof.jpg
Alien  25 | 6397
18 Dec 2022   #126

has a pronounced gynecomastia as a symptom of liver cirrhosis typical of alcoholics....
johnny reb  49 | 7927
25 Dec 2022   #127
Got a bottle of Josh Reserve North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 for a Christmas present.
Most enjoyable.
Alien  25 | 6397
25 Dec 2022   #128
Most enjoyable - means already drunk?. It's a pity, wine is a living product. It can be stored for years. After few years it's mostly better.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
25 Dec 2022   #129
No not drunk, a pleasant glow though.

It can be stored for years. After few years it's mostly better.

Not true for all wine.
Especially the sweet white wines that will sugar out on you.
Mine doesn't last that long so I dom't worry about that happening.
Joker  2 | 2374
26 Dec 2022   #130
Wine sucks. And the same goes for putrid coffee. I always laugh at the sheeple waiting in the Starbucks drive thru as I jovially drive past.

Wouldn't it be quicker to just go inside? Just saying.

I love watching coffee addicts freaking out when they run out of their java as well. They panic more than a junkie at a methadone clinic ! lol

They are the first ones to criticize pot smokers while they are slaves to caffeine and totally oblivious how hypocritical they sound.

Its only yuppies that drink wine and coffee..... Real men drink Beer!! Hahaha
jon357  72 | 23483
26 Dec 2022   #131
Its only yuppies that drink wine and coffee

Most people in the world who drink both are men


Most of which is fizzy muck.
Alien  25 | 6397
26 Dec 2022   #132
who drink both are men

My wife drinks both and she is not a man.🤔
johnny reb  49 | 7927
26 Dec 2022   #133
Are you sure ?
Has she always been a woman ?
This is 2022 ya know.
pawian  226 | 27474
26 Dec 2022   #134
Are you sure ?

Yes, he is. Why are you so doubtful??? Like Doubting Thomas.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
27 Dec 2022   #135
In this day and age you never know with all the screwed-up Woke alphabet yo yo's that "identify".
pawian  226 | 27474
27 Dec 2022   #136
Woke alphabet yo yo's that "identify".

Americans invented and propagated it in the world. You should respect your compatriots` achievements.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
28 Dec 2022   #137
You should respect yours (PiS) achievements too as in practice what you preach. Simple
Now either get back on topic or get the f - out of here.
jon357  72 | 23483
28 Dec 2022   #138
You should respect your compatriots` achievements.

One od their sillier 'achievements' was prohibition of alcohol, pushed by evangelical Christians who thought they knew what was good for other people. It led to the rise of the mafia there and a number of other undesirable things.

Much better to have a glass of wine.
pawian  226 | 27474
28 Dec 2022   #139
either get back on topic

But it was you who started that stupid off topic exchange about LGBT+ in a wine thread. Check your post 136 where you asked: Has she always been a woman ?

pushed by evangelical Christians who thought they knew what was good for other people

They had seen too many families ruined by alcohol, too many poor kids and homeless people in streets. The reasons to ban alcohol looked very serious to them.
jon357  72 | 23483
28 Dec 2022   #140
The reasons to ban alcohol looked very serious to them.

That was a big thing in the nineteenth century Methodist boom in the UK, mostly in industrial cities.

Probably too in America, however there, the impetus came from small town and rural WASPs. One explanation I read was that the existing settlers whose roots were in the UK and who were ultra-prot were shocked by more recent immigrants from beer-drinking Germany and from parts of the r*SSian empire.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
29 Dec 2022   #141
it was you who started that stupid off topic exchange about LGBT+ in a wine thread. Check your post 136

Nope, I made a one liner joker that deserved no response, and it was YOU in the following post #137 that responded to it to take it Off-Topic.

The reasons to ban alcohol looked very serious to them.

Understandable as just look at all the lives that it has ruined and all the problems that it has caused.
Alcohol, like any other drug, should not be abused.
Alien  25 | 6397
30 Dec 2022   #142
A week's holiday by the sea. Sparkling wine improves mood. No deadlines, great.💯🖕
jon357  72 | 23483
30 Dec 2022   #143
A week's holiday by the sea

Likewise. We're taking one in a few weeks, after I finish this stint on the dark continent. The criteria for choosing the place was a. convenient flights from Warsaw, b. warm weather in winter, c. very good food, d. cultural stuff and e. very good wine, not necessarily in that order.

Sparkling wine improves mood.

This shall be a significant part of it.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
30 Dec 2022   #144
Not a convenient flight from Warsaw however getting there is half the fun.
Have you ever been to the British Virgin Islands ?
Great food, a pirates culture, 24 to 28 C everyday in the winter with 90% sunshine.
You may have to switch from wine to rum coolers.
jon357  72 | 23483
30 Dec 2022   #145
Probably better weather there than anywhere in Europe. We're still looking at destinations and it'll only be for a long weekend due to family stuff. Plus added complications that we're going there from different countries and returning home to Poland together.

One annoying thing is that although from Manchester or London, there are cheapish flights almost everywhere, from Warsaw there are fewer. Still, there are good possibilities, the south of France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco; all with very nice wines and food.

My preference is France but probably we'll end up going somewhere hotter. Bari sounds interesting; not much tourism although there should be given how nice it looks and the food and wine in that region is supposed to be excellent. Plus, they have direct flights from Warsaw. I fancied Gibraltar (sounds interesting to see a bit of Britain on the Mediterranean) but it's not an easy journey from Poland so we probably won't.

Wherever we go, whether France, Spain, Italy or further, the wine will probably be both nice and cheap.

The Caribbean sounds fun. I've only been to Grand Bahama however that was for work a couple of times. The last time I was there, they met me at the airport and took me in a police car to meet the ship. The policeman turned round and said "if you've got anything with you, smoke it now in the car since they might be checking for stuff today". Made me wish I'd had some...
Alien  25 | 6397
31 Dec 2022   #146
Taittinger vintage 2009 - Happy New Year. Prost.
pawian  226 | 27474
1 Jan 2023   #147
Alcohol, like any other drug, should not be abused.

Exactly. But tell it to alcoholics.
Alien  25 | 6397
1 Jan 2023   #148
tell it to alcoholics

to alcoholics is ......too late, anyway. Tell it to nonalcoholics.
Alien  25 | 6397
27 Jan 2023   #149
Heineken cold with self made pizza. @Alien is happy.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
27 Jan 2023   #150
Beef jerky & Mountain Dew is the best non alcoholic buzz a guy could get.
All those toxic chemicals and additives infused at once is one hell of a buzz.
Makes me shake like a pup shltting a peach pit.

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