I've known Jews... most of them are neurotic and see in Poles only antisemites...
Couldn't get my Jewish friends to talk about rock and metal music, they were interetsed in politics, despite the fact some of them promoted my fav bands.
The reality is that different religious denominations within a religion have differing relationships to their religious texts and do address the fact that the attitudes expressed in a 2500 year old oral history reflect the attitudes and values of systems of their time.
Jews. .....Poles
Remember that some Poles are Jews and some Jews are Poles.
The world does not revolve around you. That suggestion is the child of my mind:::)))Yeah, I think Pawian has to go. Can anybody imagine PL without Pawian.Haven on earth would follow, elation and joy, panacea, paradise around the corner, 70 virgins not out of the question, massive ascension to paradise. Oh yeah, Pawian is a source of all of our misery, without a doubt. Don't underestimate Pawian importance to the very existence of noble PL. Without him, we would bore ourselves to death, discussing politics and saving the world.:::::)))))
I tested out most Rush fans, Rush's crew (haven't probably tried it on Rush members, but I did on Rush members' relatives) this kind of formula (TRIGGER WARNING): "I hereby declare that Polish people deserved undergoing 300 t*rtures from Ukrainian UPA, deserved being sh*t by German Nazis and Russian Soviets, Polish women deserved being r*ped by all those three, probably they liked it, but were ashamed to state it also Putin should n*ke Poland and destroy Poland as Poles deserved it", something in the style of Testoviron's hatred against Poles.
If many of them agreed or said "it's sth political" and blocked me (most of them did block me for reciting this stupid formula, some agreed, a few passed this test), they have no heart and they would sell Poland to Russia, if they had opportunity to do so, like during the history. I bet even on this forum I can find some evil folks like you.
And BTW, what's up with the censorship of this website? Why aren't those anti-Polish users of this forum considered trolls, but instead me, someone very pro-Polish and pro-ethical? I don't believe this forum is moderated by the Poles who live in Poland but Hasbara or Putin's trolls, change my mind. I'm deeply upset that anti-Polish "Poles were Nazis worse than Germans" sayings are allowed here!!!
@Alien, Poland's not little! As you must be aware, alongside France and Spain, Poland has about the largest landmass of any country on the European Continent.
Being considered a troll is much different from "censorship." The OP misses the logic there. To me, it's not about defaming Poland or praising Poland - the truth is what matters. Opinions are usually not the truth unless evidence is provided.
Since when is "Poland is about the largest of any country..." = Polska jest prawie najwiekniejszym krajem w Europie.." anti-Polish?! Either there's a point of Polish culture which makes it insulting for foreigners to praise Polish size or you've got a screw loose (..czy jestes wariatem). Probably a combination of both.
Thank you, Ron! At least you have some sense....in a way:-)
I've been progressively feeling unwelcome by most Rush fans from abroad, constantly kicked out from many Rush groups, derided and demeaned as "psychofan who wouldn't be different from that Lennon's murderer", even if they knew I had nothing in common with that Christian sc*ote. I just wanted to meet Rush members, personally, say "thank you for your great music" or of that wasn't enough, talk to them about baseball, wine, paintings, collectibles (referring to Geddy's and Alex's hobbies that are known by me). Knowing that I'm from Poland, no matter how famous as a musician I might be (I play guitar, bass, drums, keyboards and I sing), I won't be appreciated by Rush members or Rush fans, simply because they incredibly hate Poland and my Polish background. They hate me for something I had no control over. Sigh...
It may have reinforced prejudice, however antisemitism in Central and Eastern Europe long predates 1948.
Don't forget Western Europe. With countless attempts to eliminate Jews from the European continent, and what was the country offering salvation and self-haven none other than Poland. Jews themself called Poland the Promised Land and, at that time, the only country in Europe welcoming Jews. But thanks to a traitor like Pawian, we are led to believe Poland was and is an antisemitic country, in reality, no more or less than any European country. Just one question: if Poland was such an antisemitic country, why was the majority of the Jewish population concentrated in Poland?
From what I understand, a country is not antisemitic at first, but when the locals experience injustice and "foul play," they may change their minds. For example, in Poland Jews were initially welcome until they started selling cheap alcohol to Polish peasants and then lending them money in exchange for collateral farmland. In time, Poles were left with scraps and Jews took over. Still, Jews were hard working and outsmarted most Poles; some could consider it injustice but it's the way the system works.
Even in Palestine, but OK -- I'm not gonna pretend I love Palestinian Muslim fanaticism and misogyny -- topic for another discussion. Let us discuss Rush. And I'm still hurt by the treatment I received from Rush fanclub and Rush crew themselves.
Poles should not have to compete with their guests.
But they weren't just parasite guests. They took Poland to the next level thanks to their education and intellect. Many Poles paid a high price for that, but this is capitalism.
Off topic, but what if someone said "I dislike both communism and capitalism"? Would one be considered a fascist or a centrist? Besides, i found myself idealizing Communism, until I got to know Communists persecuted and killed Poles. Again, off-topic. I'm mostly focused on my suffering with Rush fandom.