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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

OP pawian  219 | 24792
1 May 2024   #1141
Poland achieved a great success in the EU. It was possible thanks to the pro European mentality of most Poles and Polesses who remained decent patriots at heart. Those other indecent people, homo sovieticuses raised by foreign or domestic occupants, weren`t enough to divert the country from the European path.

We should be happy to live in Poland which is part of Europe. Look at Belarus, Serbia, Ukraine. Let their fate be a memento for us.
Ironside  50 | 12333
1 May 2024   #1142
We should be happ

It is a mindless drivel by a stupid clown.

. Look at Belarus, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Do you have a stiff neck you always look in one direction. Bowing to your former master in Moscow?
Look at Norway Switzerland or even the UK.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
1 May 2024   #1143
Look at Norway Switzerland or even the UK.

Stupid examples of countries which have been rich for centuries. While Poland only recently. Like Ireland. Get a grip coz you are provoking readers to develop strange opinions about you. Ha!!!

If Poland didn`t develop in the EU as it has, you would have never returned from your 30 year emigration. You would prefer to stay in the US.

Say prayers to the EU for enjoying the opportunity to live in such a safe rich country. Ha!
Repeat after me: Mutter Unser in Heaven, Hail be deine Name.......
Crow  154 | 9260
2 May 2024   #1144
We should be happy to live in Poland which is part of Europe. Look at ... Serbia,

Europe was born in Serbia. Giving a birth to the k***a was quite enough.
mafketis  38 | 10911
2 May 2024   #1145
Europe was born in Serbia

In serbia? In the mother of all vvh0res? No way!

Europe was born in Greece and Rome, serbia is a minor unimportant country full of hysterical drama queens.
Crow  154 | 9260
2 May 2024   #1146
Europe was born in Greece and Rome

No, Europe and Western world is born within Lepenski Vir culture. All evidences point to that fact. Greece and Rome came much later and were result of foreign- Semitic and Egyptian, influences of natives that all originate from Lepenski Vir culture that populated entire Europe and not just Europe.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
11 Jun 2024   #1147,79cfc278

Most comments on the results of the European Parliament elections indicate that Russia may be satisfied with the results. However, the above is only partially true, and the Kremlin does not have as much reason to celebrate as it may seem at first glance. There is still hope.

The composition of the European Parliament will change much less than one might think. The ownership of the three main classic political forces, i.e. the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and Liberals, has decreased from 444 to 400 seats, but taking into account the fact that the European Parliament has a total of 720 deputies, this means that they still have a stable majority. Importantly, a potential partner is the Green faction, which has reduced its holdings by 18 seats, but still has over 50 MEPs.

The two most right-wing factions, European Conservatives and Reformists and Identity and Democracy, have objectively pro-Russian forces in their ranks, but at the same time it is difficult to call them pro-Russian factions as a whole.

For example, the conservatives include the party of Italian Prime Minister Giorgi Meloni , whose government clearly supports Ukraine and supplies it with weapons. The same group also includes PiS, which - although it is close to the extreme and pro-Russian right in some anti-Western reflexes - has supplied Ukraine with almost 400 tanks during its rule, which is more than all other countries in the world, including the USA and Great Britain.

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122
11 Jun 2024   #1148
And anyone in knowledge of the EU know that the EU parlament has very little power of influence at all, so if it's full of rightists, leftists, greenies or what it is irrelevant regarding anything important. Cause the decisionmakers are sent by national governments (preferably those one wants to Get rid out of the political landscape) and chosen among themselves, not by voters.

EU has some democratic elements but, is not democratic at all.
Atch  21 | 4149
12 Jun 2024   #1149
the decisionmakers are sent by national governments

Can you clarify that sentence?
Barney  17 | 1637
12 Jun 2024   #1150
Cause the decisionmakers are sent by national governments

No country elects its civil servants they work under instruction from their elected leaders.
jon357  72 | 22980
12 Jun 2024   #1151
No country elects its civil servants

I think the USA elect some and it doesn't work well for them.

About democracy, there's direct democracy, indirect democracy and many formats of both.
Barney  17 | 1637
12 Jun 2024   #1152
I think the USA elect some

I know they elect sheriffs and judges but real civil servants? If they do that would be madness
mafketis  38 | 10911
12 Jun 2024   #1153
I know they elect sheriffs and judges but real civil servants?

Not that I've ever heard of... yeah sherrif's, judges and maybe a handful of managerial positions (like 'supervisor of elections' in some states) but not rank and file.
jon357  72 | 22980
12 Jun 2024   #1154
sherrif's, judges and maybe a handful of managerial positions

All that. Prosecutors too. The prosecutors and judges being elected does lead to some harsh sentences.

And of course a lot of senior civil servants in Washington are political appointments and change with each administration
gumishu  16 | 6182
12 Jun 2024   #1155
of senior civil servants in Washington are political appointments

but they are not elected per se - just a remark
jon357  72 | 22980
12 Jun 2024   #1156
You could say they're indirectly elected or are political appointees.

With Brussels, some are obviously political appointees but not directly elected. Otherwise people would never be away from the ballot box.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
12 Jun 2024   #1157
the EU parlament has very little power of influence

Yes and no.
In many important issues, it is not the European Parliament that has the decisive say in European affairs and it can hardly be called the most important EU body. Even though it is the only EU body elected in direct elections . More important are primarily the European Commission and the EU Council, whose composition is not determined in such elections.

But it is the European Parliament that elects the President of the European Commission and approves the composition of the Commission . Which means that the legal and political importance of the EP cannot be underestimated.

Ironside  50 | 12333
13 Jun 2024   #1158
Most comments on

By the political commentators who are selling political propaganda. It's just another BS. A waste of time.

Home / News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

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