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Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish

11 May 2014   #31
Ahaha its the Eurovision not some operah stand off!
BBman  - | 343
12 May 2014   #32
The winner is a scary looking individual. Most likely mentally ill too.
f stop  24 | 2493
12 May 2014   #33
It's show business, people!
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
12 May 2014   #34

Looking at the results on the official Eurovision site, I can say two things about voting from Great Britain

a) a lot of Polish people voted [we got 1st in the televoting]

b) somebody doesn't like Polska [we got last and second to last in jury voting]

While allowing us to see who voted for who does pull the curtain back and avoid talk of lying. It still doesn't stop corruption among the judges.

Funnily enough televoters and judges from both Azerbaijan and Belarus all think more or less alike, that Russia is amazing.

Aint politics and xenophobia fun.
f stop  24 | 2493
15 May 2014   #35
I was surprised by the Polish entry. I thought the song was a joke. It's not an especially bad song, but just the same, a joke. Even at the beginning of the song, Donatan makes excuses already; to look up the meaning of "irony" and keep a sense of humor.

Have any "funny" songs ever got top honors at this contest? (and no, I don't mean the guy with a beard, or the dancer in a giant hamster wheel) ;)
Ladna  - | 6
15 May 2014   #36
Why do you think the song was a joke? In these modern times it had to be an amalgam of folk and modern tunes, so how would you propose it was to be presented?
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 May 2014   #37
Donatan makes excuses already; to look up the meaning of "irony" and keep a sense of humor.

Exactly, he made excuses in the intro of the song cause he was expecting a lot of criticism and all of the sudden his "joke song" is good enough for Eurovision contest so it's not a joke a song anymore lol
15 May 2014   #38
The Polish was really good!
Better than that... Whatever it was fromAustria!
jon357  72 | 23483
16 May 2014   #39
I thought that Donatan and Cleopatra were tasteless - a typical joke song and a strange choice. The one that won had a bit of class - rare for Eurovision.
f stop  24 | 2493
16 May 2014   #40
But that no shave thing... What a coup!
Polson  5 | 1767
20 May 2014   #41
If it wasn't for her beard, Conchita probably wouldn't have won. But Eurovision is not a serious musical contest. It's all (geo)politics.
10 Mar 2015   #42
Merged: Eurovision Polish Entrant Monika KuszyƄska

I don't know about everyone else but I am not happy with the Polish choice for Eurovision. It is not the place to be singing ballads!! What a wasted opportunity.
smurf  38 | 1940
10 Mar 2015   #43
In fairness, nobody takes the Eurovision seriously anymore.
Best thing to do with the Eurovision is get drunk and play Eurovision drinking games:



The bookies have made Italy favourites, their song is also crap, followed by Estonia and Finland

I want Finland to win coz they guys in their band seem like awesome chaps.
4 really nice guys who are all disabled playing punk music.

Here's a really short documentary about them, they seem like really funny lads
jon357  72 | 23483
10 Mar 2015   #44
I didn't know straight people watched it these days. After all, three drag artistes have won in the past few years (and Poland's Isis Gee could pass as one).

Trashy music, corrupt voting from certain states, utter kitsch. But the Finnish entry sounds good, last year's bearded lady was fun and it does seem popular in places (like Poland) where they enjoy comparing themselves to their neighbours.
10 Mar 2015   #45
Cool punk sydrome I like it! That is the right kind of thinking! I am betting they will get top 3 if not top prize. I am saying it here and now.
smurf  38 | 1940
10 Mar 2015   #46
last year's bearded lady was fun and it does seem popular in places

aye, fierce popular here.

For years I hated it, but now it's an excuse to laugh along while Graham Norton makes fun of it and usually it involves some drinking game

I am betting they will get top 3 if not top prize

Yea, I think it'll do pretty well. Really cool bunch of guys it seems. Fair play to them.
f stop  24 | 2493
11 Mar 2015   #47
Wait, she's in the wheelchair? Am I the worst cynic in the world, or is anyone else thinking that Poland is trying to atone for the last year's entry and going a completely different approach? It would be a slam-dunk if she turned out to be a transvestite, too. ;)
11 Mar 2015   #48
Merged: Eurovision Polish entrant Monika Kuszynska

I posted a thread to express my disappointed with the "Eurovision Polish entrant Monika Kuszynska" and now it is gone.

I will say it again, bad choice Poland! Get over the ballads!

What a wasted opportunity.

Does anyone think she has any hope of success?

I am betting punk syndrome will win or get in the top 3.

Ahhh there's my original post! Thank you administrator.

Sorry punk syndrome, I was wrong about you guys. I am cancelling the bet hahaha
Crow  154 | 9535
24 May 2015   #49
i tries to force myself to endure in front of TV till the end of voting but, its really hard. This year Serbia is lost case.
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
24 May 2015   #50
The voting is fixed. There is no way people in all these countries think the same and vote Sweden or Russia. I watch it to laugh at the farce that it is.
Crow  154 | 9535
24 May 2015   #51
When we are at it, in case with Eurovision, i think that is Poland`s problem that sometimes have good singers but generally failed approach, while is Serbian approach generally good with failed singers from time to time.

The voting is fixed.

yes, mostly.

There is no way people in all these countries think the same and vote Sweden or Russia.

especially interesting voting was British. They voted exactly as i expected. i was absolutely sure they would give some minor points to Russia, then they gave major points to Sweden. Just enough points to Sweden to come to be first. What crossed my mind at that moment - ``By the God, how is this Britain sinister and calculated even on Eurovision.``

Of course, they gave points to Australia, too.

On the other side, when voted Serbia and Montenegro, i was more then ashamed. They gave to each others 12 points.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
14 May 2016   #52
It's that silly time again folks.

Jon famously said this was tasteless, but it had its' points:)

Young British voters keep choosing some total gash so I predict null point for us - what about ze Poles?
Dog is being sent to bed early and it's party night at Dougpol Towers.

Oh, and RIP Sir Terry Wogan. I have the Ballantines at the ready in his honour. I suppose it should be the Irish really......
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2016   #53
what about ze Poles?

Could do well, but they had a crap place in the draw which will count against them. I don't like the song, but the guy is remarkably good looking for a Pole and the song should get a few votes.

Oh, and RIP Sir Terry Wogan. I have the Ballantines at the ready in his honour. I suppose it should be the Irish really......

No whisky here, unfortunately. Still gutted about that though, just doesn't seem the same after years of watching Children in Need and Eurovision. :(

Germany is my favourite so far...
OP WielkiPolak  54 | 988
14 May 2016   #54
He's good looking because he looks like a woman.
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 May 2016   #56
but the guy is remarkably good looking for a Pole

Excuse me? Have you seen your mug lately in the looking glass?

That Eurovision BS is just a big fat trick played on people....but it ain't funny this is just a pure crap. Who is the winner in the crap contests? The biggest pile of crap ta da !
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
14 May 2016   #57
I actually enjoyed the Ukrainian lass's performance.
Her, Austrian and Spanish were the ones I'd enjoy (with the latter ones much lighter and dancy)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 May 2016   #58

I quite enjoyed that one as well, actually.

The Italian one was quite different too, and Cyprus gave us our yearly dose of nonsense.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 May 2016   #59
The brit entry wasn't too bad this year.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
14 May 2016   #60
they've sounded like worn of audio casette to be honest.
Bulgarian song was also nice and jumpy. not as good as the one i've mentioned in the post above, but still nice.

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