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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

OP pawian  226 | 27558
25 Oct 2023   #1081
EU is still blocking the funds coz PiS refuses to cancel their deforms.

During the election campaign, the opposition will claim they are going to unblock the funds as soon as possible. Millions of Poles are waiting.

My words from early August proved prophetic. Mr Prime Minister Tusk had just gone to the EU to negotiate unblocking the funds for Poland. 57 billion euros.

Thank you, Mr Tusk!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
18 Nov 2023   #1082
Mr MacShane, former UK Labour Minister of State for Europe, commenting on the narrative of the British mainstream media regarding the trend of increasing support for right-wing groups in Europe, said this:

"Fortunately, this narrative was interrupted last month by the defeat of the anti-EU, anti-women, homophobic Law and Justice party in the Polish elections," MacShane wrote.

Mr Arkadiusz Mularczyk, rightist deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, replied:

It is extremely worrying how a former UK Labour Minister of State for Europe can defame Law and Justice & Poland in this way & that a media source can allow these defamatory statements to be published. Law & Justice refutes these claims in the strongest possible terms. I call upon @TheNewEuropean to change this text as soon as possible. Statements like this must not be left unchallenged.

Mr McShane replied to Mr Mularczyk:
Sorry Pan Mularczyk. You will have now time to reflect on why Poland's voters said Goodbye to PiS. Your attack on women, on judicial independence, on free journalism goes against every Polish tradition I know and admire. I hope a sensible party supporting European values emerges

PS. Holy words!!

PS2. A little riddle - whose words do I consider holy????? :):):):)

PS3. Did Mr MacShane deliberately used Polish "Pan" Mularczyk instead of Mr Mularczyk for a funnier effect????
OP pawian  226 | 27558
18 Nov 2023   #1083
Did Mr MacShane deliberately used

Use, of course. This mistake means I need to turn in on my Jap sumo wrest mattress. Yaaaaaawn........
OP pawian  226 | 27558
19 Nov 2023   #1084
Mr McShane replied to Mr Mularczyk:
Sorry Pan Mularczyk. You will have now time to reflect on why Poland's voters said Goodbye to PiS. Y

Can you imagine that PiS gangster Mularczyk replied to it with:

Thank you for your apology @DenisMacShane However, the article that is online still contains a libellous comment. I call on you to contact The New European editorial team and make the necessary edit.


Either Mularczyk is lousy at English and truly doesn`t understand there was no apology but only irony or he is selling a typical rightist lie to his homo sovieticus voters.
jon357  72 | 23492
19 Nov 2023   #1085
Did Mr MacShane deliberately used Polish "Pan" Mularczyk instead

Dr MacShane speaks Polish as well as both English and French and certainly knows how to choose words carefully in all three languages.

His name as a child, by the way, was Josef Denis Matyjaszek.
amiga500  5 | 1501
20 Nov 2023   #1086
His name as a child, by the way, was Josef Denis Matyjaszek.

So why did he change his name? There was no forced assimilation of Poles in England during and after WW2
cms neuf  2 | 1869
20 Nov 2023   #1087
He was working for the BBC as a sports reporter and they asked him to change it - so he used his Mum's name.

Was deported from Poland once by the commies in the 80s.

An interesting guy who certainly knows more about Polish affairs than some other Polonia.
jon357  72 | 23492
20 Nov 2023   #1088
So why did he change his name?

Because as many Britiish can pronounce Matyjaszek as there are Poles who can pronounce Threaplethwaite or Cholmondely.


Not unusual for work reasons regardless of the countries/nationalities involved. In politics too. The mayor of my city was from Poland but had an English surname.

Can you imagine some small town folks many years ago choosing the one name on the ballot paper that they can't pronounce?

An interesting guy who certainly knows more

This is certainly true, however a far as pompous and conceited goes, he's off the scale.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Nov 2023   #1089
Threaplethwaite or Cholmondely.

And don't forget about the Duke of Buccleuch ;)
Alien  25 | 6430
20 Nov 2023   #1090
Threaplethwaite or Cholmondely.

Is this yours "ChrzÄ…szcz brzmi w trzcinie..."
jon357  72 | 23492
20 Nov 2023   #1091
No. We have tonguetwisters too. Those are just surnames/places.

There are some surnames there that are difficult for outsiders. It's not easy to explain that the surnames Dalziel and Dalyell are pronounced identically.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Nov 2023   #1092
Oh don't confuse them with that Scottish z. Who knew that Menzies is really Mingis?
jon357  72 | 23492
20 Nov 2023   #1093
Or that Strachan is Strawn, or that Strabolgi or Andrewatha are old British names.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1094
In case you didn`t hear about results of recent national elections held on last Sunday, I have a great pleasure in informing you that pro-democratic, pro-European, pro-rule of law parties have won. Anti-Europeans have been defeated.

The EU has already granted Poland 5 billion euros from the suspended fund which Mr Saviour Donald Tusk unblocked. Amasing how he is working for Poland!!!!

Those PIS bolsheviks are so stupid. Like all rightists., They could have received these funds if they kept to the the rule of law. They didn`t and were punished double way - they neither received the funds nor won the elections. They are left with nothing. Good!!!! Let them rot in Hell for their bolshevism.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1095
The EU has already granted Poland 5 billion euros from the suspended fund which Mr Saviour Donald Tusk unblocked.

In other words the EU deliberately withheld funds then used them to rewarded one of their own Eurocrats for seizing power in Poland.

That is what is called election interference and corruption and unsurprisingly you are rejoicing over it.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1096
In other words the EU deliberately withheld funds t

Yes!!!! They punished PIS for breaking the rule of law!!! Wasn`t it beautiful???

rewarded one

Rewarded the politician/parties who promise to stick to the rule of law!!! Isn`t it beautiful????

you are rejoicing over it.

Yes!!! Like 80% Poles who support the EU!!!
Clap Clap Clap!!! hahahahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1097
Wasn`t it beautiful???


Isn`t it beautiful????


Clap Clap Clap!!! hahahahaha

Your communist upbringing has trained you well!

OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1098

PS. My glorious Polish yes is stronger than your pathetic foreign no. Ha!!!! Poles know exactly what is good for them and you aren`t one.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1099
Poles know exactly what is good for them and you aren`t one.

Tusk has no honor and you still blindly support him with a schoolgirl's crush.

"Poland's Presidential Frontrunner Says Shocked by Family's Nazi Links - Donald Tusk's grandfather served in an auxiliary battalion in Germany's Wehrmacht for several months in WWII."

Tusk should have dropped out of the election over this scandal but didn't.

Oh, and don't forget about Tusk's own public displays of affection toward other Poland-hating despots.

Like Eurocrat Tusk, you too are merely a soviet-era passport Pole.

Two Polsko-Bolshevik relics with Molotov-Ribbentrop sentiments.

You know what they say, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

And in your case, neither do the nuts! :)
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1100
erved in an auxiliary battalion in Germany's Wehrmacht

Yes, because that was the fate of Poles under German rule in occupied parts of Poland incorporated into Nazi Germany.

Like Eurocrat Tusk,

11 million Poles voted for Tusk and other prodemocratic parties. Your rightist nationalist parties lost. Now you can whine and scowl but it is too late - the era of nasty bolsheviks has come to an end for decades! hahahaha

You are nobody from nowhere while it is Poles who decide about their country.

Clap clap clap!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1101
Yes, because that was the fate of Poles under German rule in occupied parts of Poland incorporated into Nazi Germany.

It wasn't a fate. It was a choice.

OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1102
It was a choice.

Exactly. Join Wehrmacht and defect to allied armies. That`s what his grandpa did.

The other option was to be sent to a concentration camp. Not just the objector but his whole family.

Poles know the truth that is why they chose Saviour Tusk for the Prime Minister. Your whining is a waste of time. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6430
23 Dec 2023   #1103
Tusk's grandfather served in an auxiliary battalion in Germany's Wehrmacht for several months in WWII."

They did not conscript Poles in the General Government, but from the areas incorporated into the Reich they conscripted them into the army. For refusing, there was a bullet in the head.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1104
That`s what his grandpa did.

Oh, so he voluntarily joined the Wehrmacht to save his own ass but then when he realized after several months that he was on the losing side he ran away and pretended that his actions were actually heroic.

Only you would believe this nonsense.

But then again, you do support Tusk blindly.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1105
so he voluntarily joined the Wehrmacht to save his own ass

Not only his but also saving his family from being sent to the camp.
It is amaSSing you prefer to skip the fact I already mentioned before.

You see, you are lying all the time like you breathe.

But then again, you do support Tusk

Of course!! And I am proud of it!!!! Like millions of other Poles! hahahahaha
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1106
Not only his but also saving his family

Exactly! For most Poles such a betrayal would be mark of family shame but not so for the Tusk's (or you)!

Indeed, today your own personal lord and savior Donald Tusk is not only a bigwig Eurocrat but he is a rich one too with a net worth estimated to be measured in millions of euros.

Like I said before, his grandfather's decision was a choice and you agreed that his choice benefited not only himself but his family and I would add it did so for generations afterwards.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1107
For most Poles

You are nobody from nowhere so don`t speak on behalf of Poles, darling. I can speak and a few other posters, too, coz we are Polish and reside in Poland.

Tusk is our Saviour and basta!!! hahahaha

he is a rich one

Excellent!!! We are living in a capitalist country where personal wealth is an asset.
Do you reside in Cuba where your communist rulers don`t allow you to be rich????
Poloniusz  5 | 969
23 Dec 2023   #1108
I can speak and a few other posters, too, coz we are Polish and reside in Poland.

You only speak for yourself and the only dunces who have ever sided with you on here have always been British.

We are living in a capitalist country where personal wealth is an asset.

Career politicians like the Eurocrat Tusk becoming multi-millionaires are not a result of capitalism but commie-style corruption where only a select few at the top benefit.
OP pawian  226 | 27558
23 Dec 2023   #1109
You only speak for yourself

No, darling, 11 million Poles voted for pro- democratic opposition who won the elections. Ha!!!!

at the top

BS, dalrling. Tusk got to the top in a truly capitalist style - through his hard work, ambition, perseverance. Good for him! Godess bless his wealth!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27558
28 Dec 2023   #1110
Just like the Saviour Tusk promised, the EU has just transfered the first batch of the suspended fund.
Today - 5 billion. Many more in the future.
The money will go for green energy programmes.
Thank you, Saviour!!!
Thank you, the EU!

Godess bless you all!

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