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Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

wslipach  8 | 96
1 Jun 2024   #1
We are biological beings and sex determines our male or female identity not some faking "gender" term that denotes social construcion and allows for anomalies like: "Today I feel womanly so I will put down "female" as my gender, but when the weekend comes I may feel like a man again or maybe neither and will circle "male" or "neral" for gender and on and on". So whatever goes, anything goes.

We still live by the 20th century standards.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jun 2024   #2
There are no standards.- only a bunch of confused or opportunistic pretenders.

I hear every day that there are many genders. Yet, there was not a single case of some freak self-identifying as Gender 17. Or transitioning from Gender 2 to Gender 8.

It's always from a man to a woman or in reverse. So even the freaks confirm that there are only 2 genders or sexes.

We are biological beings and sex determines our male or female identity not some faking "gender"

Whoever you are, we will be friends - at least when this transgender garbage is discussed.

Memo to freaks: You are born male or female. No amount of money can change that...So keep your balls or tits intact just in case the fad blows over and you will change your mind.

Not gender because gender is an immutable characteristic. Also, your personality is NOT gender! Duh!
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Jun 2024   #3
faking "gender

The word has been around long enough. Stop being a twat.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jun 2024   #4
The only social construct is "gender" as separate from sex. Gender = sex.
Number of "genders" - 2. No human being claimed Gender 17.
Genders cannot be changed.

Stop being a twat.

Stop beating your wife.
OP wslipach  8 | 96
1 Jun 2024   #5
The word has been around long enough. Stop being a twat.
@ jon357

Not in Poland luckily, it has not been accepted by neiher public nor by most officials in Poland, and in one of the biggest german states Bavaria the use of the term "gender" has been recenttly banned. It is totally misleading and has not reference to one's biology.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Jun 2024   #6
Not in Poland luckily,

The concept has existed in PL for longer than you.


Straw chewing farmers, religious maniacs and racists.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Jun 2024   #7
Straw chewing farmers, religious maniacs and racists.

Why do you always revert to attacking with name calling when you are losing a debate, joun ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Jun 2024   #8
I hear every day that there are many genders

It's a complete joke!

It's always from a man to a woman or in reverse.


Let's be clear, there are only males and females.Some may be gay and some of those gay people may want to behave like their opposite sex.

To me, that means that there are only three sexualities, male, female and gay, Bisexuals don't really count for me, I would put them under gay.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jun 2024   #9
Bisexuals don't really count for me, I would put them under gay.

My view is simpler...Bisexuals are hetero women who had a one-night drunken romp with another drunk hetero woman. AKA "edgy"...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Jun 2024   #10
.Bisexuals are hetero women who had a one-night drunken romp

Far too simplistic, there are many bisexual men too, some of them very famous.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Jun 2024   #11
Those are clinically sick bastards. I am not a doctor and have no interest in sickos.

Bi-women are not sick.
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Jun 2024   #12
They are going to start shoving that gay pride month crap down out throats again in June.

  • 445805263_8236264563.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #13
They are going to start shoving that gay pride month

If they can parade to show their pride, I can show my middle finger.

I read the US Constitution and concluded that the middle finger is protected speech.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #14
What a great idea.

To concentrate all of the bigoted stuff in one place rather than spewed over every thread.

Bisexuals don't really count for me, I would put them under gay

I wouldn't. It's round about half the population to one degree or other. In the end, they
always default to straight. Not that it's a gender anyway.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jun 2024   #15
What a great idea.
To concentrate all of the bigoted stuff in one place rather than spewed over every thread.

I agree and at the same time perhaps start "Just for Queers Thread" so you could concentrate all the Woke Gay stuff in one place so it wouldn't be spewed to the other 99% of us.

Most of my gay friends keep their sexual preferences to themselves just like us heterol's do.
Why it has become such an issue here "everyday" makes me wonder just who is the bigger pain in the ass.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #16
all the Woke Gay stuff

Not much of that here.

And what does 'woke' mean?

Most of my gay friends keep their sexual preferences to themselves

So how do you know?


Jim, young girls don't count.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jun 2024   #17
And what does 'woke' mean?

Making aware of prejudices that Liberals demand society change to their liking even if it is un-American.

So how do you know?

Because when I hangout with them I never hear them talk about it or be flamboyant with it when it is talked about.
And NO, I am not going to introduce you to them

young girls don't count.

Sure they do, how did you come to such a lame conclusion or are just provoking again.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #18
Making aware of prejudices that Liberals demand society change to their liking even if it is un-American.

So you do t understand the terminology you use.

hear them talk about it or be flamboyant with it when it is talked about

So rather like here then. The subject is mostly mentioned by one deranged poster anyway.

And NO, I am not going to introduce you to them

For which I am relieved.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #19
So you do t understand the terminology you use.

Let's see if you understand the terminology humans used since Adam...

1. What is a woman?
2. Can a man menstruate?
3. Can a man get pregnant?
4. What is Gender #4?
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #20
You're obsessed.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #21
You are avoiding...

I can answer those four questions in four seconds.

You won't because you are obsessed with protecting LGBT freaks - even if it makes you look like a lobotomized imbecile...
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #22
I don't answer your disingenuous questions.

Does anybody?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jun 2024   #23
So you do understand the terminology you use.

Thank you

The subject is mostly mentioned by one deranged poster anyway.

You bring it on yourself jon and obviously love the attention you get over it.

For which I am relieved.

jon, if you saw these two filthy rich hunks, I am sure you would change your mind.
Very well educated, extremely polite with manners plus, and very congenial with everyone.
You couldn't ask for better friends.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Jun 2024   #24
You couldn't ask for better friends

I'm sure they're jolly however our diaries are full right now. Not enough free time to socialise, let alone with people thousands of miles away who would in any case associate with you.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #25
I don't answer your disingenuous questions.

Those are a woke moron or slimy coward detection questions. So which one are you?

Based on your reaction, you are a disgusting transphobe. Trans freaks answer these questions without any hesitation.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Jun 2024   #26
I wouldn't. It's round about half the population to one degree or other

Absolute bollox!Gay people love to exaggerate the numbers.
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #27
Hey, Milo, pretend you are an LGBT activist and answer these questions...

1. What is a woman?
2. Can a man menstruate?
3. Can a man get pregnant?
4. What is Gender #4?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
2 Jun 2024   #28
Hey, Milo, pretend you are an LGBT activist

Impossible for me, but I will answer your questions as a normal hetero male.

1. What is a woman?

A person with a vagina, breasts and that can have children.

2. Can a man menstruate?


3. Can a man get pregnant?

Obviously no!

4. What is Gender #4?

$uck knows!
Novichok  4 | 8682
2 Jun 2024   #29
Wrong! I asked you to pretend you are an LGBT sick azhole...I know that would against every fiber of your body...sorry...

So I will pretend to be an LGBT sick moron...

1. What is a woman? Anybody who says "I am a woman".
2. Can a man menstruate? Yes. Some men can.
3. Can a man get pregnant? See above.
4. What is Gender #4? Whatever one wants. Everything in life is a social construct. Even gravity.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Jun 2024   #30
Gay people love to exaggerate the numbers.

Did Dr Kinsey? They're his figures.

Home / Off-Topic / Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

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