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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

mafketis  38 | 11137
18 Mar 2020   #301
pay money to lowlife like that 'Roosh'

latest is he's gone all religious and has renounced the whole "pick up artist" scene, this was apparently partly a secondary result of massive emotional trauma at the death of a family member but he'd been growing disenchanted for a long time long term promiscuity is not a path to happiness for anyone, male or female...
OP jon357  72 | 23361
18 Mar 2020   #302
promiscuity is not a path to happiness for anyone

Indeed. Sadly, I suspect there'll be no shortage of under-endowed neurotics to take his place.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Mar 2020   #303
Now of course if a man negotiates a higher salary by being more aggressive you'll give it to him

No, I don`t tolerate aggressive males in my company. I kick them out coz they spoil the atmosphere. I prefer peace and quiet on the Western front.

you obviously wouldn't raise her wage to equal the man's.

If I kick the aggressive guys who demand pay rise, there is no reason to raise pays to other employees. But, if a woman worker comes and in a peaceful logical sensible way (female way, simply speaking) explains she would like to get a payrise, I think I would be prone to agree.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Mar 2020   #304
I'm not talking about asking for a raise. I'm talking about hiring. If you are hiring say 10 people and there's a male candidate you especially desire because you believe they are very qualified, would do well, bring in a lot of money, etc. but the candidate says "I want $30, not $25" and you agree to it, you obviously wouldn't then give a qualified female that you also plan to hire $30, she's already agreed to work for $25 an hour. And that's where the same job/same qualifications/same experience inequality comes from - men on average are simply more assertive when it comes to negotiating whether it's a salary or buying something.

No, I don`t tolerate aggressive males in my company.

Scared of competition?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
19 Mar 2020   #305
Gender discrimination,my daughter is fighting lately.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Mar 2020   #306
men on average are simply more assertive

Funny that nobody mentions how women have a hiring advantage because they have what men don't: vaginas.

Too shocking or disgusting? Talk to Weinstein and the women who did play in his movies.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Mar 2020   #307
Funny that nobody mentions how women have a hiring advantage because they have what men don't: vaginas.

So what? Males have asses and mouths, for example.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Mar 2020   #308
So what? So Weinstein and hundreds like him. Name one case where to be hired a man had use his body parts.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Mar 2020   #309
Such cases are kept secret coz males are ashamed. Would you tell us today that once you had to suck your gay boss`s you know what for a job contract or promotion? Of course, not.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Mar 2020   #310
Such cases are kept secret coz males are ashamed.

You are good. Like the Lyzko and BB, you have a weasel explanation for everything. That takes patience and talent.

So let me help you with some facts. I haven't heard of any actors sucking dick. But I did hear from many adult men who were not ashamed to tell the world what some priest did to them way back when they were kids. They did it when they didn't have to.

Next time, try harder and remember that I never lost an argument. My opponents just give by turning stupid, deflecting, redefining words, and any number of ways they could not get away with in a court of law or during public debate.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Mar 2020   #311
you have a weasel explanation for everything

No, it is pure factual explanation. :)

I haven't heard of any actors sucking dick.

Perhaps you haven`t been interested in such matters. Quite natural. However, I am interested in everything what happens in the universe.

As I said - such cases are strictly confidential, that is why you can`t hear of them. Even natural-born gay actors don`t want to make their preferences public in fear of losing fans. There are actors who reveal them only when they are over 90!

I did hear from many men who were not ashamed to tell the world what some priest did to them

It is another matter, not connected with fans, popularity and benefits from fame but with life trauma. Don`t mix two different things.

try harder and remember that I never lost an argument

Sorry, you lost it a few times with me and withdrew from the discussion, helpless. Forgot? :):) Never mind. :):)
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Mar 2020   #312
I haven't heard of any actors

To end our little off-topic discussion about actors who you never heard of let me offer you a link and a quote.

"It's a pervasive problem in Hollywood," said Los Angeles attorney Toni Jaramilla, who has represented men in the entertainment industry in sexual harassment cases. She said that men can be coerced into sex or assaulted in professional contexts and are often afraid to speak out: "The common challenge is the fear of not being believed and the fear of having the situation turned around against them, to suggest that they are instigating it, or they are finding opportunities to sleep their way into a role."
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 Mar 2020   #313
That goes under the title "but I know a case of". The ratio of prostituting for a paycheck is not even close between men a women.

You know why, genius? Because most hiring is done by men and most men are straight, not fags. That's why.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Mar 2020   #314
you obviously wouldn't then give a qualified female that you also plan to hire $30, she's already agreed to work for $25 an hour.

If they generated the same profit for the company, it is natural I would give her the same wage as to her male co-workers. You can`t believe it is possible? Not all males think your way. Time to understand it at last. You saw such guys at the demo and ridiculed them. Wrong!

Scared of competition?

There is no competition if I am a boss and the aggressive male is my subordinate. If he is aggressive towards me, he gets kicked out coz bosses should be respected. If he is aggressive towards his workmates, he gets kicked out coz I desire to keep a good atmosphere in the company. The only possibility to keep an aggressive guy would be if I ran a fight club.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2020   #315
Again, im not talking about once theyre working. Im talking about during hiring. Youd have no idea about their performance as this is the hiring stage.

So again, would you give a female or anyone else for the same position and same qualifications a higher wage, even if she didnt ask for it, just because a male negotiated a higher salary? 99.9% wouldnt as thats just bad business and throwing away money.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2020   #316
it is natural I would give her the same wage as to her male co-workers. You can`t believe it is possible?

So youre telling me you would go to a female employee amd say, hey kasia i know we hired you yesterday for $25 an hour, but a guy came in a few hours after you and we really want him so we agreed to pay him $30 an hour, he negotiated, so now im going to also pay you $30 an hour even though you already agreed to $25? Youd simply walk up and say hey i know you signed a contract to work for $25 an hour yesterday, but im going to give you $30 instead because thats what michael negotiated.

If yes than thatd be just idiotic and a waste of money. Thus i highly doubt youd automatically increase a brand new female hires wage even if she didnt ask for it and already agreed to a certain amount already just because a male in the same hiring group negotiated a higher wage than what she agreed to.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Mar 2020   #317
Dirk, debating with financial imbeciles is not very productive.

Your question why anyone would hire a man for 25% more if a woman can do the same job for less nails it. All else is a waste of time. And that is why the social justice leftists never want to answer it.

The problem is that jello like pavian and other Euros cannot be nailed.
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Mar 2020   #318
Dirk, debating with financial imbeciles is not very productive.

You perfectly know that resorting to invective during a debate means you are losing it. It has just happened, then. Sorry, it is the third of fourth time you lost it big. I understand you feel bad but take it on the chin like a male. :):)

Im talking about during hiring.

It doesn`t matter, whether I would give her the same wage already while hiring or in due course later on when I find out she is equally efficient as a male worker.

99.9% wouldnt as thats just bad business and throwing away money.

Don`t teach me about business. Can I run it my way? I decide about wages and they will be equal regardless of gender coz I like it like that. Why can`t you understand such simple things? I prefer to earn less from my business but certainly prefer to have satisfied workers.

Stop talking about those wages coz you have repeated the same mantra a few times. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2020   #319
It doesn`t matter, whether I would give her the same wage already while hiring or in due course later on

Actually it does matter. Now that makes sense - you wouldn't immediately go up to her and offer the same wage as the $30 guy if she's already agreed to $25, instead you'd wait around to see if she's worth increasing her wage by $5 and not arbitrarily increase her wage a day after being hired just to match a man who managed to negotiate a higher salary. No one would say hey, I know the job posting said $25 an hour, and you agreed to it yesterday - but since there's a man we just hired today that's making $30 I'm going to give you the same as him.

I decide about wages and they will be equal regardless of gender coz I like it like that.

Except you just contradicted yourself by stating you would wait to find out if she is as good as the male worker, which makes total sense - no business person in their right mind would go up to a person and offer them a raise when they didn't ask for it just because a person of the other gender negotiated a higher salary.

In my 15+ years of working in businesses both large publicly traded ones, smaller businesses, and running our own family business I've never seen a female with the same title, same experience, same capabilities be paid a smaller salary than a man. And I sure as **** know that 99.9% of businesses in the USA and other developed countries like Poland are the same because if there was wage discrimination then they'd get sued.

If anything, the only wage/hiring discrimination that occurs is with seniors. Businesses often don't want to hire someone that's too old because well one they're old, they get sick more often, probably won't be there for a long time, and don't have the same mental and physical capabilities as a younger person. And if they do hire them, they'll give them a smaller wage than a younger person for the same job.
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Mar 2020   #320
And I sure as **** know that 99.9% of businesses in the USA and other developed countries like Poland are the same

You can`t know all those businesses so well. Do you have your men in each of them so that you know what is happening there?

there was wage discrimination then they'd get sued.

But you mentioned that women are less aggressive in negotiating. It means less willingness to fight for their rights. Conclusion: most women wouldn`t take it to court. Conclusion: women get less coz employers feel safe with it.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Mar 2020   #321
You perfectly know that resorting to invective during a debate means you are losing it.

If you say 2 and 3 is 7 and I call you an imbecile, that does not mean that you won or I lost. That "imbecile" would be a proper evaluation and a verbal equivalent of F.

In this debate about women being paid less because women are gender discriminated you are that imbecile since no sane person would spend more to hire a man just because he has a dick instead of vagina.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2020   #322

Then there'd be another conclusion - it's their own fault.

You can`t know all those businesses so well. Do you have your men in each of them so that you know what is happening there?

Of course not, but by having an MBA and taking numerous business law classes I'm well aware of what the hiring, wage, etc. laws are. Furthermore, having worked in many different businesses including in management roles I know for a fact that women and men were paid the same salary for the same job, same experience, etc.
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Mar 2020   #323
Then there'd be another conclusion - it's their own fault.

It is their own fault they are modest, unassuming, peaceful, sensible, delicate, caring women? How can you be so cruel? Such women should be rewarded for being so. Do you want them to turn into beatches? Yes? You want it??? I don`t think so. So, in order to protect those wonderful women, males must pay for that. How simple.

I call you an imbecile,

Loser, loser. :):):) I mean the debate, of course, not your personal achievements in life which are certainly greater and more impressive than your achievements here, which are rather weak. We thought you could do better than repeating imbecile. imbecile around the clock hahaha
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Mar 2020   #324
All these results differ depending on who you poll. There is really no sense in using them in our debate. I could present other results.

If only women could vote, Polish parliament would be mixed - right, centre and left. If men could vote, it would be right plus nationalists plus Kukiz.

Women`s preferences on the left.

  • indeks.png
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Mar 2020   #325
Incorrect, 62% of males aged 18-30 sampled vote for right wing,

Yes. Unfortunately. It is a result of low attractiveness of men at this age for permanent partnerships. Women prefer older men, over 30. In result, those young males are so frustrated they start thinking that far-right parties will solve their problems. So, when Korwin comes out and declares that women have smaller brains and are stupider, males aged 18-30 rejoice coz it flatters their frustrated egos.

Read this informative article

I said it a few times in this forum in different threads:
Young males! Instead of cherishing futile hopes that far-right parties will help you find a female partner, you should work on yourselves instead. Get education, read books, try to be more and more intelligent. Then you can hope that your female peers who already do those things will look on you favourably.

Without work, you will stay losers all your life. Don`t count on lower supply of males for partnership. If there is not enough male partners in Poland, your female peers will choose intelligent men coming from abroad, not you. How simple.
pawian  224 | 27236
24 Jul 2020   #326
Today it is Friday and women again took to the streets of cities to protest against plans to withdraw from Istanbul Convention. Thousands of women plus decent men, too.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Jul 2020   #327
The usual rabble rouser crowd - bored pensioners taking up left wing causes, LGBT, brainwashed chicks who are lucky enough to live in Poland and be able to go out without worrying about getting sexually assaulted like in Germanistan/French Emirate/etc., the types with pink hair and ball bearing piercings in their ear, and the few odd cuck males who think if they become feminists it'll help them get laid. Mostly supporters of PO and more leftist parties.
pawian  224 | 27236
24 Jul 2020   #328
But you know there will be more and more of them each year??
Do you remember such protests and demos 20, 15 years ago? No.
It means the awareness of the society has been steadily growing and won`t stop.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Jul 2020   #329
Do you remember such protests and demos 20, 15 years ago? No.

There were always these protests and demos - in the 90's and even before during PRL. On the other hand, were there 60, 80, even up to 100k+ people in Warsaw alone on November 11? Of course these demos and rallies existed, but they weren't nearly as large as now. Those people also have more "awareness." It's the same thing. Main difference is now there is internet and more information, rapid communication, and also people in Poland are much more comfortable and thus bored and have gotten soft. If you made them live in "murzynowo" as we Poles often call ****** neighborhoods, they'd turn into right wing conservatives probably even very racist after getting their windows smashes, houses broken into, wife/gf/daughter/sister sexually assaulted, robbed, or God forbid shot at or even shot a few times.

It's these smug ass white urban/suburban educated liberals who preach this kumbaya crap because they've never had to live around a bunch of blacks and/or arabs that **** with them constantly. No difference with the women - put them in one of France's or Sweden's no-go zones and they can't even go outside at night in a mini skirt without fear of being raped then they'll stop protesting some bullshit real quick. Yeah black lives matter - as long as they're not living around you, hanging out on the corner and bringing property values down.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
24 Jul 2020   #330
It means the awareness of the society has been steadily growing and won`t stop.

Pretty well yes; one of the few successful growing trends right now.

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