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Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?

Torq 7 | 1152
13 Jan 2024 #331
he had a popular show in Polsat "Co z tą Polską?"

Based on his book under the same title.

TV Republika

Even with propaganda you need to apply certain measure of subtlety and finesse. TV Republika rarely does.
Paulina 16 | 4323
13 Jan 2024 #332
there is an ongoing big campaign of getting advertisers to shun TV Republika

TV Republika brought it upon itself:

I guess because of this big increase in viewership people found out what is actually being said on that TV channel and got shocked lol
gumishu 14 | 6202
13 Jan 2024 #333
TV Republika brought it upon itself:

this campaign is not a grass root campaing but it is orchestrated by political and financial elites - also the Polish TV and radio advertisment market is de facto shared by only a handful companies (domy medialne) who can stop companies from advertising when and where they see fit - before the campaing there were ads every 15-20 minutes on Republika
pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #334
is orchestrated by political and financial structures -

Making up conspiracy theories is one of fave activities of PiS gangsters and supporters. :):):)
Paulina 16 | 4323
13 Jan 2024 #335
this campaign is not a grass root campaing but it is orchestrated by political and financial structures

And of course you have a proof for that? :)))

who can stop companies from advertising when and where they see fit

So why didn't they stop companies from advertising in TVP and other public media when they were under PiS rule? :)

before the campaing there were ads every 15-20 minutes on Republika

Because barely anyone was watching that channel and so people didn't know what's going on in there. When it suddenly turned from a niche channel into the second biggest news channel in Poland, a lot more people started watching it. And with the spotlight comes scrutiny. That's my take on it.
Ironside 50 | 12345
13 Jan 2024 #336
You must be talking about PiS

Ok, you have no brains that conversation is over.
gumishu 14 | 6202
13 Jan 2024 #337
So why didn't they stop companies from advertising in TVP when it was under PiS rule? :)

because about half of the Polish population watched TVP? (especially the elderly) and they couldn't afford to lose out on the market - Republika will never have as much viewers as TVP previously had because of it's profile
Paulina 16 | 4323
13 Jan 2024 #338
because about half of the Polish population watched TVP? (especially the elderly) and they couldn't afford to lose out on the market

Sorry, but this explanation makes no sense to me. Plenty of companies were advertising in TV Republika even when it was a niche TV channel. And now it's the second most watched news channel in Poland. So they would have the same reason to keep advertising in TV Republika as they had in case of TVP - a lot of people watching. Maybe not as much as TVP - but definitely a lot.

And anyway - private companies can advertise wherever they want. It's their choice, you can't force them. Maybe the public opinion can influence it - at least to some extent, I guess, because companies don't want to have bad PR.
Paulina 16 | 4323
13 Jan 2024 #339
Ok, you have no brains

Wow, you must be a really blind idiot lol

that conversation is over.

pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #340
Wow, you must be a really blind idiot l

Holy words.

The problem is Iron doesn`t understand such simple English despite spending 30 years in North America. :):):)
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Jan 2024 #341
PiS politicians spent the weekend in various cities in Poland, attacking Tusk and his gov. PIS chairman compared Tusk to Adolf Hitler. etc.. Amassing that PiS gangsters are following the same sick agenda which led to their defeat in recent elections. They have learnt nothing. Bad for them but good for us!!! Excellent!

While the Saviour of Poland has commented on PIS` revelations in such a way:

In turn, Donald Tusk only posted a short entry with a recording. "I was thinking about whether to comment on the chairman`s words, but fortunately someone occupied me with really important matters," the Prime Minister wrote on the X website. The recording captures the moment when a child sticks a Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity heart to the Prime Minister's sweater.


Miloslaw 19 | 4949
28 Jan 2024 #342
PiS politicians

You are obsessed with hatred for PIS.

Donald Tusk

And you idolise Donald Tusk???
A Polish traitor, who would surrender Polish sovereignty without batting an eyelid and give Brussels and Strasbourg control over Warsaw?
You are a traitor too apeman.
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Jan 2024 #343
Donald Tusk

You are obsessed with hatred for Tusk. :):):)

You are

You are a worthless mongrel. :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
28 Jan 2024 #344
You are a worthless mongrel

And you are a worthless Jerzy from Krakow.....
Joker 2 | 2229
28 Jan 2024 #345
You are a worthless mongrel. :):):)

Jerzy, you sure are a one trick pony. Cant you think of anything original you dam dirty Ape! lol

pawian 221 | 24284
28 Jan 2024 #346
anything original

Original for mongrels and pimps??? You must be joking. You don`t deserve to be treated with originality. hahahaha
Joker 2 | 2229
28 Jan 2024 #347
Just as I though, no creativity! And you call yourself a teacher!

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
28 Jan 2024 #348

Jerzy was the "Damned dirty Ape"!!!!!
Ironside 50 | 12345
28 Jan 2024 #349
The Saviour of Poland

Do you need a charismatic leader and your nazi boys fantasies? Y&uck that dusgustiing.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
28 Jan 2024 #350
Do you need a charismatic leader and your nazi boys fantasies?

Seems that Jerzy(Pawian) does....he has perverted fantasies about Nazis killing Jews.....
Ironside 50 | 12345
28 Jan 2024 #351
(Pawian) does....he has perverted fantasies

I wouldn't know what his fantasies are and what exactly he imagines but I guess those are sick and disgusting and don't like to dwell upon them.

Enough of that filth and degeneracy is siping onto this site we don't need to add to it.
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Jan 2024 #352
a teacher!

You are lucky I am a decent teacher who doesn`t deal with abuses or insults. HA!!! If I wasn`t, I would throw tons of mud onto you. But I won`t coz I am above it - mongrels, pimps, nazio boys and other azholes can polish my shoes. :):):):)

Pimpek, mongrel and nazio boy, here you are! hahahaha

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
28 Jan 2024 #353
Enough of that filth and degeneracy is siping onto this site we don't need to add to it.

Agreed.Pawian needs to go.......
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Jan 2024 #354
I am staying to point to your worthless mongrelism..... :):):) Day by day, night by night.... hahahaha
amiga500 4 | 1490
31 Jan 2024 #355
So can someone give me a summary please?> been avoiding the news. As usual Polska-polska wojna? spend lot of energy settling trivial, personal scores instead of spending your energy advancing the country? typical idiot polaks, unless there is a war and we fight, we fight each other. top 15 of moronic nations.

Have they got rid of the cultural post_communist stuff of IPN yet?> would expect it to be scrubbed.
pawian 221 | 24284
1 Feb 2024 #356
So can someone give me a summary please?

Sorry, I have been very busy recently and too many exciting events have been taking place every day now to cover them all. In short - PIS- nominated and -controlled stooges are suspended or dismissed en masse, day by day.

PiS gansters are shocked by the brutality of the Saviour`s gov. They thought they were dealing with lightweights but it turned out they are getting knocked out by heavy weight champions.

Good!!! Clean the PiS swamp to the bottom!!!
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
1 Feb 2024 #357
I have been very busy recently and too many exciting events have been taking place

Please go back to them...... most of us have enjoyed your absence.......
Alien 22 | 5225
5 Feb 2024 #358
most of us have enjoyed your absence.......

It's not true, it's always fun with Pawian. Lots of action
Crnogorac3 4 | 730
13 Feb 2024 #359
Poland: New Government Says They're Going to Imprison Heterosexuals for Complaining About Faggots


Donald Tusk's new left-wing government in Poland is introducing a new draconian hate speech law that could see those who claim there are only two genders criminalized and jailed.

Barely a month into office, the Ministry of Justice has prepared a draft amendment to the country's Penal Code to include dissent against gender identity and sexual orientation in hate speech violations.

It would mean that individuals who oppose the progressive gender ideology, or Catholics who insist that marriage can only be a union between a man and a woman in the eyes of God could be convicted of a criminal offense.

"We already have the project practically completed. Now it will be sent for inter-ministerial consultations," Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice Krzysztof Śmiszek told Radio TOK FM.

Joker 2 | 2229
14 Feb 2024 #360
Donald Tusk's new left-wing government in Poland is introducing a new draconian hate speech law

This is what Poland voted for in the last election and now they certainly have buyers remorse. The same thing will happen here if Biden is reelected:(:(

I wonder if Poles are going to take this sitting down?

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