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Foreign news in Polish media

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #31
One picture says more than 1000 words......Habeck (the GREENS second till now) and Lindner (FDP) all smiles.....Baerbock (the GREENS first till now) and Laschet (CDU) frustrated:

jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #32
Lovely photo. Just a shame that the conservative one isn't weeping copiously.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #33
Right now there are rumours he still didn't even accept the reality of his loss.....the mood is against him, he might not survive much longer....the knifes are out!
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #34
rumours he still didn't even accept the reality of his loss

Some of the U.K. media are saying that today.

A lot of press analysis in the U.K., especially in the more conservative media. The less conservative media are legally constrained in what they want to say about elections and swings in general for certain reasons to do with a jury trial and (dependent on the verdict) possible forthcoming by-election in England, however they generally welcome the result in Germany, especially the increase in votes for the greens, and the poor result that AfD got
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #35
especially the increase in votes for the greens, and the poor result that AfD got

The GREENS had potential to become the next big peoples party with 25% and more, they had the support of most of the german media....the AfD had not and still has become the next big peoples party in East Germany, supplanting the LEFT and in parts even the CDU and SPD.

Winning and losing is relative it seems....

What is the West going to do with an AfD ruled East? Further ignoring it or further berating it? A party only for Ossis similiar to the Bayern-Party CSU only for Bavaria?
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #36
What is the West going to do with an AfD ruled East? F

Encourage a healthier political outlook and crush racism wherever it rears its foetid head, hopefully.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #37
Encourage a healthier political outlook

How so?

The AfD has become the only german party where the Ossis have the say....

The CDU, the SPD and the GREENS have their most numerous regional associations all in the West....of course....because of the Teilung. That means it are always Wessis who have the say in these parties, who set the topics and decide outcomes...Ossi's don't play a role in these old, grown associations, all democratically understandable.

Laschet or Scholz couldn't care less and Baerbock doesn't even get the naming right during a photo-op.

Whereas the leaders of the AfD also stem from the West but the most numerous regional associations are now all in the East, meaning the Ossis decide now in the AfD.

The only party who could boast the same was the SED-leftover "Die Linke"....and she ist dying now, along with her old voters!

It didn't work very well in the past when Wessis tried to "encourage a healthier political outlook" in the East....
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #38
The AfD have become the only german party where the Ossis have the say....

In which case, it's high time to change that. The Ossis deserve better something better than fascism. And change really can happen.

That means it are always Wessis who have the say in these parties

We feel the same in the U.K. about political dominance from the affluent south. But generally avoid organised racism in this matter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #39
And change really can happen.

How so.....the inner party system is democratic.....that means more numbers = more votes.....for example the CDU regional association of North Rhine Westfalia is alot more powerful than the whole CDU of East-Germany....they will never allow Ossis to decide anything...the Ossis just don't have a chance to play any role in any West-Party....they don't have the numbers and also not the connections build for decades in the West since WWII!

Maybe Merkel could have done something, but she was so not-Ossi during her whole 16 years....
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #40
How so

Are you really asking how change happens?

they don't have the numbers

That's democracy for you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #41
Are you really asking how change happens?

Yes? You said it can happen....but with the party influence as it is I don't see it happen...

That's democracy for you

....that's why!

That could very well mean that the AfD will take over the whole East in time....becoming THE Ossi party....what then?
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #42
but with the party influence as it is I don't see it happen...

In party politics, things do happen that seem impossible.

could very well mean that the AfD will take over the whole East in time....becoming THE Ossi party....what then?

As you say:

they don't have the numbers

16 million and 66 million.
It would be ironic if a new Anti-Fascist Protection Barrier was built to keep people out rather than in...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #43
....he:) The AfD will build the wall keep the immigrants out West-Germany still invites!

Generally....a strong AfD will challenge the freedoms the german federal system allows....could be interesting when Berlin says and wants something and the AfD Länder say just "Nein"...
Ironside  51 | 13109
28 Sep 2021   #44
what then?

That bad, that is populism, fascism, and so on. On the other hand, if that party would be green or red that it is all good, Don't you know that jon is an old commie who doesn't practice what he preaches.

On a side note, democracy is only a way of choosing people who suppose to rule over others for a limited number of years. It could be organized in many different ways.

There is another way more reliable than the party system as it is in Europe - a lottery!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #45
You are a fan? I have read about people who believe democracy has come at its end and should be supplanted with a lottery of citizens like you and me who then get to decide...

I'm not sure with that...I prefer experts on a job...professional politicians are better experts than I could be, I guess....
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #46
I prefer experts on a job

Me too, however there's a great deal of comfort in having your Head of State decided by the birth lottery rather than political ambition.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #47
...having your Head of State decided by the birth lottery

Isn't that alot like a...erm....monarchy? ;)
Ironside  51 | 13109
28 Sep 2021   #48
I'm not sure with that.

Experts on dishing empty promises and platitudes? The real job is done by hired professionals anyway.
While expert politicians are preaching a new secular religion for the most part. Paid by the taxpayer's money. The bloody cheek. To talk down to you while you pay their bills. Don't you think its stinks?

You are missing the point. The system as it is can be tweaked and changed and is still called democracy.
what is essential to democracy? Every citizen has one vote. Further than that anyone is free to build up from the bottom up in such a way as to make it work.

Because mass elections, party system and all that we have now especially in Europe don't work as it should.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
28 Sep 2021   #49
Experts on dishing empty promises and platitudes?

Na be honest....they say stuff they think the electorate (we) prefers to hear....maybe we are that stupid!

Maybe its true: "We get the gov we deserve!"
Ironside  51 | 13109
28 Sep 2021   #50
We get the gov we deserve!"

Speak for yourself. I deserve better. Talking about low expectations. gee!
Novichok  4 | 8744
28 Sep 2021   #52
This drives me crazy...Would you ever give your doctor or your lawyer full control over your life for 4 years without any recourse if he decides to screw you? What makes the bums aka government exempt from that? Instead of at least being mildly pis*ed, all I see here is obedient cheerleading and idiotic Civics lessons about "ballot boxes".

That ballot box, BTW, is no different than a park latrine without running water and toilet paper. When you are done, look down...That's your ballot.
jon357  72 | 23668
28 Sep 2021   #53
Isn't that alot like a...erm....monarchy? ;)

Even exactly. The UK, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands etc have something that works surprisingly well.
Novichok  4 | 8744
28 Sep 2021   #54
The UK, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands etc have something that works surprisingly well.

Especially Sweden - the country that used to be God's territory and now is in the top 5 rapiest hellholes on earth.

Yeah, I know, they redefined "rape" to make their women feel better while being "raped" to the new definition. It doesn't feel so bad, I guess...
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Sep 2021   #55
they say stuff they think the electorate (we) prefers to hear.

True, and they spend a lot of time and money deciding what different people want to hear and how best to say it to them, Looks like the CDU made the mistake of being a bit to honest and hoping they could rely on policies rather than PR, A bit like Labour in the UK.

Good 'technical' leaders like Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel etc know how to run a country, however they rarely excite the easily excited who'd rather have a tiny-handed psychopath or a blond philanderer in charge. Far worse as leaders, however their antics amuse the easily amused.

Sweden ... rapiest hellholes.

A country which of course he comments on but has never been to.

Is he trying to suggest that King Carl Gustav of Sweden (since the county was mentioned in the context of monarchy) ris some sort of rapist, or is he just trumpeting his usual off-topic wibbling for the sake of it, just to seek the attention he craves?

Yeah, I know, they redefined "rape" to make their women feel better while being "raped" to the new definition.

If it's gratuitous, nasty, tasteless and just plain tawdry, he will post it here.
Novichok  4 | 8744
29 Sep 2021   #56
6 Sweden 63.5
That means: Sweden is the 6th worst on earth with a rape rate of 63.5 per 100k.

A country which of course he comments on but has never been to.

Never been to Sun, either, genius, and I know it's hot as hell.

When you post this:

The UK, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands etc have something that works surprisingly well.

...I am entitled to comment with Oh, yeah?

Except that in this case, yours was just an opinion - thus worthless. Mine are facts and, thus, pure gold.
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Sep 2021   #57
pure gold.

Pure bullsh1t more like.
And we aren't discussing your nasty rape fantasies. We're discussing foreign news in Polish media.
Novichok  4 | 8744
29 Sep 2021   #58
I don't care about the source. Once Sweden is mentioned by anyone citing any source and how well it's doing, it's on the table and fair game.

In this case, it was you.

And we aren't discussing your nasty rape fantasies.

Those rapes by the precious refugees in Sweden are not fantasy.
jon357  72 | 23668
29 Sep 2021   #59
a strong AfD

Fortunately, the AfD is far from strong, localised mostly in one region, and not the richest by a long way.
Novichok  4 | 8744
30 Sep 2021   #60
Hey, BB, what would AfD actually do if they had enough votes to rule Germany?
If you choose to respond, please confine it to the impact on the lower 90% of Germans and skip "international relations", "world opinion", and "our allies".

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