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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 12916
31 Oct 2020   #601
OK I guess I need to wait till rants and rampart emotions flailing wild will run its course and one will be able to have a half-decent conversation about facts.
pawian  224 | 27236
31 Oct 2020   #602
OK, give us a few more days and then come back. Fortnight???
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Nov 2020   #603
now in centrum protests

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Crow  154 | 9463
3 Nov 2020   #604
Polish woman saving Poland.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Nov 2020   #605
It seems the women and their supporters have won - the ruling is invalid coz it hasn`t been published. The deadline was till yesterday.

Well done, protesters!!! You are the champions.
pawian  224 | 27236
3 Nov 2020   #606
The slogan invented in the USA is also gaining popularity in Poland. Good!

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Crow  154 | 9463
3 Nov 2020   #607
Polish woman are Dragon woman.

Glad to me my sisters and brothers that you gave middle finger to the Vatican. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you

Admiration from Racowie
amiga500  5 | 1505
10 Nov 2020   #608
What happened to the mass protests? Seems like the 'normal people' pawian was talking about cottoned on that the strajk kobiet is run by far left anti christian lunatics that do not have even 5 percent popular support, and stopped supporting them. ahhahaah Whats left is a bunch of screaming lesbians and neomarxists.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2020   #609
What happened to the mass protests?

PIS backed down basically so there's no need for protesters to take to the streets in their hundreds of thousands.
amiga500  5 | 1505
10 Nov 2020   #610
How did they back down? You mean the Duda compromise bill? I thought the objective of strajk kobiet was to legalise abortion and wypierdalac PiS? So why no one at the protests?
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2020   #611
How did they back down?

PIS tried to circumvent the difficulties they had back in 2016 by taking a back door route to outlawing abortions. It hasn't worked as despite the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal, they've chickened out of publishing the ruling,by waffling on about 'talks'. When have PIS ever wanted to compromise or talk about anything? That's not their style. Pure and simple delaying tactics. In doing so, PIS have themselves, breached the very constitution that they are using as a pretext for tightening the abortion laws. Making complete fools of themselves, as usual.

the objective of strajk kobiet was to legalise abortion

No, it was to ensure that their existing, very limited civil, and human rights are not trampled upon even further.
moondoggie  - | 26
10 Nov 2020   #612
Even PIS could read the public tea leaves and back down over abortion, Covid 19 is issue #1 try to address that
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Nov 2020   #613
And yet PiS obliterated the leftists in the last two elections and approval remains higher than distant 2nd place PO
Crow  154 | 9463
10 Nov 2020   #614
You all know who cut off discussions in Poland. Signal to back down came from Vatican. Covid 19 is perfect excuse and a way. In a country full of internal conflicts, abortion being just top of the ice berg. No, Vatican wont give up its mediative role. And aim. Keep Poland weak and soft, in limbo.
pawian  224 | 27236
10 Nov 2020   #615
And yet PiS obliterated the leftists in the last two elections

Of course not. Why are you lying again?

approval remains higher than distant 2nd place PO

Of course not. Why are you constantly lying?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
13 Nov 2020   #616
Why are you lying again?

Lying? Remind me who is the current president of Poland? Which party has the most seats n the Sejm? Which 1st place party is consistently 10-20+ percentage points above 2nd place PO? That's right...
gumishu  15 | 6227
13 Nov 2020   #617
Which party has the most seats n the Sejm?

do you support PiS or Konfederacja, Dirk?
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2020   #618
Lying? Remind me who is the current president of Poland?

Yes, of course, you are right it is a PiS guy, yet I suggested you were lying coz you used the word oblitarated. No, the last elections were almost a draw, 49 to 51. That`s not obliteration.

1st place party is consistently 10-20+ percentage points above 2nd place PO?

Again, I said you were lying coz the polls show different results now, you still stick to old data. Today PiS is only about 5% above KO.

So. probably you didn`t intend to lie consciously, but got carried away a little. hahahaha

do you support PiS or Konfederacja, Dirk?

Dirk supports any rightwingers who resist LGBT, liberated women, EU enthusiasts, immigrants, abortion etc. So, PiS and Konfa match perfectly.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
13 Nov 2020   #619
One thing,One has to agree that Poles are very considerate even when protesting unlike Americans.I have seen so many protests in Poland where there are clashes with Police and among themselves but they never resort to rioting and looting or even destroying public property.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Nov 2020   #620
do you support PiS or Konfederacja, Dirk?

Konfederacja more so in terms of ideology, but PiS in terms of actually winning elections on a large scale. 99% of Konfederacja's platform I agree with. They're killing it with the youth - polls show 20% of under 30's vote for Konfederacja.

polls show different results now

Yeah and they continue to show PiS in 1st and as usual in front of 2nd place PO - hence why PiS keeps winning elections and PO keeps crying that they lost

Dirk supports any rightwingers who resist LGBT, liberated women, EU enthusiasts, immigrants, abortion etc. So, PiS and Konfa match perfectly.

Not resist, fight against such trash. Not that LGBT, immigrants, etc. are all that popular even among more centrist and left leaning polls. Even PO realizes they can't push the multikulti and pro-LGBT agendas without losing a bunch of voters. Thank God I'm lucky enough to belong to a nation where 3/4 are against turd world migrants and 80%+ against gay adoption.
Lenka  5 | 3531
19 Nov 2020   #621

It seems that when police cordoned off the protesters some Warsowians opened their yards and put some ladders up to let the protesters out. Loving it :)
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2020   #622
Can somebody explain what the protesters wanted and what they got?
Also, are there any women here at PF who are married, have kids, and are for abortion? In the US, it's almost a sure thing that the most vocal pro-abortion women posters are single and childless.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2020   #623
Yeah and they continue to show PiS in 1st and as usual in front of 2nd place PO

Latest polls are showing that things have are changing. November's polls show on average:

PiS: 31.7% / 194
PO: 23.9% / 135
P2050: 15.2% / 69
Lewica: 8.6% / 33
Konfederacja: 6.4% / 31
PSL: 4.8% / 0

Left/Centre = 235-237
Right = 223-225

PiS are losing a lot of the moderate Catholics to Hołownia, and it's hard to see what they can do to win them back now.
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2020   #624
PiS are losing a lot of the moderate Catholics to Hołownia,

What's a moderate Catholic? Something like a moderately pregnant woman?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Nov 2020   #625
Latest polls are showing that things have are changing

PiS is still #1 and Konfederacja is over 5% - that's what's most important to me.
Lenka  5 | 3531
19 Nov 2020   #626
somebody explain what the protesters wanted and what they got?

You could you know.. read the thread?

But generally the protests are against making the abortion law stricter and banning abortion due to fetal abnormalities
Novichok  4 | 8748
19 Nov 2020   #627
I just googled "feminism" and got this:

What are feminist values?
It begins by establishing a link between feminine gender and feminist values, which include cooperation, respect, caring, nurturance, interconnection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fairness, morality, and commitment.

Who on earth is against "cooperation, respect, caring, nurturance, interconnection, justice, equity, honesty, sensitivity, perceptiveness, intuition, altruism, fairness, morality, and commitment"? Manly men?

This is insanity. Funny that the first objective of feminism - the right to an abortion on demand for any reason and any point during pregnancy - is not mentioned.

But generally the protests are against making the abortion law stricter and banning abortion due to fetal abnormalities

Which would be just like what the NAZIs were doing when selecting which kids would be gassed and which ones would be allowed to live because of the color of their hair and skin. Except while a fetus, but the concept is the same, isn't it?
Crow  154 | 9463
19 Nov 2020   #628
I surrendering myelf to feminists. What is a man after all. Entire life rotate around the whole and in the end finish in the the whole.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Nov 2020   #629
PiS is still #1 and Konfederacja is over 5% - that's what's most important to me.

Konfederacja are in real trouble. They've lost part of their electorate because of the abortion issue, and Bosak has really plunged in the approval ratings as a result. They really need to move away from the abortion issue - which I think they will, especially after seeing the damage done to their ratings.

Incidentally, Bosak is demanding the resignation of Morawiecki.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
19 Nov 2020   #630
not sure about those polls - I reckon add 5 percent for Shy PiS

That takes them to about 35 percent which is all they need

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