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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Novichok  4 | 8410
8 Jan 2021   #631
but it is still the best system that people invented.

No, it's not. In a democracy, the idiot voters can vote for themselves the benefits they can't afford. Think corporations and families and you will see how "democracy" without pre-requirements is just so stupid. Neither corporations nor families are democracies and that is why they function as well as they have been for centuries. Look at WE, the US and China. Which one is on the upswing?

King does the same just without being elected...

Except that King wants to preserve his kingdom for his kingly son. We call it long-term planning. Today, the ruling parasites think retirement benefits and f**k the country.
Lenka  5 | 3526
8 Jan 2021   #632
Except that King wants to preserve his kingdom for his kingly son

And he didn't give a fu*k about the people and their standard of living. Somehow the most prosperous times fall during democracy
pawian  226 | 27364
8 Jan 2021   #633
Once elected, one loser decides everything,

Now you are talking about the USA while I meant a parliamentary republic. Sorry for not stating it clearly.

Except that King wants to preserve his kingdom for his kingly son.

WHo can be equally or even a lousier loser than himself.

WE, the US and China. Which one is on the upswing?

Where would you prefer to live: USA or China???? Let`s assume you would have the same financial/material status in both.
Novichok  4 | 8410
8 Jan 2021   #634
Where would you prefer to live: USA or China????

And what does that have to do with who is on the upswing and who is going down????????????????
Hey, teach, google "upswing" or "trend".
pawian  226 | 27364
8 Jan 2021   #635
I know those words. But I see you lose track of your own thoughts and statements too often. What is the matter with you? Or you are doing it on purpose when the situation becomes uncomfortable for you??

We were discussing if democracy is the best system or not. You suggested that non-democratic China is faring better than old democracies like the USA or EU. I asked where you would prefer to live keeping the same financial status that you have now.

Why are you evading a simple question???
kondzior  11 | 1026
9 Jan 2021   #636
King does the same just without being elected...

We don't have true kings, anymore, but instead the hand rubbing godless globalist satanist merchants. You can't be much further from the definition of a true king than that. Even a cockroach is closer to a king than this.

A true king is a leader, not a boss. He feels loyalty and responsibility for his people. What we have now is godless mercenaries who are only looking out for themselves and are executing the will of their archon overlords. They cannot be killed, they are utterly replaceable, they have no responsibility. They are what CEOs are to true entrepreneurs.
pawian  226 | 27364
9 Jan 2021   #637
We don't have true kings, anymore,

Yes, the last truly great and purely Polish king was Jan Sobieski from 17th century. Some pessimists and negatively-oriented experts suggest it was Casimir the Great from the 14th century who inherited a kingdom weakened by war and made it prosperous and wealthy. Sobieski didn`t do that.

Do you understand now why nobody except a few maniacs dreams of restoring monarchy in Poland?
kondzior  11 | 1026
9 Jan 2021   #638
last truly great and purely Polish king

Józef Piłsudski.

restoring monarchy in Poland

Not by some sort of popular elections, no. Military coup would have been necessary.
pawian  226 | 27364
9 Jan 2021   #639
Józef Piłsudski.

Except that he wasn`t a king. :):)

Military coup would have been necessary.

haha Funny.
I see you are in a humorous mood today. Good. Laughter is the best medicine, after all, better than an apple a day.
Ironside  50 | 12928
9 Jan 2021   #640
King is not an answer. A King as a medieval figure came with all social and economical buddle. Something that would be rather hard to recreate nowadays.

System is reverted to oligarchy anyway so make it back to feudalism is not that un thinkable. People are simply attached more to rhetoric and slogans than a naked reality.

Józef Piłsudski.

That megalomaniac and doctor is not a good exmaple
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Jan 2021   #641
PVV releases election program: a country without headscarves, but with traditional Dutch coziness

Geert Wilders writes that his party is proud of its own culture. "We will not let ourselves be talked into racism."

The party also wants to "take control of our own money" and leave the European Union

Another result of German "refugee" willkommen politics.
pawian  226 | 27364
10 Jan 2021   #642
The party also wants to leave the European Union

What is the support for them in the Netherlands?
Novichok  4 | 8410
10 Jan 2021   #643
Another result of German "refugee" willkommen politic

A quote from the linked article:

There must be a "Ministry of Immigration, Remigration, and De-Islamization," and people with dual nationality should no longer have the right to vote, argues the election program. Temporary asylum permits for Syrian refugees should be withdrawn.

I should sue them for stealing my copyright material.

My guess: They will get 1% of the votes. Then the pussification process of WE will be complete and irreversible.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Jan 2021   #644
What is the support for them in the Netherlands?

20 seats in the Dutch parliament. The second-largest political party
pawian  226 | 27364
10 Jan 2021   #645
20 seats in the Dutch parliament.

That`s around 14%. In the past they had more but it was 15 years ago. How are they going to achieve their main goal, ie. leaving the EU?
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Jan 2021   #646
How are they going to achieve their main goal, ie. leaving the EU

Nigel Farage's UKIP was never a large party either, dwarfed by both major British political parties: Tories and Labours. And yet they made Brexit happen after all.

What's important is that:

#1 European political parties, and societies, have started talking openly about EU -exits
#2 One -exit [Brexit] has happened already showing the rest of the members that's it is possible to leave
#3 Future -exits will be influenced by the results of Brexit. If Britain, and the British economy, manage well outside of the EU some other members will be more willing to follow their example
pawian  226 | 27364
10 Jan 2021   #647
#2 One -exit [Brexit] has happened already showing the rest of the members that's it is possible to leave

Yes, but we will yet see how Britain is going to fare with that Brexit. If not too brilliant, their negative example will deter other countries from leaving.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
10 Jan 2021   #648
Nobody ever said it was impossible to leave the EU, just that it was impossible to leave and still maintain the same privileges, which turned out to be true.

In the past they had more but it was 15 years ago.

Indeed, Europe owes a debt of gratitude to the Brits. Brexit now serves as a warning and thus made leaving the EU less appealing which is why e.g. Marie le Pen dropped Frexit from her platform.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Jan 2021   #649
impossible to leave and still maintain the same privileges

Well, the British got a pretty good deal. It was probably a mistake, because if they thrive economically outside the EU (and with the deal they got, they probably will) it might make other countries seriously consider their options. I read an analysis which predicted a decade of great economic success for the UK. We'll see...

Brexit should have been considered a hostile action towards the EU, and treated accordingly. As it is, the UK is treated as a friend and economic partner. In my opinion, it's a mistake that will cost the Union dearly. :-/
Ironside  50 | 12928
10 Jan 2021   #650
the EU

F EU ! It doesn't do any good.... and is just dragging Poland down
Joker  2 | 2363
10 Jan 2021   #651
Yep, Poland could learn a lesson from the UK as to exactly what NOT to do! And avoid applying those disasterous libtard policies.

France sucks too. Come to think about it, there aren't many nice or safe places left in the EU.
Novichok  4 | 8410
10 Jan 2021   #652
The most amazing change is that the KGB enforcers with guns and gulags were replaced with private enforcers of leftist insanities and "you are not nice. You are fired".

No guns, no gulags, no torture but the effect is just the same. You are a silent slave.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
10 Jan 2021   #653
Well, the British got a pretty good deal.

Not really, it is basically the bare minimum to prevent a hard Brexit and even with it there'll soon be consequences once British companies run out of stock, with trucks now needing more time for delivery. For that they had to make significant concessions, like a border to Iriland. But as you say:

We'll see...

Most of the consequences of Brexit will be not immediate and drastic. More of a slow decline, with less foreign investments, economic growth and the continued decline of influence on European affairs.

What I am personally interested is how "Global Britain" will fare with their trade deals compared to the EU.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #654
France sucks too

They are so unhappy in the union that they burned 800 cars to celebrate the new year.

In Poland we don't burn cars to celebrate so we must be happy in the union.
Spike31  3 | 1485
10 Jan 2021   #655
Yes, but we will yet see how Britain is going to fare with that Brexit

That's what I said. If Britain creates an investment haven with low taxes and minimal regulations just on the border of the EU they'll have a competitive edge over the beaurocratic continent. In recent years Britain with its relaxed tax laws received more money in FDI than any other country in Europe, including the biggest economy - Germany.

The UK doesn't have to change its attitude, it simply has to do more of what they did already.

Indeed, Europe owes a debt of gratitude to the Brits

The EU [EU does not equal Europe. The EU is the antithesis of traditional Europe] made the whole process as complicated and difficult as possible with the sole purpose in mind to discourage the other members from leaving. You know, like a possessive girlfriend in a toxic relationship. The UK has pushed through showing that it's possible to leave and not on terms dictated by the EU.

Anyway, this painful - for both sides - Brexit has ended. The next possible -exit will use its example to speed things up and to make the process go smoother.

Like I said before: the UK needs to show the rest that the benefits of leaving are well worth going for it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #656
If Britain creates an investment haven with low taxes and minimal regulations

Spike huge cred for spotting this one Europe would collapse if the brits did this on their doorstep.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2021   #657
If Britain creates an investment haven

Where's the money coming from? They need taxes and regulations (which, don't forget, they've recently imposed a huge amount of new regulations on businesses) just to bring in enough money to pay the interest on debts.

More to the point, such a move would mean the end of the FTA with the EU and beyond. What use are minimal regulations if no-one can do business with you as a result?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
10 Jan 2021   #658
Where's the money coming from?

Hong Kong citizens that will be offered British passports for a start, then moving to investors from the Arab world who already have good connections to the UK , oh and Russians plus Americans who would benefit from unfettered access to the city of London.

Oh and organised crime syndicates that wish to wash their ill gotten gains.

Don't forget how the swiss made their fortunes from the teeth of the murdered Jews.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2021   #659
Arab world


Meh, do we want that for London?

I know what you're talking about, but this ultimately implies selling out the country to the highest bidder just for the sake of not being in the EU.
OP jon357  72 | 23482
10 Jan 2021   #660
Meh, do we want that for London?

Arab, Russian, Chinese.

If the fearful brexit voters were so terrified of a few nice Poles that they went all anti-immigration, how will they react to this?

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