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Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish

Paulina  19 | 4482
18 May 2022   #271
If it was for sale, how much do you think he would be ready to pay for it? 50 cents?

I don't know and since he lives in a war-torn country, I'm not going to bother him with such idiotic questions.

How much money are you sending to Russia?

amiga500  5 | 1501
19 May 2022   #272
It's better than doing nothing.

I disagree. It's better to focus on improving one's self, Ayn Rand style, so that one can make a meaningful difference instead of being a keyboard warrior/signaller

Have you heard of Cliodynsmics?

I'll put it in my sticky notes for further research :)
jon357  72 | 23492
19 May 2022   #273
Ayn Rand style

She had no style, except as a scammer with a fake 'philosophy' and a publishing contract. That and an ability to appeal to the masochistically weak by pretending to despise them. Basically the opposite of the values of Eurovision which are about bringing people together, breaking down barriers and celebrating what we have in common.

a keyboard warrior/signaller

Buzz words are appealing yet ultimately mean very little.

further research

I seriously recommend this. Among the data they use are Eurovision results.
amiga500  5 | 1501
19 May 2022   #274
Buzz words are appealing yet ultimately mean very little.

I would say exactly the same about posting ukr flags on twitter/fb/instagram, and voting for ukr in eurovision because it's the 'cool thing' to do.
jon357  72 | 23492
19 May 2022   #275
It shows support, and every little bit helps.

Better that than either doing nothing or showing support for the wrong side. As messages go (and messages are as you know important) the Eurovision public vote sent a very big one.
Paulina  19 | 4482
19 May 2022   #276
because it's the 'cool thing' to do.

Didn't it cross your mind that people aren't doing it because it's "cool", but simply want to show their support because they care? Sure it would be great if they did more than this (and maybe many do), but I don't understand why you have such a problem with people demonstrating their support for Ukraine. Ukrainians themselves appreciate it. So, why does it bother you so much?
jon357  72 | 23492
19 May 2022   #277
want to show their support because they care

Spot on. Not everyone can sign up for the Azov Battalion, not everyone can host a refugee family, not everyone has money to donate, yet human beings (the decent ones at any rate) are essentially altruistic and do care. One of the most significant archaeological finds of all time was ancient skeletons with healed femur fractures, showing that caring for those who need it is what separates us from other types of ape.

I don't understand why you have such a problem with people demonstrating their support for Ukraine

Most people are of course pleased to see it. And as we saw from the Eurovision vote, millions do care and this was much appreciated by Ukrainians.
amiga500  5 | 1501
20 May 2022   #278
She had no style, except as a scammer with a fake 'philosophy'

Yes perhaps i was bit too extreme mentioning Ayn, I'll rephrase that to people should work to improve themselves Jordan Peterson style
jon357  72 | 23492
20 May 2022   #279
As bad or worse. Both deranged cultists with a peculiarly slavish following. Very much against the spirit of Eurovision.

We should always work to improve ourselves and the lives of those around us. No person is an island and the rotten fish that P*t*rs*n spews out on YouTube and his paid performances on stage is as nothing unless we work to make a better world.

Is he out of the drug rehab in Serbia yet? I did hear that he'd been discharged from that russian mental hospital.

Meanwhile, this years winners, the Kalush Orchestra, are doing a tour of war-torn areas of Ukraine to raise people's morale. All for free and all altruistic. Good for the,

Sad that Poland cheated though...

" independent Pan-European Voting Partner detected "irregular voting patterns" in six of the countries' jury votes: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and San Marino"
Paulina  19 | 4482
20 May 2022   #280
@jon357, wow, I think it's the first time that a jury from Poland did something like this... TVPiS, eh? Figures...
They've shown only the semi-finals 2 votes though... What was wrong with the votes from the finale?
jon357  72 | 23492
20 May 2022   #281
What was wrong with the votes from the finale?

As far as I can see the votes of Poland and the other 5 naughties were annulled and replaced with an aggregate vote.
Paulina  19 | 4482
20 May 2022   #282
@jon357, yeah, but why? Did they vote for each other also in the finale?
Btw, I guess Greece and Cyprus should get their votes annulled too every year when they're competing lol I won't hold my breath though...

Pro-Russian hackers attempted to disrupt voting for Eurovision, but Italian police foiled that hacking attempt:
jon357  72 | 23492
20 May 2022   #283
Greece and Cyprus

They must like each other for some reason...

There's always an element of that, traditionally Portugal/U.K./Ireland, Israel/Denmark, the Scandi countries. The difference is that this isn't organised cheating..

This time, it was a proven cartel which made a difference. Doubtless it has happened before, however in the 2022 contest it was just too egregious.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 May 2022   #284
Sad that Poland cheated though...

Everybody cheat, that the game and that are rules in eurovison. The thing is that those who decide whose cheats are cheats and whose cheats are not cheats make decistions there. We don't like those bastards, you have been lording long enough.

the fact remains Ukrainan jury didn't give Poland even a one point. That could be an indication of some issues there.
Paulina  19 | 4482
20 May 2022   #285
@jon357, maybe it isn't organised, but the end result is the same - juries' voting results are often ridiculously predictable lol This is why people complain that Eurovision is political...

This time, it was a proven cartel which made a difference.

I wonder how this come about... Did they make some kind of secret meetings? ;D In Poland's case I could understand Georgia and Romania, but why San Marino, Azerbaijan and Montenegro of all countries? lol

the fact remains Ukrainan jury didn't give Poland even a one point. That could be an indication of some issues there.

Maybe they were afraid that they'll get disqualified too?
jon357  72 | 23492
20 May 2022   #286
Everybody cheat

No. They don't. Not everybody.

Poland and five others did. They were caught fair and square.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
20 May 2022   #287
No. They don't.

oh they do. have same deals and might not call it cheating but that what it is.
jon357  72 | 23492
20 May 2022   #288
oh they do.

Yes, and they were caught. Poland among them, sadly.
Alien  25 | 6424
21 May 2022   #289
Polish Connection🌐
espana  17 | 951
23 Jun 2022   #290
be ashamed to be Polish .........this is in the blood , a polish person born like that .(you cant change it )
espana  17 | 951
8 Jul 2022   #291
Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish

thats a polish thing .

i dont think polish people like Poland
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
27 Jul 2022   #293
Now we know what happened....or not.....😎
amiga500  5 | 1501
27 Jul 2022   #294
always love me a bit of polandball memes kurwa mac xo bratwurst
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
28 Sep 2022   #296
Now it's official:

Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Glasgow or Liverpool in 2023

Because of the war in Ukraine, the Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Great Britain. In the meantime, only two cities can be considered as venues: "We know how to party here." ...

It's okay, I guess.....still sad for Ukraine.....
mafketis  38 | 11167
28 Sep 2022   #297
Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Great Britain

It's my understanding that the hosts will still be Ukraine and the UK is merely providing a location (since russian scum cannot be trusted to uphold any kind of human decency and are likely to try to bomb any Ukrainian city...
jon357  72 | 23492
28 Sep 2022   #298
It's my understanding that the hosts will still be Ukraine and the UK is merely providing a location

That. Not merely though, we know how to put on a very good show. Better than anywhere else really.

The choices are Liverpool or Glasgow at the moment. I favoured the bid from Leeds where there's a large and long-standing Ukrainian diaspora population as well as good infrastructure (plus, i could probably swing comp tickets there) however the other two have bigger venues apparently and both need an economic boost.
Alien  25 | 6424
11 May 2023   #299
Today is the semi-final of Eurovision in which Poland is performing. Unfortunately, Germany cannot vote today. How is it in Great Britain. Can you vote today?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
11 May 2023   #300
How is it in Great Britain

I can't speak for Great Britain, but personally I don't give a fvck.
Eurovision is just too boring.....and when did Israel and Australia become part of Europe?
As for the staging in Liverpool, they are turning this into some kind of LGBTQUERTY fest!

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