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Are Polish Christians here?

Aristoboulos  1 | 22
4 Dec 2007   #31
Ye, we have even persons more serious than hordes of "baptizati catholici" (baptized Catholics) ;) joke, joke!
clunkshift  2 | 82
4 Dec 2007   #32
I suspect that seeking Polish Christian evangelical or fundamentalist believers on this forum will be a fruitless effort.

The rough statistics are that during the papacy of JP2 and under communist rule, about 97% of Poles claimed membership of the Catholic Church.

Historically, the main protestant church from 16th century was Kościół Ewangelicko-Reformowany w RP, which now numbers about 1500 members in 8 churches.

Attendance in the Catholic Church since 1989 has been decreasing, possibly by as much as 25%.
Poland's evangelical population has grown slightly, but is still very small; about 40,000 professing evangelical believers among a population of approximately 38 million. Denominations like the Brethren Assemblies, the Baptist Union, the Pentecostal Church, and the Evangelical Free Church are viewed by most Poles as sects.

Of these, I can only speak of my own interest.
There are 39 brethren assemblies in Poland and around 28 groups meeting in homes. For cultural comparison, there are 871 assemblies in Romania - which was never a Catholic cntrolled country.
Aristoboulos  1 | 22
4 Dec 2007   #33
There are 39 brethren assemblies in Poland and around 28 groups meeting in homes. For cultural comparison, there are 871 assemblies in Romania - which was never a Catholic cntrolled country.

You got right. Romania, or former Vallachia and Moldavia was during all it's history- as you would like to say- Orthodox controlled country. Does it make a difference for you?
clunkshift  2 | 82
4 Dec 2007   #34
Does it make a difference for you?

Not peronally, No.
My brother is a regular visitor to Moldova, so I simply speak of what interests me.
Aristoboulos  1 | 22
4 Dec 2007   #35

I'd like to ask if you see any differences in spreading this version of Protestantism in Catholic and Orthodox ruled countries? I guess you consider both Churches being on a similar level of validity. If I am right, what caused fastest spread of this denomination in Romania in your opinion?
parrish  1 | 12
19 May 2008   #36
There are many thriving prostestants in Poland although they are rare and not well known. There is also a Polish prostentant church in Chicago which I go to. It has been a great tool for language learning and even more amazing to watch these beleivers take on a faith that is not part of their culture.
plk123  8 | 4119
19 May 2008   #37
Nobody in Poland is strict catholic because everybody in Poland steals so that is one of the Ten Commandmants out of the window for a start!

to some extent that's very true. "borrowing" isn't seen in other parts fo the world as cool.

here is my favourite quote that is related to religion

"Jesus, save me from your followers."

mafketis  38 | 11142
20 May 2008   #38
IINM Adam Małysz is also a protestant.
I don't know if he belongs to the same denomination as Buzek (former PM) or not.
xJUNIORx  - | 2
9 Aug 2010   #39
I'm Christian. (Protestant) I'm happy with it! :)
Ironside  50 | 12946
9 Aug 2010   #40
because everybody in Poland steals

really ? I want to sue you ? pm me your details !

mafketis  38 | 11142
11 Aug 2010   #41
My very rough guestimates (based on many years of residence in Poland and observing people's religious behavior.

10-20 % hardcore, believing catholics

40-60 % catholic to the extent that they follow any religion, they want to get married in church and have their kids baptised but they don't necessarily attend mass every week (or month) and they may strongly disagree with church positions on certain issues.

10-20 % if you ask they'll say they're catholic, but you'd never know it from their behavior (may make it to church a time or two a year or on specific life milestones)

5 - 10 % overtly non-catholic (this includes followers of other christian denominations, non-christians, atheists, lapsed catholics etc
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Jul 2015   #42
Merged: ...And God created Poland...

When God was creating nations, he endowed the Poles with a land rich in iron, copper, silver, sulphur, amber and other natural resources, breath-taking mountain scenery, a beautiful seacoast, lush woodlands full of game, lakes and rivers teeming with fish, fields of golden grain, strong handsome lads to harvest it and lovely, flaxen-haired maidens for them to marry and have children with.

WItnessing all this a little angel asked God: "Aren't the Poles getting too much of a good thing?"
God only smiled and said: "Wait till you see who they get for neighbours!"
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Jul 2015   #43
God was evidently wrong creating Poland. God should have created the big and fat Germany from the very start, so the Germans wouldn't have to push towards the East in their famous "Drang nach Osten" march to find more "Lebensraum" in the Slavic lands. Only recently, the Poles have begun a "Drang nach Westen" to flood Britain with immigrants drawing social benefits, by passing over Germany. God save the Queen!
pawian  226 | 27471
4 Oct 2020   #44
After the churches were open after the quarantine, we started going to the evening mass for one main reason - there are fewer people. That is why - see you after the service.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
4 Oct 2020   #45
I was pondering over the vineyard part today, how the ones who refused to give up the harvest from the vineyard as in the Elders whom Jesus often spoke of. Who kept the knowledge and secret about the Old Testament and coming of Jesus for their own worldly gain.

Which makes one wonder about how one is supposed to be spreading Christianity
pawian  226 | 27471
4 Oct 2020   #46
over the vineyard part today, how the ones who refused to give up the harvest from the vineyard

That was only an introduction to a much more meaningful revelation, namely about a stone which, first rejected by builders, became a crucial cornerstone. That was Jesus - initially rejected by people, gave foundation for a world-shattering phenomenon - Christianity.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
6 Oct 2020   #47
True, we are blessed to have received it.

I have been wondering lately, (especially with the topic starter's subject he wished to write about) what is worse? Impregnating a women without marriage or impregnating a women who later "sacrificed" her child to money (avoid misery, poverty etc argument) by having an abortion.

It boils down to who/what do you value the most
Ironside  50 | 12946
6 Oct 2020   #48
I have been wondering lately, (

I mean is that even a question? The answer is rather obvious.
pawian  226 | 27471
7 Oct 2020   #49
who later "sacrificed" her child to money (avoid misery, poverty etc argument) by having an abortion.

Why do you mention money at all? How about a lack of a father? A male happily produces offspring but when it comes to taking care and rearing them, he is not longer so heroic.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 Oct 2020   #50
I do Wonder about the opinions of others, as it fascinates me. (This a forum for the exchange of opinions, is it not? Last thing we need is a commie Party event where everyone is clapping in unison)

Cause I live in Norway, (soon to change tho)
Ironside  50 | 12946
8 Oct 2020   #51
his a forum for the exchange of opinions, is it not?

sure but it note a polling station.
Crow  154 | 9535
8 Oct 2020   #52
True Polish Christians love Svetovid and celebrate family Slava custom.
pawian  226 | 27471
13 Oct 2020   #53
There are a few fans of Svetovid but compared to other denominations, the cult is completely insignificant.

  • 1381763_2_o.jpg
Crow  154 | 9535
14 Oct 2020   #54
compared to other denominations, the cult is completely insignificant

Sure. Vatican hate Poles truly and sincerely and, as much as hate Poles love Germanics. So Vatican invested greatly in brainwashing of the people in Poland.

But, Vatican knows that factor called `Serbians` still exist and hate us even more.
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Oct 2020   #55
Vatican hate Poles truly and sincerely and, as much as hate Poles love Germanics

No and no.

The Vatican aren't haters and any 'brainwashing' is a result of the naivete of the episcopate here. Most people don't dwell on religious politics.
Crow  154 | 9535
15 Oct 2020   #56
Popes, Patriarchs of Constantinople and London Protestant high Princess are biggest sinners. They mocking Christianity. Svetovid is bigger Christian then they all.
Crow  154 | 9535
15 Oct 2020   #57
No and no.

You sound as little child here. Truth is painthfull, true.

See, one can easily defend scientific doctirate on the subject - Historic Vatican's dedication to destruction of Poland and Poles.
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Oct 2020   #58
Tell us more about this interesting idea of yours.
Crow  154 | 9535
15 Oct 2020   #59
Its so clear.

* Rome and later Vatican were behind era of slavery and Western European hunt on Slavs/Poles, destruction of Slavic states in what is now Western Europe opening that way Germanic acess to Poles

* Vatican was/is behind Germanic expansion onto traditional Western Slavic and Polish lands

* Vatican orchestrated religius wars of Catholic vs Orthodox and Pagans that way, on East agravated Polish - Russian relations and on South weakened Serbs, crucial for Poland wealth line (amber trade etc.). On the North Vatican agravated Polish-Balts relations and prepared ground for germanization of Baltic. Not to say that weakening Russia was exploited by Mongols and Tatars, what in turn weakened Poland and opened path to Mongol invasion.

* Vatican supported (colaborated) Ottoman Turkish invasion onto Serbs and that way ruined traditional Polish wealth line from Baltic to Balkan

* Vatican worked against Serbs long even before Turks came. By that Vatican directly weakened Poland by depriving Poles of most vital ally and in the same time forcing Poland to act in support to Serbs streching its power limits behind maximum what greatly weakened Poland and opened weak spots to penetration of Germanics

* Vatican in crucial moments prevented Polish counter strikes against Germanics just over influence of Catholic Church and never prevented Drang Nach Osten

* Vatican held Poles content in Austro-Hungary helping assimilation of Poles

This for starter.
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Oct 2020   #60
Its so clear.

Clear as mud.

(colaborated) Ottoman Turkish invasion onto Serbs and that way ruined traditional Polish wealth line


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