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AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country

Miloslaw  20 | 4836
7 Feb 2024 #31
I would like to see you go two weeks without using the words, I, me, sex, faggot, moron, idiot or transvestite.

Ha!You use the words Sex, Moron, and idiot as much as Rich does.

But you seem to have warmed to the terms faggots and transvestites......
Novichok  5 | 7884
8 Feb 2024 #32
Memo to all: I don't post unless I can work azhole, faggot, moron, or idiot into it. I reserve nice for tea with King Charles.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
8 Feb 2024 #33
I don't post unless I can work azhole, faggot, moron, or idiot into it.

You must be so proud of yourself to be such an unpleasant low life degenerate.

I would like to see you go two weeks without using the words, I, me, sex, faggot, moron, idiot or transvestite.
It would cut your toxic posting down to less than half.

Maybe some of the members that your shameless garbage mouth has grossed out and left may even come back.
OP Lyzko  42 | 9525
8 Feb 2024 #34
Again, Rich, you make no sense.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
8 Feb 2024 #35
You must be so proud of yourself to be such an unpleasant low life degenerate

You are such an unbelievable hypocrite!

Again, Rich, you make no sense.

And you are such an unbelievable moron!

You can't trust a word "Jailhouse Jim" or Lyzko post.......Both fantasists and liars.
Joker  2 | 2188
8 Feb 2024 #36
You must be so proud of yourself to be such an unpleasant low life degenerate.

What about you? Your actions on PF are well documented. Everyone around here was getting along while you were in Jail.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
8 Feb 2024 #37
Everyone around here was getting along while you were in Jail.

Never a truer word spoken..... "Jailhouse Jim" and Pawian ruin this forum.
Novichok  5 | 7884
8 Feb 2024 #38
"Jailhouse Jim" and Pawian ruin this forum

They could easily become forum assets by dropping that patronizing crap...
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
8 Feb 2024 #39
Absolutely, but I don't think either will ever learn.
Joker  2 | 2188
8 Feb 2024 #40
They enjoy trolling way too much for that.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
9 Feb 2024 #41
Everyone around here was getting along while you were in Jail.

Except for you and Pee Pee pants.
Both of you were still insulting and shaming other members to bait them into defending themselves.
You just can't help your immature selves.

They could easily become forum assets ...

So could you if you weren't such a bigot with your rape fantasies rattling on non-stop all day every day.

They enjoy trolling way too much for that.

Who, you and Pee Pee pants, I agree.
Joker  2 | 2188
9 Feb 2024 #42
insulting and shaming other

shamed or insulted.

I like how you switched them around for dramatic effect.

What about being diminished or belittled? You forgot to add them from your expansive vocabulary.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
9 Feb 2024 #43
You forgot to add them from your expansive vocabulary.

Nope, that is EXCATLY what YOU and Pee Pee Pants do every night here.
Attack, diminish, insult to shame and beg for a pis sing contest.
Just go look at your post as they speak for themselves.
90% of your posts are attacking me and the other 10% are American Politics
You contribute NOTHING here but a waste of space

You really should be suspended for a month or two.
OP Lyzko  42 | 9525
9 Feb 2024 #44
Impossible to get through to you, Rich.
Ignorance though is indeed a personal right protected by our Constitution....unfortunately.
Novichok  5 | 7884
9 Feb 2024 #45
Hey, Professor, why don't you at least include what you are responding to...

Ignorance though is indeed a personal right protected by our Constitution....unfortunately.

Do you realize how stupid that sentence is in addition to being idiotic?
OP Lyzko  42 | 9525
10 Feb 2024 #46
"Stupid" because it makes sense??

It's your right as a US citizen (if not a national) to be and act like a moron. No skin off my nose.
We protect idiots. If we didn't, there'd be precious few people living in the United States LOL

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