the producers do not benefit
That's an interesting point. I've heard Polish farmers desptie EU subsidies are nto able to spread their wings. At the so-called famrers' markets in Warsaw at least the vendors get their produce from the same wholesale warehouses Tesco, Carrefour and Leclerk and Biedronka do.
One doesn't see farmer's bringing fruit and vegetables in their little Żuk vans (one time it was furmanki - horse carts) to these markets that much anymore.
TV has in the past shown farmers saying they can't find pickers willing to work for so little to make selling the strawberries proftiable, so they plough over their fields. And yet strawbreries are brough in from North Africa and elsewhere and, despite transport costs, can ber sold at a profit. Could that be a marketing strategy to drive Polish producers out of business? Can anyone explain?
Very positive. I'm sure every other PF-er is also happy to learn Poland is finally making even the smallest mark on the world.