Please realize that I LOVE the English language which is why I hate to hear or see it mutilated.
Yes, I also dislike when primitives maul the language. Yes, I have observed the vulgarisation of the English lagnuage for many years. When I learnt about snakes as a teenager, they were venomous and I still use it. Who the fekk started using poisonous? it is a completely different meaning.
We can't stand expat Aussies, thats for sure. Why do you come on a Polish forum anyway, woggie?
How about leaving The Other alone and taking care of yourself? Your contribution to the PF is zero, while the Other`s is real and informative. Huh? Ever though about it?
I have just caught myself being involved personally in the vulgarisation of the language.
In another thread talking about countable holes I said:Less and less, instead of fewer and fewer, as I was taught a few decades ago.
Shame on me. But I have seen it used so many times with countable nouns that I follow the example spontaneously now.