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Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Oct 2015   #61
They rather expect him to veto in such situations - there is no reason to loose something by Duda.

He actually lost a lot in terms of image - it was the first real negative move of the campaign, and it was exceptionally stupid to do something seen in a bad light (vetoing a democratically-decided law) at this time. Kaczyński's overuse of the veto did a lot of harm to his image, after all.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Oct 2015   #62
real negative move

Only in the assessment of the freak faction -- the Grodzkas, Senyszyns, Legierskis, Biedrońs, Palikots and other sundry anarcho-libertines out to turn everything on its head. You seem to regard such characters as representative of the Polish nation as such. They aren't! They are only a lunatic fringe whose biases and obsessions are their private affair.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Oct 2015   #63
Do you think 99% of people in Poland knew anything other than "Duda used his veto already"? Probably not.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
10 Oct 2015   #64
people in Poland

They knew it would stop the creation of a freak factory. They did not know the details such as that parents were no longer to be consulted in gender-change cases as the the existing law requires. Nor that trannies would be free to marry anyone regadless of their gender. One taxi driver sarcastically remarked: "Jeszcze więcej nam takich Grodzkich trzeba!"
Ktos  15 | 432
13 Dec 2015   #65
Merged: Poland still normal - gay marriage not allowed! Good!

Poland is one of the few countries left in Europe where gender related idiotisms (new word there) are not tolerated. While homosexuals are treated in Poland with deeper understanding and sympathy than in many western countries like England for example gay marriage is illegal and it does not look like it will be accepted lawfully any time soon, thankfully. Imagine having daddy and daddy or mummy and mummy, no balance of the sexes present in the household = sick, the child will endure psychological imbalance.
gregy741  5 | 1226
13 Dec 2015   #66
Imagine having daddy and daddy or mummy and mummy

ehh ..thats is some leftist madness in action story...50 yearls old man decided to become 6 years old girl child...and was legally adopted by family..who are now happy with their new "daughter" they always wanted:
Levi  11 | 433
13 Dec 2015   #67
Thanks Duda! Thanks Mr. President!

Because Me, or no One, would like to see our 11 year old daughters inside a bathroom with a 19 year old guy that woke up today "feeling like a girl", just to have some easy prey.
13 Dec 2015   #68
to see our 11 year old daughters inside a bathroom with a 19 year old guy that woke up today "feeling like a girl", just to have some easy prey.

But some baldies here would like that levi:D
13 Dec 2015   #69
It's amusing to watch the sheep in Poland playing to the corporate media BS (the goal is to divide and conquer, as always), while the EU and other world 'leaders' hand in hand with corporations make laws to steal money of future generations. Talk to your grandparents - when there was only vodka and vinegar available in Polish stores, nobody cared about the social genders and other social BS issues. Soon it could be the same - when there's no food, suddenly the sheep doesn't care about BS issues. Maybe that's what is needed to clear the pasture.
13 Dec 2015   #70
While homosexuals are treated in Poland with deeper understanding and sympathy than in many western countries like England for example

I don't know how you can say that?
Gay marriage is legal in the UK, so I would suggest to you that England is far more understanding than Poland in this respect.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Jan 2016   #71
Merged: PiS regime withdraw adverts for waste segregation due to 'gender'

Yet another gaffe by the PiS regime. They're pulling a series of TV and Internet advertising spots (which cost 4 million zlotych to make) And one of the reasons - wait for it - is that some ghastly politician called Slawomir Mazurek, the 'Vice-Minister for the Environment' disapproves of the fact that some of the adverts star the much-loved Polish food critic Maciej Nowak, presenter of Polish Masterchef.

Maciej Nowak is a thoroughly respectable (and respected) public figure with a show on prime-time TV (and he's also the founder of the Institute of Theatre in Warsaw) however the fact that he's gay (half the TV/theatre industry are and so is Jaroslaw Kaczynski) is somehow important enough for them that they don't care if people segregate their trash or not and are prepared to waste 4 million pln of your and my money.

The link below (in Polish) more or less sums it up and contains a quote from the ministry which says

At the same time, we do not have to hide that those who take part in this spot ...... are however, in a movement that promotes ideology that is contrary to tradition and this is the ideology of gender. It is implanted (in these spots) in a subtle way,613014,s.html

Can't these clowns in PiS do anything that doesn't bring themselves and Poland into ridicule? I wonder if they're going to suggest banning the teletubbies again because of Tinky Winky's handbag, or maybe finally pull Keeping Up Appearances (still a big favourite in Poland) from the airwaves because of Patricia Routlege being a confirmed spinster....

Mods, why merge the thread with this one? It isn't anything to do with crime and isn't alleging crime. Just stupidity, bigotry and media manipulation.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #72
that they don't care if people segregate their trash or not and are prepared to waste 4 million pln of your and my money.

Why would they care about wasting money? It's not theirs, and anyway, they can spend another 4 million PLN on promoting some nonsense. No doubt there are some PiS-backing media personalities that need extra cash from public funds.
23 Jan 2016   #73
Good. Anything that even potentially could be used to promote gender should be instantly banned.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #74
Could you perhaps explain to us what "gender" is?

Ah, that's right. It's an imaginary term invented by the church to create an imaginary enemy.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Jan 2016   #75
Could you perhaps explain to us what "gender" is?

Basically he can't. Perhaps the Oxford dictionary would help.
23 Jan 2016   #76
Ok i'll change my comment.

Anything that potentially could be used to promote so called "gender ideology", homo/bisexualism and anything else similar to such unnatural behaviour should be instantly banned.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #77
Ok i'll change my comment.

No no. We want you to define "gender" as understood by you.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Jan 2016   #78
We want you to define "gender" as understood by you.

Indeed. I wonder if he understands the concept of gender...


So better get rid of Jaroslaw Kaczynski quickly then, since he's proof that a gay man can be an ex-premier and current shadow leader...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #79
Indeed. I wonder if he understands the concept of gender...

I think he's trying for a sort of Marilyn Manson type androgyny in everyone, judging by his wishes to ban gender.
23 Jan 2016   #80

Well. If you don't know then check recent legislations in Norway. People born as male are males and feel attraction to females. If one of these conditions isn't met then one should consider himself mentally ill and be treated as one. He shouldn't be discriminated but should get all the support to beat the illness.
jon357  72 | 23361
23 Jan 2016   #81
Marilyn Manson type androgyny in everyone, judging by his wishes to ban gender

And the Polish language will sound very different indeed if he bans gender. Quite a few problems with animal husbandry and botany too...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #82
People born as male are males and feel attraction to females.

You're still not answering the question as to what "gender" is.

And the Polish language will sound very different indeed if he bans gender.

I'm all for it, it'll make Polish easier! Just think, no more worrying about whether or not a table is male, female or neutral.
23 Jan 2016   #83
You're still not answering the question as to what "gender" is.

Ask google.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #84
You brought it up.

Why is it that not a single PiS supporter can explain what "gender" is, yet they talk about it constantly?
23 Jan 2016   #85
Dunno why. I ain't a PiS supporter. I voted PiS only because I had no other option. Leftists programmes were much much worse. I do support some of their ideas though. Like leave Poles to decide about Poland and keep Eurocrats at bay and away from buying out our lands. Just an example.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #86
Stop ducking the question and explain to us what "gender" is. You brought it up, you define it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jan 2016   #87
what "gender" is

In language gender can be masculine, feminine or neuter. In nature gender is either male or female. Something or someone castrated (also some arftifically bred species like the mule) may be regarded as neuter (invapable of reproducing).

In feminist parlance gender is regarded as largely a socio-cultural construct which does not necessarily correspond to one's biological gender. PO went out after passign a gender on demand law stating that everyone can declare themslves to be whatever gender they feel without requiring surgical correction. The feminists have imposed their gender obsession on lefstream bodies such as the UN, EU adn some governments that all proposed legislation must be filtered through a gender-slanted prism, giving that notion undue importance in the overall scheme of things.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
23 Jan 2016   #88
In feminist parlance gender is regarded as largely a socio-cultural construct which does not necessarily correspond to one's biological gender.

Okay, so how does that correspond with...

At the same time, we do not have to hide that those who take part in this spot ...... are however, in a movement that promotes ideology that is contrary to tradition and this is the ideology of gender.

How does one get from an advertisement about sorting rubbish correctly to feminist theory?

Polonius, you don't have to tell us, we already know that "gender" was invented by the Catholic Church.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
23 Jan 2016   #89
feminist theory

You asked for a definition so I gave one. Do you have a better one? The advertising thing didn't and doesn't interest me.
24 Jan 2016   #90
That guy can't even complete a simple task of Google search yet he thinks he's competent enough to shape the future of foreign to him country of Poland. He's pathetic.

Home / News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law

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