It is not Polish syntax. We use nieroby, lewusy, tępaki, rozrechotane pacany but not pigs
Give us some sense what is like for Greek people to consistently and constantly for the past couple of years hear themselves refer to by many people in the rest of the world as freeloaders and tax evaders and that kind of thing?This is the one thing that unites all Greeks - a distaste for being painted as the overreachers, the spendthrift, insufferables of the world who are bringing the global economy, at least the European economy down with them... The dignity - this is the greatest deficit that the Greek people feel in their bones - the fact that they are not feeling dignified any more that their sense of dignity has been taken away from them.
You know the players though; is there any out there who you think could restore Greek dignity?I think that there are very few politicians in Greece, active politicians, who have the guts, to put it bluntly, to do the only one thing that could restore dignity. And the only one thing that could restore dignity is to look into the eyes of Mrs. Merkel, look into the eyes of German hardworking tax payers and say: No more loans to a government because those loans are not being used in order to reenergize our Greek economy, they are being used in order to pay bankers. Bankers are insolvent, and your money is being thrown into the black holes of a banking system that is insolvent.
We are comatose, don't follow us down that road. A politician that does say that of behalf of the Greek people to our northern European brothers and sisters would restore Greek dignity and I can't see such a politician emerging as a leader in our country.
Yanis Varoufakis: The Greek