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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

OP pawian  226 | 27558
18 May 2019   #91
You are only right. The Kremlin retaliated with apples ban only on Poland on the next day after EU sanctions had been declared. Funny. :) It has lasted 5 years. My God, life passes so quickly. (:(:( If Polish farmers haven`t found another market for their apples so far, they are losers, indeed.
Crow  154 | 9552
18 May 2019   #92
We Serbs eat and plus re-export Polish apples to Russia. We saved some Polish farmers, that for sure.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 May 2019   #93
This is undoubtedly true. Plus Belorus was doing the same taking advantage of a non-existing custom border between Belorus and Russia. When Putin wanted to send inspectors to help Belorus eliminate these practices, the Belorussian leader Lukashenko told him: No, thank you, camrade. We have our own inspectors who are as good as the Russian ones. And the re-export continued undisturbed by any inspectors. Plus we started to send our apples to China and Japan, if I remember well.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 May 2019   #94
Yes, but it is still peanuts compared to EU trade. Stop manipulating facts and data, it is useless.

Yes and facts show that export growth by percentage is coming from countries outside of the EU. There's no two or let alone sixfold increase with france or italy. Trade w western Europe is basically stagnant, but trade with e European countries, Asia and parts of latam are growing at a far higher pace. Facts and data also show that polands top trade partners are the same today as they were well before eu accession.

Germany has been Polands biggest trade partner well before the EU. Same with France, UK, netherlands, etc. Hell Poland was even exporting cars during prl. So to say that it's thanks to the EU that Poland somehow gained a bunch of trade partnerships is b.s.

And here's the proof - Polands top trade partners in 1995 almost decade before EU entry- Germany, Netherlands, italy, etc. All the same countries that are Polands top trade partners today. EU didn't create those partnerships they existed well before accession .
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #95
Trade with the US has also grown significantly in the last 3 years
cms neuf  2 | 1869
19 May 2019   #96
God knows what they are teaching you at your Ivy League university.

In 1995 then Poland was already on the track to EU membership - so EU countires became more confident about investing and trading there. The zloty stabilized, the political situation stabilized and NATO membership was already decided.

Compare the situation and the trading relationships of non EU countries - Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia, Belarus etc. and compare how they have been outstripped since 2004 by those countires that joined the EU.

Trade with China is very small compared to trade with the EU.

Anyway as I understand Konfederacja of Dunces wants to leave the EU so anybody who thinks that is a good idea has a clear choice next weekend.

By the way on checking their website I am not even sure what their position is on EU membership - I see a line up of about 20 whackjobs in cravats, pocket squares and bow ties, a few videos about Israel and Migration but no clear list of what they believe in.

Also a piece about defending the traditional family, ironic indeed coming from a home wrecker like Korwin
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #97
a few videos about Israel and Migration but no clear list of what they believe in.

A one minute video which says more about what [and who] they represent than most political parties says during the whole election campaign.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
19 May 2019   #98
Does that one minute video say if they want to leave the EU ? If they did then I missed it. In fact all I heard was a string of rhetorical provocative questions rather than any policy positions. Pathetic but what can you expect from people who have never had to take any responsibility.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #99
I think they were really clear about it during the last party congress in Warsaw. They want Poland out of socialist driven EU, yet there are two factions: one - which I support - wants to destroy the EU from within to eliminate the threat of ever expanding socialist federation and the other one want Polexit which is a half-measure in my opinion but still better than remaining in the EU.

We don't need the EU.

For free travel we only need Schengen zone which is independent from the EU structures.

And for free trade we only need single market ie. EEC as established in Treaties of Rome in 1957 long before the EU was even a dream [or rather a nightmare].
19 May 2019   #100
And what about the fact most Poles want to stay in Eu?
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #101
What most Poles want are the things which are [falsely] associated with the EU like Schengen zone free travel agreement, free trade which was started by European Economic Community and existed long before the EU was even created.

A work needs to be done to make Poles realise that.
19 May 2019   #102
It's a bit cheeky of you to assume that. That's one.
A big Union like that do news certain rulez etc. And that's why UE evolved. That's two.
It can be quite tricky to organise ale those countries again once the EU is damaged. That's three.

But let's wait and see how well Konfederacja does in elections. Buahaha
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #103
What's that? The smell of a party trying desperately to get 5%?
cms neuf  2 | 1869
19 May 2019   #104
So they want to keep the parts of the EU that they like without any of the responsibilities ? Ask the Uk how that is working out for them
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #105
Correction: we want all the parts that works without any parts which aren't necessary for harmonic cooperation between nation-states of Europe. Those unnecessary penalties are leftist ideological distortions which are omnipresent in the EU.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
19 May 2019   #106
Harmonic cooperation? Polish and German nationalists are showing their harmony in German threads here and in real life too. :):) Thank you very much for such harmony.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
19 May 2019   #107
The big weakness off the nationalists you can count on....unable to work together! ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #108
So they want to keep the parts of the EU that they like without any of the responsibilities ?

Typical nationalist fantasies, really. They like to think that they can have the EU and all the benefits, while still being free to do whatever they want domestically.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
19 May 2019   #109
And it is so fortunate that such regulations exist within the EU. Without them, we would be doomed eternally under PiS rule, really.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #110
Yes, if it wasn't for the EU keeping up the pressure, PiS would have gone much, much further.
Ironside  50 | 12954
19 May 2019   #111
The big weakness off the nationalists you can count on....unable to work together! ;)

That is simply not true. Of course we are talking (I'm talking) about nationalist as those who support a national state. On the other hand your optic is Marxist.

Yet again nonsense and slogans. Is that even mean anything? Dream about European Imperium rules by some unaccountable pen pushers by the rule of thumb is just dumb and won't work. Forcing on the people some LGBT, progressive cultural revolution is tyranny. The only EU that would survive is some kind of less totalitarian, less bureaucratic and Marxist free Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #112
by some unaccountable

You do realise that the EU is run by people who are appointed by member states, right?
Ironside  50 | 12954
19 May 2019   #113
Really? Run by whom exactly? Was Tusk appointed by Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #114
The President of the European Council is appointed according to the rules of the Treaty of Lisbon, which states that the person is appointed by qualified majority by the European Council. Therefore yes, he was appointed according to the rules of the treaty that Poland ratified. Rules are rules, and 27-1 is clearly a qualified majority.

Run by whom exactly?

Member states.
Ironside  50 | 12954
19 May 2019   #115
How member states run the EU?

You said:

the EU is run by people who are appointed by member states,

I asked you about who are you talking about? |what people? Tusk wasn't appointed by Poland and yet he become a butler. So who exactly appointed him IF he wasn't appointed by Poland?
cms neuf  2 | 1869
19 May 2019   #116
Poland did vote for him in his first term

In the second term the other 27 countries voted for him, rather than the alternative candidate of the Polish government - a little known MEP who was suggested for a job that normally goes to a senior politician
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #117
How member states run the EU?

All 28 of them in accordance with the rules set in the Treaty of Lisbon, which was ratified by all 28 members.

Tusk wasn't appointed by Poland

Yes, he was. Poland agreed to appoint the President of the European Council according to QMV.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #118
I criticized Germany for many things and political decisions but I never questioned importance of free economic exchange between Poland and Germany. That's what our relations should be restricted too. When it comes to politics and social matters, Germany is a bad influence.

I thought that "liberals" were always pro-choice, was I mistaken? :-P

I repeat: "[taking] all the parts that works without any parts which aren't necessary for harmonic cooperation between nation-states of Europe. Those unnecessary penalties are leftist ideological distortions which are omnipresent in the EU." And not needed at all.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 May 2019   #119
In 1995 then Poland was already on the track to EU membership

Poland's main trade partners i.e. Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, etc. are the same now as they were 20, 30 even centuries ago. EU didn't form those partnerships - trade with those countries has been in Poland's history for ages.

Being 'on track' or even having EU membership doesn't suddenly make other countries including EU countries drastically increase trade all of sudden - if that were true Romania, Bulgaria, etc. would be far richer and their exports should've increased dramatically, but of course they did not. It was a minor gradual increase, which they would've likely achieved without the EU just like Poland. The only thing that Poland got was 100 billion EU which hopefully the w Europeans will continue to give us so we can fix our sidewalks, build roads, paint gyms, and give contractrs to polish friends.

Trade with China is very small compared to trade with the EU.

The point is that the GROWTH in trade, as PROVEN by the data/links above, is not with these traditional partners but rather eastern European countries, Asia, M.E.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
20 May 2019   #120
But Romania and Bulgaria are getting suddenly richer and are subsequently increasing exports quicker

As for Poland's trade you have simply no idea what you ar3 talking about and the only things nag your links prove are the declining standards of Ivy League education

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