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Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa

Paulina  19 | 4556
30 Jun 2023   #211
by installing quicksand traps on the road....

Maf, thanks for that - I had a genuine laugh ;D No wonder people in Rostov welcomed Wagner Group and Prigozhin with open arms - RuSSia under Putin can't even fix roads lol
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Jun 2023   #212
RuSSia under Putin can't even fix roads lol

But they can send men into space.

Abandon all hope, you who try to understand Russia.
Alien  26 | 6527
30 Jun 2023   #213
RuSSia under Putin can't even fix roads lol
But they can send men into space.

One does not exclude the other.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jun 2023   #214
Two sides of the same coin.... russia desperately craves respect and attention so it does high profile things that cast massive amounts of money and require huge effort... to try to catch the world's attention.

Making lives better for citizens (if you want to call them that) doesn't do that and so they spend as little as possible on it....

It's like a bankrupt person driving a cadillac... and living in a shack...
Alien  26 | 6527
30 Jun 2023   #215
bankrupt person driving a cadillac...

I thought Cadillac went bankrupt too.
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2023   #216
One does not exclude the other.

In our case, we have both: bad roads and we need Russia to play space Uber for us.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jun 2023   #217
I thought Cadillac went bankrupt too.

It's an old American stereotype mostly about poor African Americans but also found in other groups... paying lots of money for something public while living in severe poverty.
Paulina  19 | 4556
22 Aug 2023   #218
A Russian guy who moved to Poland not that long ago compares this year's Polish Army Day parade with 9 May parade in RuSSia:

He mentioned the things that shocked him:

- in Poland ordinary people are allowed on the parade as onlookers, while in RuSSia on 9 May parade in Moscow - only selected people;

- he was shocked that during Polish president's speech many onlookers weren't afraid to speak up and openly criticised the president's words (the Russian guy added that he will probably be surprised for a long time by the fact that in Poland you can freely speak against the president and not get arrested for that);

- there were foreign allied forces represented at the Polish parade, while in RuSSia it doesn't happen during the 9 May parade and allies aren't even mentioned;

- all of the people (who often came for the parade from other cities not only to see the parade, but also to thank the Polish army for protecting the country) singing the Polish national anthem;

- the military vehicles (and how clean they were);

- the cleanliness (there was no trash left after the parade, despite the big number of people attending it).

He filmed the crowd singing the Polish anthem - my heart swelled while watching it - beautiful :))) 🇵🇱❤️

I must admitt that I didn't know that ordinary people are not allowed on 9 May parade in Moscow - that's pretty shocking for me o_O
mafketis  38 | 11260
22 Aug 2023   #219
in Poland you can freely speak against the president and not get arrested for that

I'm sure PiS is working on that...

ordinary people are not allowed on 9 May parade in Moscow

russians on the whole are deeplyh ashamed of ordinary russians and despise them, so of course they want to hide them away on public occasions....

I'm reminded of a youtube video a few years ago of a Ukrainian immigrant who was at a party at the school his daughter attended....when kids were dancing the parents who were present joined in and started dancing with them (not just with their own kids but with the kids as a group)..... said that Ukrainian teachers would never, ever, ever allow anything like that.....
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
23 Aug 2023   #220
Putin is bad, meanwhile in America they have a retard for a president who is under control by those in the shadows.

RuSSia under Putin can't even fix roads lol

Kensington Philadelphia on a Friday Morning
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Aug 2023   #221
Kensington Philadelphia on a Friday Morning

It's Putin's fault.
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Aug 2023   #222
meanwhile in America

Read the thread title - this thread is not about the US. You people are seriously obsessed with that country lol
If you want to discuss RuSSia vs the US then make your own thread or go to the thread about the US.

Kensington Philadelphia on a Friday Morning

I've seen those videos already and I've read comments. Those people are drug addicts that refused to get help:

This is just one neighbourhood in Philadelphia that looks like that and this is not how the US looks like in general.

Having said that the US have bigger drug abuse problem than Poland, but so does RuSSia (not to mention AIDS epidemic that results from drug abuse among others).

You probably won't see people camping out like that in the streets in RuSSia, because in RuSSia drug addicts instead of getting help - they get arrested and sent to prison:

And if you want to compare substance abuse in the US vs RuSSia (2023) then there you go:

"In The U.S. 5.47% of the population had an alcohol or drug use disorder, second only to Russia with 5.93%.

For prevalence of alcohol use disorder, the U.S. ranks 3rd (2.04%) behind Russia (4.73%) and Ukraine (4.69%)."

Top 5 countries with the biggest drug abuse problem (2023):

1. Iran
2. Afghanistan
3. RuSSia
4. the US
5. the UK

"Amid the escalating issue of substance abuse in the military, the involvement of the Wagner Group is worth considering, as they recruit members from penal colonies populated by convicts with drug-related offenses."

I'm guessing that due to war substance abuse problem in RuSSia will only increase.

If I had to choose where to live - in RuSSia or the US, I'd choose the US. If I had to choose where to live - in the US or Poland, I'd choose Poland.

It's Putin's fault.

Of course not. But RuSSia's problems have defenitely a lot to do with Putin.
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Aug 2023   #223
You people are seriously obsessed with that country lol

It's you who is obsessed with "America". You take in even American wokeness, LGBT parades, and crappy TV shows...Your shopping malls are copies of what we have here, stores and greasy crap pretending to be food included...

Of course not

Do you mean to tell me that something is not Putin's fault? What are you? A Russian troll?
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Aug 2023   #224
It's you who is obsessed with "America".

No, I am not o_O It's clearly Putinists who are obsessed with the US on this forum.

Your shopping malls are copies of what we have here, stores and greasy crap pretending to be food included...

It's all over the world like that (including in RuSSia), not only in Poland lol

And liking something or being influnced by something from the US isn't the same as "obsession". In Poland we don't spend our days obsessing over the US, which seems to be Putinists' favourite pass time lol

Do you mean to tell me that something is not Putin's fault?

Yes, Novichok, I'm not a retard like your fellow Putinists and I don't blame others for everything.
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Aug 2023   #225
In Poland we don't spend our days obsessing over the US,

It's worse than a simple obsession. You can't even stay with Polish..."Kliknij"...hahahahaha...
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Aug 2023   #226
@Novichok, you are truly an idiot :)))
There are words from many languages in Polish language, not only from English and it's normal. Languages have been influnced by other languages for centuries.
mafketis  38 | 11260
23 Aug 2023   #227
ovichok, you are truly an idiot :

a truly inferior intellect, his sad illusions of adequacy.... just sad....
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Aug 2023   #228
There are words from many languages in the Polish language,

In the last ten years, only from the American. Name one word you adopted from the Danish language in the same period. I don't want to go back to the Crusades.
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Aug 2023   #229
@Novichok, not from "American", but from English language and, yes, of course it has been happening more "recently" not only in Poland, but all over the world, including in RuSSia.

English words connected to computers (or new technologies in general) often become loanwords in other languages.
It's no different in RuSSian language.

For example, "computer" is "komputer" in Polish, but also in RuSSian ("компьютер"):

The same is with words like "the internet":

Polish: internet
RuSSian: интернет

...or "processor":

Polish: procesor
RuSSian: процессор

And here you have another two loanwords in RuSSian - from English "internet provider":

RuSSian "интернет-провайдер" is a direct calque from English language.

So why is this happening? Here's the answer:

"There are many borrowings from different languages such as French, German, Italian but today more and more English words appear as mostly English speaking countries lead in many spheres such as:

computer technologies: file, monitor, byte, processor and many others.

finance and economy: broker, dealer, budget, balance, banknote and others

politics and diplomacy: president, prime minister, parliament, liberalism, impeachment and others

sport: sprinter, football, basketball, wrestling, tennis and others"
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Aug 2023   #230
Poland is supposed to be better than the "mongols".
The American language is superior to this disgusting abomination aka British English.
Paulina  19 | 4556
23 Aug 2023   #231
Poland is supposed to be better than the "mongols".

I don't get your point. There's nothing "wrong" in having loanwords in a language. Humans have been using them for a very long time. It's perfectly normal.

The American language is superior to this disgusting abomination aka British English.

There's no such thing as "American language". You're using English language. And I don't care about your personal preferences concerning languages.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Aug 2023   #232
There's nothing "wrong" in having loanwords in a language

Nothing at all, and as you say, normal. If anyth8ng, it's a sign that a language is a living one.
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
24 Aug 2023   #233
USA. A new video shows the moment a gunman opened fire near Revere Beach on Sunday, striking a teenage girl.

(Just working on his jump shot.)

What is the state of that America in 2023. One case means nothing, but when you consider that they have things like this on a regular basis.
Paulina  19 | 4556
24 Aug 2023   #234
@Crnogorac3, this thread is not about the US.

Mods, this thread should be on the main forum. Could you move it there?
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
26 Aug 2023   #235
This is just one neighbourhood in Philadelphia that looks like that and this is not how the US looks like in general.

Vesna Pešić, a Serbian woman who visited California and LA:

"There is a complete collapse and disintegration of the system in America"
Novichok  4 | 8677
26 Aug 2023   #236
You're using English language

No, I don't. If I was using English, I would write programme and colour. Luckily, I know the correct spelling.

"There is a complete collapse and disintegration of the system in America"

...unless your last name is Trump. Then the system comes out of its normal stupor and goes into overdrive.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #237
Wanted to share some rare posters from the 1920s and 1930s.

1) Ясновельможная Польша - A Polish pig is shown embracing France. The pig is wearing a hat, that says "Noble/Aristocratic Poland". The pig is drooling over a document it is holding, which is titled "1772 Borders". The text at the bottom reads - "A Pig Trained in France".

2) Красный Подарок Белому Пану - A Red Gift for the White Pan. Two red army soldiers are lifting an enormous artillery shell as a Polish Pan quivers in fear. At the bottom right, the text says "Hit the Polish Pan in the Forehead with this Little Toy".

3) Чем Кончится Панская Затея - How the Pan's Enterprise Will End. Red soldiers are sticking lances into the rear ends of Polish pans, while grateful Polish population holds a banner that reads "Glory to Soviet Poland!".

4) Дорогу Нашему Хлебу в Обмен на Германские Машины и Орудия. Access for Our Bread, in Exchange for German Agricultural Machinery and Weapons.

  • IMG_0372.jpeg

  • IMG_0373.jpeg

  • IMG_0374.jpeg

  • IMG_0375.jpeg
Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #238
"A Pig Trained in France"

A huge historical inaccuracy - it was the pig that trained the French to eat with knife and fork. Scandalous misrepresentation.

Polish Pan quivers in fear

To say "Polish Pan quivers in fear" is like saying "Circle has three acute angles" - a nonsensical statement.

Red soldiers are sticking lances into the rear ends of Polish pans

This is a rather disturbing fantasy, and I don't even want to speculate on what Mr Freud would think about it.

I hope the author of these ridiculous posters ended up in some distant, cold gulag. :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #239
- A Polish pig


4) Дорогу Нашему Хлебу в Обмен на Германские Машины и Орудия. Access for Our Bread, in Exchange for German Agricultural Machinery and Weapons.

OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #240
A huge historical inaccuracy

Ясновельможная Польша, or Aristocratic Poland, seems to have been a popular meme in the early days of the Soviet Union.

1) The first poster below is another take on the subject. This time, Poland is a bulldog instead of a pig. The text in the middle reads: "The Last Dog of the Entente". The text at the bottom reads, "Polish Pans Are Seeking to Strangulate Proletarian Russia. Death to Noble Pans."

2) The second image consists of two posters. The one on the right, shows a Polish Pan, assisting Simeon Petlyura in crucifying Ukraine. The message reads, "Butchers are Ravaging Ukraine". On the left, is an agitprop piece inviting people to join the ranks of the Red Army to be sent to the Polish front.

3) These two posters are Polish-made. The one on the left, is reminder that it has been 125 years since Poland had been independent. The one on the right, shows General Józef Haller, one of the heroes of the First Polish-Soviet War calling on men to enlist.

4) This last poster is very upsetting. I had to recompose myself before posting this one. Noble soldiers of the righteous Red Worker's Army shown as apes and Neanderthals. The text in the image on the left reads: "The Enemy Approaches, Look What He Brings". The text on the right side, reads "Only Our Forces Can Defend the People and the Country".

  • IMG_0376.jpeg

  • IMG_0383.jpeg

  • IMG_0380.jpeg

  • IMG_0389.jpeg

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