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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

Lenka  5 | 3530
22 Jun 2023   #481
I am,pointing out that in Poland ability to speak foreign language is strengly obsessed over.

Always was and probably always will be. It's also part of our obsession with 'West' I think.

Hard not to agree though that a truly educated person should know a foreign language and it's useful to be able to talk to people without interpreters. When Tusk got the Brussels position he noticed it would be useful and despite his age started learning. Put the effort in, ignored the ridiculing of his first attempts.

I personally admire that.
Alien  25 | 6399
11 Jul 2023   #482
My connection to Poland is mostly emotional and I am grateful to fate that I was born in a country as tolerant as Poland. Only a few days ago my German work colleague told me that he was on vacation in KoĊ‚obrzeg and was delighted with the Polish mentality.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
25 Jul 2023   #483
I was born in a country as tolerant as Poland.

Would that country be Germany by any chance ?
Alien  25 | 6399
26 Jul 2023   #484
@johnny reb
This country was Poland, the most tolerant country in the communist camp at that time. Germany (GDR) was the opposite of tolerant.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Jul 2023   #485
Yes,Poland was the most tolerant country in the block with the Jews and even Tartars.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
27 Jul 2023   #486
Poland not only had about the largest active, open Jewish community in Europe before the War, during WWII, the Poles indeed can be proud that they also had the second most active Nazi Resistance movement beside France.

This doesn't mean that all resistance fighters were philosemites, but it does mean that numerous Polish gentiles did offer safe haven to Jews when many other countries refused. In this way, they share something with Bulgaria and Denmark.

This is not to say there wasn't antisemitism in Poland as well. The point is we must keep historical truth in perspective. After all, few questions are either black and white.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
27 Jul 2023   #487
This country was Poland,

So you are claiming to have been born in Poland ?
Alien  25 | 6399
28 Jul 2023   #488
born in Poland ?

Yes sir.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
3 Aug 2023   #489
..and currently residing in Germany.
Alien  25 | 6399
3 Aug 2023   #490
residing in

I wouldn't call it "residing".
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Aug 2023   #491
What are you doing there then? Economic migrant too? lol
mafketis  38 | 11149
4 Aug 2023   #492
part of our obsession with 'West' I think.

For centuries 'foreign languages' were a foundation of education, it was less about actually ever using the languages in real life and more about the knock-on (extra) benefits of spending some time learning another language.

Basically, getting out of the cage of your own language, even in the context of a few hours a week in a classroom makes the mind much more flexible and can improve interpersonal and communication skills.

In Europe, ime, Brits are the worst cross-cultural or cross-language communicators going. They mostly don't seem able to do simple things like rephrasing in a more simple way....
Lyzko  44 | 9713
4 Aug 2023   #493
@Alien, if you are living (or studying) and working in Germany, you are residing, at least as we use the term in English:-)

"Wohnhaft" vs. "ansaessig" sein.= [za]mieszkac vs.zyc
Alien  25 | 6399
4 Aug 2023   #494
Germany is "mein Zuhause".
Poland is "meine Heimat"
I don't know if I am a resident or something more of Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
4 Aug 2023   #495
Oh, that's easy!

Imagine an important football tournament.....Germany : Poland....which team to you cheer for? (See? Easy answer!:)
Alien  25 | 6399
4 Aug 2023   #496
, that's easy!'s not that easy however, because although I always wish Poland to win as the underdog, I'm not really too worried when Poland loses.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
4 Aug 2023   #497
"....or something...."??

Or what precisely, Alien? For heaven's sake, man, be specific!

homeland = ziemia macierzynska, ojczyzna
country/place of residence = (za-)mieszkanie
Alien  25 | 6399
14 Aug 2023   #498
be specific!

It's about what is the exact meaning of the word "resident"?
Alien  25 | 6399
17 Aug 2023   #499
It seems to me that the word "resident" only refers to a temporary stay in a place. However, if you live permanently, there is more to it than residency. For example, Frank was a resident at Wawel during World War II, but he was never a king and he knew it would only be temporary.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
16 Nov 2023   #500
"Resident" in essence refers in English to the occupant or occupants
of a specific dwelling or domicile.

"I reside at..." signifies that one lives, that is, occupies the place in which
they have established their living space.

A residence can either be permanent or temporary though, this is true.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
16 Nov 2023   #501
(Hans) Frank though was most emphatically an occupier, rather than
a resident of Wawel. Moreover, it seems certain historical facts have
escaped you, namely, that the Nazis intended to conquer present-day
Poland FOREVER, not merely on a temporary basis!!

Finally, Hans Frank bore the fear-inspiring title of "Gauleiter", thinking
of himself very much as an all-powerful potentate.
jon357  72 | 23483
16 Nov 2023   #502
It seems to me that the word "resident" only refers to a temporary stay in a place

In the UK, it tends to imply residence for tax purposes, banking, voting etc.
espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #503
my hobby is visiting sex workers
amiga500  5 | 1492
11 Dec 2023   #504
I bet it is, but aren't there other forums to post about that?
espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #505
Bobko  27 | 2081
11 Dec 2023   #506


He is Australian.

That is, a sheep f*cker.
espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #507
glad he is not polish bobko .

he is using a female name in spanish but he is a man .

Are we in a polish forum or a gay forum ?
Alien  25 | 6399
11 Dec 2023   #508
visiting sex workers

Are you a pimp or a client?
espana  17 | 951
11 Dec 2023   #509
[quote=Alien]Are you a pimp or a client?[/

Alien  25 | 6399
11 Dec 2023   #510

Oh I see, you pay with Visa Gold card.

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