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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Atch  22 | 4299
24 Aug 2017   #152
Poland will rather pay the fine

They won't pay it and they won't stop the logging in Białowieża Forest and they won't comply with any EU directives which they don't like. Kaczyński and his supporters want Poland out of the EU. They know the mechanism exists to leave but they're not going to bother going through talks etc and pay some kind of 'leaving penalty' like the UK. Balls to that is their view. No. What they will do is everything in their power to be sanctioned,effectively paralysed and banned from participation in the EU. Then they can play their favourite martyr card, 'see how we stood up to the bureaucrats and see how our poor nation has suffered by having its funding cut, our voting rights stripped' yadda, yadda.

I believe they think Poland is strong enough now to carve out a new role for itself in the world without EU membership, where Poland leads the way in demonstrating that anyone can give the EU the finger and defy directives, policies etc. They hope and probably believe that various other nations, mostly from the accession countries will then follow suit, there will a rebellion of sorts with Poland as the dominant nation in a new European alliance. I think that's their vision.

Word has it that the plans to press ahead with the Supreme Court reforms will go ahead in the Autumn and that Kaczyński may replace Her Nibs as PM in November. The army is already under the control of the party. Kaczyński has mentioned how he expects 'strong resistance' to his proposed media bill and that the universities are also in need of 'deep change' and will be next on the agenda but that he is 'prepared'. If things go on like this, one fine day we're going to wake up to martial law. Poland at present is heading towards becoming a totalitarian state.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Aug 2017   #153
Kaczyński and his supporters want Poland out of the EU. They know the mechanism exists to leave but they're not going to bother going through talks etc

This. Poland is not a place where people feel compelled to follow rules that don't benefit them and that applies to politicians as well. the Polish way is to simply stop playing along and let the other side deal with it.

It's largely how the country broke out of the Soviet sphere (or at least how it was ready and able to take care of a possibly short window of opportunity).

plans to press ahead with the Supreme Court reforms will go ahead in the Autumn

And how are they going to deal with Adrian? (nickname of Duda)

Poland at present is heading towards becoming a totalitarian state.

Poles don't do totalitarianism (toooooo much effort!), it would be weakly authoritarian. The Media 'reform' and reactions to it will be very telling.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Aug 2017   #154
Poles may not do totalitarianism but some of them would like to. Just look at the changes to the primary school curriculum. Basically once children are brought into the education system they will be given an ideology to follow based on a certain form of nationalism and a certain version of Polish history. More time is scheduled in the teaching hours for history at the expense of maths and technology. What does that tell you? If PIS manage to stay in power you can also bet that national service will be brought back into the picture. But that's all a long way down the road. First they have to fix things so they can make sure they 'win' the next election, hence the necessity to get the Supreme Court under party control.

And how are they going to deal with Adrian?

Well this isn't really a democracy as you and I know it so they'll find a way. Do bear in mind that at the moment he's been blocked from direct contact with the military. They can disable him in a number of ways. He may break away, form a new party and thus stand down and be replaced by somebody more suitable. It's an interesting time ahead.
24 Aug 2017   #155
They won't pay it and they won't stop the logging in Białowieża Forest and they won't comply with any EU directives.

That's the problem we have: the EU can just deduct fines from money it would otherwise give to the Polish government to distribute to Poland. So the government is costing us taxpayers money. The good news is that, as Orban has already shown, the EU actually cutting off money brings rogue states back into line.

they think Poland is strong enough now to carve out a new role for itself in the world without EU membership, where Poland leads the way in demonstrating that anyone can give the EU the finger and defy directives, policies

The reality, of course, is 27:1.

I think that's their vision.

Delusion rather than vision.
Crow  154 | 9463
24 Aug 2017   #156
Again. Truly abominable feeling.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
24 Aug 2017   #157
Poles will not accept EU directives because they're bad for Poland and other EU countries (beside a few "more European than others"). Poland wants EU to be FAIR PLAY TO EVERY MEMBER.

I as a PiS supporter don't want Poland to leave EU. I wan't EU to treat us all on equal footing. V4 countriest have to debate everything they try to achioeve within EU. Mekrel and her 4th Reich invite Islamic terrorists into Europe on their own. Merkel and the 4th Reich seales the deal with Nordstream 2 without ASKING any one. Only idiots or people who's agendas follow that footpath believe EU is fine as it is. The KOD, Traitor Tusk and Bankster "I be on Madera with my lover while you hunger-strike in parliment" Petru are just those who will benefit when whole Poland gets sold out to foreign powers.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
24 Aug 2017   #158
The reality, of course, is 27:1.

Yes, democracy.
Crow  154 | 9463
25 Aug 2017   #159
Resistance to EU must be better organized, in coordination with rest of the Visegrad and of course, with Serbia.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #160
Polish patriotism still strong.

EU is helpless.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #161
Resistance to EU

Hard to know how Poland can resist itself.


Collapsing now.
Ironside  50 | 12916
25 Aug 2017   #162
Collapsing now.

Doomsayer. I think you should chose your field as an actor or maybe a playwright. you are pretty much in love with dramatics. A trip of a French a...hole making empty promises and pathetic threats, doesn't do anything but stress the point that Eastern and Central Europe is waking up. Furthermore the idea of the three seas area is a reality that is viable, competitive and attractive. Seeing it grow would be in Poland's and Eastern Europe best interest.

Frenchie Jacobite sh... his pants and lost the great opportunity to remain silent.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #163
Newest CBOS poll shows that Poles are happy with what current govt does.

PiS - 42%
Peło - 20%
Kukiz - 8%
Nowoczesna - 6%

OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #164

The newest polls (published today) show that PiS support is down to 33% and falling.

Our EU still enjoys 88% support in Poland.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #165

Today on leftist onet
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #166
Today on leftist onet

There you go again, Snotty. Check out the latest figures - PiS support is at 33% and falling.

Our EU still enjoys 88% support in Poland.

However much you hate the facts.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #167
I gave you the link above whinner.

You just lie.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #168

After a quick search online, especially on google and in dictionaries, it looks like you've invented a new word, Snotty.

Why not have a look on google, for the latest polls showing PiS falling to 33%.

And see if you can find the one showing that Poles strongly support EU membership.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #169
I typed about newest CBOS poll from today you [name calling = suspended]. Not about what you can Google up.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #170
There you go again. Check out the latest poll - PiS are on 33% and falling. Support for the EU remains high at 88%.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
25 Aug 2017   #171
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #172
Like I said before

You keep repeating yourself now, in screaming capitals.

It's off-topic too. The topic of the thread is the exceptionally strong support that the EU has among Poles.

And you still haven't found the latest poll showing PiS falling.

Check out the latest figures on the parlementarny website - they also show PiS falling. Far less than half the % support that the EU gets.
G (undercover)
25 Aug 2017   #173
Our EU still enjoys 88% support in Poland.

**** "your" Eu. This nasty thing will collapse in a few years.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
25 Aug 2017   #174
No sign of that - and within Poland, support is particularly strong.
Crow  154 | 9463
25 Aug 2017   #175
If not before, then when western Europe collapse, what is imminent, Poles would massively come back to Poland. And in Serbia
Bobko  27 | 2130
25 Aug 2017   #176
And in Serbia

Poles would massively come to Serbia after the collapse of the EU?

I can't imagine why Serbia would want that.
Crow  154 | 9463
25 Aug 2017   #177

To help to Poles and to do something for Slavdom by prevention of assimilation of Poles into non-Slavs. So, when EU collapse, what is imminent, as we all know, all Poles and other Slavs are welcome in Serbia.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
26 Aug 2017   #178
I wouldn't mind living in serbia for a bit near fellow Slavs but I don't think most poles would mainly bc of putin and Russia.
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Aug 2017   #179
Big YES? Hardly

I read headlines in Serbian media today and I founded this, among else (these days Poland is every day present in Serbian mass media; in a last weak more then in three last years) > Poljska protiv Brisela: Od čeda EU do istočnog strašila > b92/info/vesti/tema.php?yyyy=2017&mm=08&nav_id=1297708 > /it says- ``Poland against Brussels: From the EU`s favorite to the eastern monster``.

In any case, article reminding Serbian public how it looks like when EU loves you and how is when EU goes against you- over night country becoming monster in mass media. This too well reminding on Goebbels style anti-Serbian propaganda and hysteria launched by this same EU. Simple, you obey to EU or you are enemy of EU. No partnership in that relationship.

Right now, under pressure of EU, Poland set to retreat in same orbit as Serbia. It is just the matter of time or even moment when would alliance of these two countries become open thing. If that happens, truly, Intermarium may become reality once more. Is it possible? We shall see
Crow  154 | 9463
29 Aug 2017   #180
Yes, by all means a very big wall should be built around Serbia to keep the contagion inside. A country proud of the deaths of millions.... filthy!

Don`t blame Serbia and Serbians for resisting to invaders. Our resistance was (is) just so natural. That natural that USA president of that time placed Serbian flag above White House. Only foreign flag that ever waved above US Capitol.

Are they likely to replace Poland in the EU?

If Poland goes out and Serbia in, it would represent ultimate joke of the fate. Or, rather, prelude for EU disintegration what wise Poland sensing before Serbia`s entry because all sane people on this Earth knows that EU can`t be Serbian long term solution ;)

please focus on Poland

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