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Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa

Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Feb 2023   #1
In an attempt to save the "Polish Aid to Ukraine" thread from contamination - and still smarting from the very judicious suspension I received yesterday - I want to try a new thread.

As nations with an almost one thousand year history of bilateral relations, tied by ancestral blood and language, but separated by religion - this thread deserves to exist.

I will begin with a poem by one of my favorite poets, Yesenin, titled "Poland". The poem was written in connection with the beginning of the occupation of Poland (the Kingdom of Poland, which was part of the Russian Empire since 1815) by German and Austro-Hungarian troops in the First World War. The periodical press of Russia of that time wrote a lot about the heroism of the Poles defending their homeland from the invaders. By the end of 1915, the entire territory of Poland was occupied.

Poem in Russian, and then a Google Translate (sorry, lazy):


A bloody cloud hung over Poland,
And red drops burn the cities.
But a star shines in the glow of past centuries.
The Vistula is crying under the pink wave.
In the ring of times with one shade of meaning
All years fit the scales of war.
And to the winner for the banner of his labor
The enemy himself puts flowers on the cups of the yoke.
O Poland, a bright dream in the damp prison of Kosciuszki,
A slave in fragments of a halo.
I see your Mickiewicz loading guns.
You have torn open the network of captivity with a powerful hand.
Let the native edges of the edge burn,
But the ringing of victories is heard for the prayer of the church.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Feb 2023   #2
This would have amazing potential, if it wasn't for this damn war.

Most people, myself included, are increasingly in their hawk-mode, so I don't predict much activity in this thread.

Pity. :(
johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Feb 2023   #3
In an attempt to save the "Polish Aid to Ukraine" thread from contamination -

Too late as the Mods gave up on it a long time ago.... and I don't blame them as they just kept getting ignored by the rude self-serving Off - Topicers.

The asylum is run by the inmates here.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Feb 2023   #4
Too late as the Mods gave up on it a long time ago.

No, they didn`t. The thread is taken proper care of.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #5
Yes, they did.
I hate to be judgmental but only an obnoxious annoying bald-headed self-serving egotistical loudmouthed know it all faggot would think otherwise.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #6
No, you lost contact with the forum reality quite visibly. The Staff are doing a great job.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #7
You are visably posting Off - Topic Again
Please stay On - Topic of the thread
Don't be trashing Bobko'w thread
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2023   #8
Off - Topic

Yes, you complained about the mods, and we only reply.

You forgot what you said:

Too late as the Mods gave up

Probably you are sleepy and tired. Get some rest. It is 3 am.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Feb 2023   #9
See what I mean !
Now you are trashing this thread by going Off - Topic.........AGAIN !
Do you really wonder why I complain about the Mods ignoring your sins.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
4 Feb 2023   #10
A joke:

A Pole and a Russian are arguing about national symbols. The Russian says: - "Yes, you Poles, instead of an eagle on your coat of arms, should put a kangaroo. Your pocket is empty, but you jump higher than everyone else." The Pole, offended, says: "Then you, Russians, should have drawn a Cupid on your coat of arms." - "Why?" - "Your ass is naked, you're armed to the teeth and you keep bothering everyone with your love."
Alien  26 | 6528
4 Feb 2023   #11
drawn a Cupid

I see a little difference, the Cupid shoots with love arrows, russian shoots with SS 300 rockets.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
5 Feb 2023   #12
Another Russian joke about Poles:

A cab driver notices that the German retiree tourist in his backseat is sitting with a sour face.

- Is something wrong?
- Yes, can you please stop bringing up the war?
- Did I bring up the war? You were the first to start talking about it, actually.
- No, it was you that started!
- No, you! It was you that invaded Poland!!

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #13
- No, you! It was you that invaded Poland!!

What a bloody hypocrite you are!
Which country invaded Poland two weeks after Germany?
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
5 Feb 2023   #14

Eh, are you continuing my joke or... what? I must admit you have discombobulated me with this response.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #15
I must admit you have discombobulated me with this response.

Glad to be of service!
Next time you post please engage your brain first!
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
5 Feb 2023   #16
Next time you post please engage your brain first

Listen, Miloslaw, I don't put any conditions on you posting - how about you mind your own business as well?

I will leave you with another Russian joke:

A Russian and a Pole meet. The Russian asks him:

- Is it true that in Poland they don't speak Russian, but some other language of their own?

- Why yes, we speak Polish, the most beautiful language.

- Alright, give me some examples.... how do you say house (dom)?

- We say "dom".

- Well that's the same... How about village (selo)?

- We say, "sioło".

- And that's the same too! How do you say ass (zhopa)?

- We say "dupa".

- And truly it is a beautiful language!

pawian  226 | 27817
5 Feb 2023   #17
how about you mind your own business as well?

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #18
I don't put any conditions on you posting -

And where did I put conditions on your posting?
I only asked you to engage your brain first.
Surely not an unreasonable request.
But clearly, you have decided not to follow my advice.....
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
5 Feb 2023   #19
But clearly, you have decided not to follow my advice....

Your cutting remarks immediately give away that you grew up far from the Slavic heartlands. The only thing I can say is - I speak not from the brain, but from the heart. Lord forgive me, a sinner.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2023   #20
I speak not from the brain, but from the heart. Lord forgive me, a sinner

A typical Russian!
Poles use their brains and their hearts too.
Just like Ukrainians.
Which is why the Ukrainians will win the War against Russia.
The heart is very Slavic, but it is not enough.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Feb 2023   #21
Poles use their brains and their hearts too

Yes, we do. While mongrels like you use their little dicks to think. hahahaha
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
6 Feb 2023   #22
Today I read somewhere that one similarity between Russians and Poles is that both believe that:

1) If someone makes more than him - he is a thief
2) If someone makes less than him - he is an idiot

I can confirm this is true for Russians, is it true for Poles?
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Feb 2023   #23
I can confirm this is true for Russians, is it true for Poles?

It's as bad or worse. I don't tell jokes well but there was this joke in Poland way back about Polish kociol in Hell as the only one without Satan standing by it to make sure nobody escapes.

Why? Because Poles inside would make sure nobody does. That's the best I can do...

To the great credit to Americans, they are not envious. When we see a neighbor with a new car, we congratulate him and buy one, too.

Which is why the Ukrainians will win the War against Russia.

What is your projected date of Russian surrender?
To his credit, PAK said Feb 25, 2024. I said: WHFO. So what say you?
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Feb 2023   #24
Because Poles inside would make sure nobody does.

You think so, but I think, the Poles would steal the kociol and disappear.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
7 Feb 2023   #25
Because Poles inside would make sure nobody does

I heard this joke, but with Russians playing the role of Poles. The pervasive envy might be a legacy of communism, or it could be something more intrinsic to our peoples.

Here's a joke just about Russians:

A Russian and an American meet while standing in a filtration line in Purgatory. Eventually they make their way up to the front of the line, where they are informed that Heaven is overfilled, and there will unfortunately not be any "upgrades" available during the next ten thousand years. Purgatory is also at risk of overflowing, and so they're being sent to Hell. As consolation, they get to choose whether they go to American Hell or Russian Hell.

In the American Hell everything is just like it is on Earth, but every morning someone delivers you a bucket of sh!t, and you have to finish eating all of its contents before the following morning. Russian Hell is just the same as American Hell, except you have two buckets of sh!t delivered to you.

Both choose to go to their own respective hells, out of patriotism. Ten thousands years go by, and they again meet in line in Purgatory. The Russian says:

- Hey American! How was American Hell?
- It was alright, I suppose. But eating a bucket of sh!t everyday got really old, really fast. How about you?
- Oh Russian Hell was alright! They either forgot to deliver the sh!t, or there wasn't enough to go around.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Feb 2023   #26
An American on visit to the USSR brags about freedom of speech and says we can criticize our president. The Russian replies: we can, too.

An updated version: American: We are better. We have 32 genders and friends to fight proxy wars for us. Russian: Oh crap...We have only two and have to fight our own damn wars.
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Feb 2023   #27
he Russian replies: we can, too.

actually it should be - we can criticize your president too.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Feb 2023   #28
Thanks. I blew it.

American: We have special meds for those who claim that a man cannot get pregnant. Russian: We have special meds for those who claim a man can.

American: We have two kinds of women. With dicks and without. Russian: (speechless).

American: Our schools are gun-free zones. Russian: Our schools are LGBT-free zones.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
15 Feb 2023   #29
Seeing as I get banned with nearly 100% certainty after engaging in the "Polish Aid to Ukraine" thread, I will ask here - in my safe place.

What are the expectations in the Polish press regarding the impending offensive? Has there been any reaction to what BB had mentioned yesterday, regarding Pistorius being pissed off at all the other EU countries for f*cking Germany's brain for 6 months about tanks, only to have zero ready to ship after Germany finally gave in? Any further discussion on ammunition stocks?

Bottom line, are people in Poland settling into the realization that this year may be harder than the last, or is there still an expectation for a rapid resolution to the conflict?

In American media I feel a tectonic shift, where people are starting to realize that the end is far out of sight.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Feb 2023   #30
I will ask here

It seems no native Poles feel like feeding you, the agent of open source intelligence. :):):) Sorry. You need to look through Polish media on your own. :):):)

Novichok, upon returning, might try to sooth your ego by saying how much he admires Putin and Russia but that won`t satisfy your curiosity for Polish opinions, I am afraid. Still, better this than nothing. hahahahaha

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